Rui Seabra at 2013-11-10T00:01:31Z
I don't think federation is working properly, I mean, logged in from my instance I can't comment in this thread, but I was perfectly able to share it...RuiSeabra, Rui Seabra likes this.
Ryan Weal at 2013-11-08T15:29:11Z
Interesting. Reading this made me think I was missing half the thread, and indeed I was... looking at it directly on identi.ca is totally different.
Rui Seabra likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-08-17T14:19:55Z
Paul, I'll put your account on my list of accounts to delete. Just to be clear: there are going to be no new identi.ca accounts, so once you're gone, you're gone. Let me know if you do want to stay.
I have put some time and effort into preserving important URLs on the site. In particular, notices URLs, conversation URLs, and user profile URLs. However, when you transfer to a new piece of software, a lot of stuff doesn't stay. So things like the search results page, or the user replies page, are somewhere else.
This is new software, though, and sometimes I get it wrong. If you see particular URLs not working, let me know. If you see a class of content URLs that you think can and should be redirecting, let me know that, too.
Not all user accounts were converted to the new platform. The ones that weren't will have downloads available on archive.org, and I'll try to redirect URLs there if possible.
My priorities for development are to keep this a living, active platform. But I also want to preserve the past and keep us part of the fabric of the web. So: no intention to throw things aside.Bob Jonkman, William L. Anderson, Steven Rosenberg, Stephen Sekula and 3 others likes this.
dper@identi.ca at 2013-07-13T14:46:11Z
This issue is an open bug, in fact. We would like to be able to make our posts public (or whatever, but not just "followers") by default.Rui Seabra likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2013-07-13T08:12:07Z
Gitorious 3.0 beta 1 https://gitorious.wordpress.com/2013/07/12/gitorious-3-0-beta-1/ !autonomousEvan Prodromou, Rui Seabra likes this.
ddevine@identi.ca at 2013-07-13T05:53:36Z
Who the fuck are all these people who think Google Docs is an adequate word processor? They must lack basic word processing skills.Rui Seabra likes this.
it's good enough for simple stuff like a letter or to print out a flyer for kindergarden ... I'm much more concerned about Google being able to read all your docsaxel668 (inactive) at 2013-07-13T07:46:30Z
ddevine@identi.ca likes this.
It's good enough for letters and my CV.I probably wouldn't write a 10,000 word thesis using it. What is it missing for you ?Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2013-07-13T08:44:16Z
I just had a second look, and it isn't missing any of the main things I was looking for. I don't think you could do drawings for basic diagrams and stuff last time I used it. However, it is still missing *a lot* in Android, and the full web version doesn't work in the Android browser (on something like an ASUS Transformer) either. Generally these days I refuse to use Google products anyway. I still have to retract my initial comment I guess.Evan Prodromou at 2013-06-10T04:38:17+00:00
@ratfink Some of the best stuff in the world exists because someone went back to fix a problem that was already solved.Rui Seabra likes this.
a(n) person, Rui Seabra shared this.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2013-06-07T22:40:22+00:00
Tupulpo, X11R5, Rui Seabra, McScx and 1 others likes this.
Jean-Marc Liotier, Rui Seabra, ZettaGeek shared this.
Frank Karlitschek at 2013-06-03T09:08:12+00:00
The ownCloud RSS Reader app reached 1.0 http://bit.ly/13z2tS6 A new Android app is also available http://bit.ly/17QFNmM Our community rocksRui Seabra likes this.
Rui Seabra shared this.
@fkarlitschek how comparable is it to ttrss? I wish the android app synced contacts and calendar...Evan Prodromou at 2013-05-29T00:53:38+00:00
I just heard of the first successful openshift.com deployment. Hopefully we can get it mechanized.Rui Seabra likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-05-26T12:01:18+00:00
There are a couple of cases of this, like when you log into another site and comment on a post there. But: hey, that process actually works!Rui Seabra likes this.
@evan I also need to run it behind Apache because I only have one IP and I can't waste it on one site alone...Evan Prodromou at 2013-05-26T11:52:39+00:00
@ruiseabra I'll bet you 1 bitcoin that there are more 7-day active users of identi.ca on June 1 2014 than June 1 2013.McScx, Valentin Villenave, Mike Linksvayer, Rui Seabra likes this.
Valentin Villenave shared this.
@evan sure, I'll be one of them in the meanwhile but crickets might be heard ;)Christopher Allan Webber at 2013-05-14T20:09:50+00:00
@jezra what about firefox?Rui Seabra likes this.
Jeremy Allison at 2013-04-24T15:41:48+00:00
As seen on Boingboing today (paraphrased). "The Human Centipede is an example of trickle-down economics".Rui Seabra likes this.
Rui Seabra, Rui Seabra shared this.
Jan Wildeboer at 2013-04-21T23:58:06+00:00
I am a nice guy. But she wants a 14.000 € watch. That's not something I can give. But I can cook. That's something :-)Rui Seabra likes this.
laurelrusswurm at 2013-04-20T16:24:05+00:00
@ruiseabra This is the first I have heard of "Hardware Freedom Day" so all I can say is that it is about time!Rui Seabra likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2013-02-22T20:34:21+00:00
As software becomes integrated with our thoughts and senses, free software stops being just a nerd issue and becomes a human rights issue.Denver Gingerich, Rui Seabra likes this.
@cwebber totally agree. Software Freedom should be a charted Human right.Shane Marks at 2013-02-21T14:02:10+00:00
@ruiseabra I think this is what you were looking for at FOSDEM? http://ur1.ca/cv7tzRui Seabra likes this.