etalas etalas@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
linux user #374145, sysadmin, might show slightly fanboyish behavior towards #OpenBSD, #PostgreSQL and sometimes even #Solaris. Likes good #graffiti/#streetart.
2014-03-10T14:38:34Z via Puma To: Public
I'm somewhat tempest to take a black edding and change a detail on this one to '2073' g #streetart #grafitti #berlin
2014-01-26T15:39:50Z via Puma To: Public
Fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck, #OrderOfReason / #Technocrates in Paris' police?!
Stupid, stupid Akashi using magic on public places… even when it's coincidental.
( :D #RPG #MtA #Magus)2014-01-12T08:23:42Z via Puma To: Public
Guess I should use the (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag3G1EC31Xc&desktop_uri=/watch?v=Ag3G1EC31Xc)[opening theme of #KurokoNoBasket S2] for my alarm clock, sure get's me up & moving
Arghl…opening theme of #KurokoNoBasket S2…grumble stupid markdown /grumble
2014-01-01T08:55:47Z via Puma To: Public
Somehow the tune of [http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rP3y45dVDCI&desktop_uri=/watch?v=rP3y45dVDCI](Bokura no Tsubasa) snuck into my head… I sure hope there will be a #haganai LAST ^^”
2013-12-11T07:13:09Z via Puma To: Public
Hitomi Harada - Anicca <3 #MachineDoll #anime #KikouShoujo
2013-11-16T17:17:09Z via Puma To: Public
Well,#crap. A few serving spoons of #coconut milk #hotchocolate too much for this mug to handle :/
I gotta admit it's a reasonably good day when I'm only complaining 'bout something like this ^^
2013-11-10T09:36:55Z via Puma To: Public
“Schlaflied” by #SamsasTraum :D
2013-11-09T04:21:45Z via Puma To: Public
Can't #sleep? How 'bout spending 2 hours replacing the fan of a #Lenovo #x200 and taking the whole thing apart with a barely fitting screwdriver?
In #hindsight not such a #greatidea … but the thing boots (no more “FAN ERROR”! :D) and basic components are working. Good enough for me I guess.2013-10-29T09:12:47Z via Puma To: Public
http://www.wastedtalent.ca/comic/nightmare-ends :D
medicalconcern #swordfighting #webcomic
2013-10-28T10:01:18Z via Puma To: Public
I kinda like old #SciFi from a time when every calculation was solvable with enough tubes and rockets where the way to go into space - and aliens where actually #alien in body and mind. #EscapePod 400 is a rather nice piece of this kind of SciFi: Arthur C. Clarke's “Rescue Party” with every character voiced by a different member of the #EscapeArtistsInc crew(s):
http://escapepod.org/2013/06/18/ep400-rescue-party/2013-10-25T09:41:49Z via Puma To: Public
You know you're listening to #OpenBSD release songs too often when the lyrics of the next one start in your head after you listened to one of them… !BSD
Steve likes this.
2013-09-21T17:39:46Z via Puma To: Public
I guess #dating can be a little difficult when you're a #madscientist: http://escapepod.org/2013/06/06/ep399-my-heart-is-a-quadratic-equation/ ^^
made myself a new #toy to #exercise with :D
2013-09-19T19:34:30Z via Puma To: Public
Poor hacker's (not quite) a #kettlebell. No idea bout the actual weight, but the added ~10 issues of #ct and 6m of iron chain make my back complain after 20 swings ^^”
2013-09-18T18:49:41Z via Puma To: Public
My flatmate just came to my door with a #puzzled look on his face after he heard me #singalong with “Our Favorite Hacks” (which is - as you all know by now - the release song for #OpenBSD 5.4: http://openbsd.org/54.html ;)) in the highest voice my throat is able to produce :D #flatshare
2013-09-18T06:12:26Z via Puma To: Public
The release song for #OpenBSD 5.4 is a fun one: http://www.openbsd.org/lyrics.html#54 ^^ !BSD
2013-08-31T09:50:10Z via Puma To: Public
I just listened to “The Tale of the Golden Eagle”, read by the author himself on #EscapePod, and the amazingly wonderful story made me shed tears:
http://escapepod.org/2013/06/28/ep402-the-tale-of-the-golden-eagle/2013-08-14T07:06:35Z via Puma To: Public
Started the day with some #CostelloMusic (by #TheFratellis), then continued with #RatholeRadio 107 (http://ratholeradio.org/2013/08/ep107/) but some stuff in there (might have been the #gospel'y song) left me in a need for #StillsteStund (s/t like “Sternenwacht”…) or #Neuroticfish - until #acast pissed me off; now playing: #Angelspit - A La Mode, A La Mort
!rr !listening #music2013-08-14T06:58:49Z via Puma To: Public
srsly, #acast, stop wiping may playlist or I'll won't care any longer about keeping track of what I've already heard of /those/ podcasts and move them over to #antennapod, too… grml
2013-08-10T06:25:54Z via Puma To: Public
Even when threatening someone #Grace stays as #kind as always:
http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1680 ^^ElGoonishShive #FamilyTree #NotTengu
2013-08-10T06:00:04Z via Puma To: Public
“Just Kill Everything”: „killall -T will now [kill all processes associated with the current tty][1], except parents of the killall process itself. It's a shortcut to “kill all these runaway items I started by accident”.” :D
[1] http://lists.dragonflybsd.org/pipermail/commits/2013-July/130451.html
(from http://www.shiningsilence.com/dbsdlog/2013/08/02/12193.html)
!BSD #DragonflyBSD #kill