bjavotte bjavotte@identi.ca
Gūshdūn, Iran
donnez moi un clavier et un point d'accès et je soulèverai le monde
Hilton Garcia Fernandes at 2013-07-11T01:17:31+00:00
@evan It will go fine: "Having been some days in preparation / A splendid time is guaranteed for all."Susan Pinochet, bjavotte, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2013-07-08T22:07:57+00:00
New blog post: "Participating in the !pumpio #community " (kudos to all you #pumpio devs/hackers) http://ur1.ca/ekoaa #freesoftwarebjavotte, JanKusanagi likes this.
bjavotte, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'., Paco Vila, Sander shared this.
Patrice at 2013-06-17T18:54:22+00:00
Remplacer Google Reader par (au choix) Tiny Tiny RSS, Leed, KrISS, Selfoss, Framanews, Sedna-SPIP,... http://dlvr.it/3XBxyv !biotechnofrbjavotte, Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
GNU MediaGoblin at 2013-06-17T14:32:47+00:00
!GNU !MediaGoblin v0.4.0 "Hall of the Archivist" released! Document/presentation support, better plugin tools, and more! http://ur1.ca/ecnvhbjavotte, Aleksej, RiveraValdez, Tyng-Ruey Chuang and 2 others likes this.
bjavotte, Ander Gómez, وليد سعود, mray INACTIVE and 7 others shared this.
YES! This is a super awesome release! Thank you EVERYONE who helped make it happen!Christopher Allan Webber at 2013-06-17T14:36:44+00:00
RiveraValdez likes this.
@mediagoblin Federation support? Someday I'll be able to make a bridge between MG, #OwnCloud and !Friendica, and that will make it easier.♻ GNU MediaGoblin v0.4.0 "Hall of the Archivist" released! Document/presentation support, better plugin tools, and more! http://ur1.ca/ecnvhAlexandre Oliva at 2013-06-17T16:15:44+00:00
RiveraValdez likes this.
Stefano Zacchiroli at 2013-06-20T11:50:50+00:00
« #Mir, the #Canonical CLA & skewing the playing field » http://identi.ca/url/76025389 ← great post by @mjg59 on #GPLv3 & #CLA interactionsbjavotte likes this.
bjavotte, mray INACTIVE shared this.
CorrisIT at 2013-06-25T00:20:18+00:00
The Freedom Online Coalition in Tunis: A Call To Governments To Limit Surveillance http://corris.it/3Yvgq1 | via @effbjavotte likes this.
bjavotte shared this.
CorrisIT at 2013-06-22T10:51:04+00:00
The H Roundup - VP 9, LibreOffice, Oracle, Red Hat and Java EE 7 http://corris.it/3YMKsN | The H Open Sourcebjavotte likes this.
bjavotte shared this.
luissoeiro at 2013-06-20T15:51:34+00:00
is there anybody testing Serval ( ur1.ca/edtx3 ) #floss infrastructure-independent communication system on demonstrations worldwide?bjavotte likes this.
bjavotte, Erkan Yılmaz shared this.
old how2doc: #Serval Mesh Users Manual: Serval-0.05, 15 Aug #2011,req: Huawei, similar #Android phone+code: http://ur1.ca/5a9cnDr. Roy Schestowitz at 2013-06-22T10:51:03+00:00
Free #internet with #wireless #mesh http://guifi.net/en/node/38392Jose R Rodriguez, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, bjavotte likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, bjavotte shared this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2013-06-22T11:26:06+00:00
PGP key (same one for nearly a decade) at http://schestowitz.com/PGP/ in case someone wants to contact privately ("subject" blank, put in "body")bjavotte likes this.
Vincent OpenSourcier at 2013-06-21T07:00:26+00:00
bjavotte likes this.
GNU MediaGoblin at 2013-06-17T16:10:32+00:00
Slate: "How to Block the NSA From Your Friends List" (MediaGoblin & friends are mentioned!) http://ur1.ca/ecorzbjavotte, Tyng-Ruey Chuang likes this.
bjavotte, Stefano Zacchiroli, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
Identi.ca, Diaspora also mentioned: http://ur1.ca/ecorzChristopher Allan Webber at 2013-06-17T16:11:31+00:00
Sean Tilley likes this.
Help this get up on slashdot: http://slashdot.org/firehose.pl?op=view&type=submission&id=2733561♺ @MediaGoblin #Slate: "How to Block the #NSA From Your Friends List" (#MediaGoblin #friendica #identi.ca #Diaspora) http://ur1.ca/ecorzJose R Rodriguez at 2013-06-17T18:41:29+00:00
°\•/° likes this.
Dr. Matt Lee at 2013-06-08T20:03:21+00:00
Marcio B. Jr., Demuxer blogspot.com, Paco Vila, Rob Myers and 7 others likes this.
ducuchu, Danc, Evan Prodromou, Moparx and 3 others shared this.
Patrick Haverkamp at 2013-06-07T21:19:33+00:00
So I was thinking the other day... The best community exp I have ever had was on #identicabjavotte, Evan Prodromou, John Drinkwater, James Robertson likes this.
Dvd Mrsdn shared this.
Yes/ That was quite a night wasn't it.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2013-06-08T14:46:49+00:00
Patrick Haverkamp likes this.
Yeah, better than twitter.Amy H. at 2013-06-08T15:28:16+00:00
Evan Prodromou likes this.
Identica is my favourite community, too.Evan Prodromou at 2013-06-08T16:04:16+00:00
Patrick Haverkamp, John Drinkwater likes this.
raffa at 2013-04-21T08:54:43+00:00
Vers la forêt comestible | Prise de Terre (v @nessyduloch) http://dlvr.it/3GFYvMbjavotte likes this.
idoric at 2013-04-16T12:49:00+00:00
Enfin lu, à lire absolument ! http://www.ur1.ca/d2yxp Sexisme chez les geeks : Pourquoi notre communauté est malade #MustReadbjavotte likes this.
fear_no_art, fear_no_art shared this.
raffa at 2013-04-17T09:53:03+00:00
Dans les Pyrénées, j’ai fait connaissance avec des néo-hippies « Citoyens en transition (v J. de Crombrugghe ) http://dlvr.it/3FHcpQbjavotte likes this.
bjavotte, bjavotte, Vincent OpenSourcier, Vincent OpenSourcier shared this.
raffa at 2013-04-14T07:41:54+00:00
Noam Chomsky appelle à la mobilisation générale « Occupy http://dlvr.it/3DWHQQbjavotte likes this.
raffa at 2013-04-12T07:22:31+00:00
Une réappropriation jardinière et potagère de la Petite Ceinture | Quartiers en transition (v @ehooge) http://dlvr.it/3D2rJdraffa at 2013-03-18T10:15:01+00:00
On the skill of sharing and the sharing of skills | Transition Network http://dlvr.it/35kYwXHilton Garcia Fernandes, bjavotte likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, bjavotte, bjavotte shared this.