from: My Blog
Guruprasad L, organictraveller, Sean Tilley, Debacle and 13 others likes this.
Guruprasad L, Iñaki Arenaza, Sarah Elkins, EricxDu and 13 others shared this.
interesting twist, at least in the US, passwords are also considered speech and thus subject to those protections against government coercion, but biometrics, such as fingerprints, are not. So at least here, the police can't force you to give the password to unlock your phone, but they can compel you to unlock it with a fingerprint scanner if that'll work by itself.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-03-11T20:45:28Z
A simple, standard, C program. Compiling and running it shouldn't produce any surprises... except when it does. The first time I got that, it was quite confusing. So, strace to the rescue -- I thought. But nope: No luck there. What's going on? No, it's not some race condition whereby the file is being removed. A simple ls -l will show it's there, a...
Federico, Charles Stanhope likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-02-22T17:31:51Z
The distribution model is broken! if you get your software from a distribution you have to trust the package maintainer not to add malicious code!
Federico, Sarah Elkins, sazius likes this.
moved away shared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-02-14T08:49:31Z
Dear node.js/node-webkit people, what's the matter with you?
I wanted to try out some stuff that requires node-webkit. So I try to use npm to download, build and install it, like CPAN would do.
But then I see that the nodewebkit package is just a stub that downloads a 37MB file (using HTTP without TLS) containing pre-compiled binaries. Are you guys...
Federico, Tupulpo, Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.
Tupulpo, Stephen Michael Kellat, jrobertson, jrobertson shared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2015-11-20T19:32:02Z
Somebody please design a board game that use those stickers as tiles.
Bonus points if it uses pieces from the piecepack (because. public. domain. boardgame. kit.).
I'm seriously considering printing out a couple of sets on cardstock and start moving them around in search of ideas, but I have zero experience as a game designer.
P.S. the link at the bottom in "License: Same as git-annex logo" points to a page where there is no mention of a license; after a bit of browsing I've found;a=blob_plain;f=debian/copyright;hb=HEAD (I guess this is the relevant url, is it?).
Federico likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2015-09-29T12:52:26Z
Federico, Charles Stanhope, jrobertson likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2015-10-14T19:00:14Z
Crediamo che la comunicazione con strumenti digitali sia un diritto fondamentale dell’essere umano moderno. Lavoriamo per costruire una rete che difende questo diritto e stiamo organizzando una raccolta fondi.
Sabato 31 Ottobre 2015 non potete mancare ad Halloween Cyberpunk 2015!
Federico likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2015-05-08T19:03:07Z
Federico, sazius, Douglas Perkins, Stephen Michael Kellat and 2 others likes this.
Olivier Mehani shared this.
Lars Wirzenius at 2015-05-06T13:23:12Z
Federico, Douglas Perkins, Stephen Michael Kellat, and 6 others likes this.
Lars Wirzenius at 2015-05-06T12:54:47Z
Federico, Olivier Mehani, Stefano Zacchiroli, Douglas Perkins and 15 others likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat, Stefano Zacchiroli, Douglas Perkins, Douglas Perkins and 5 others shared this.
Lars Wirzenius at 2015-05-06T13:23:12Z
Federico, Douglas Perkins, Stephen Michael Kellat, and 6 others likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2015-05-08T19:03:07Z
Federico, sazius, Douglas Perkins, Stephen Michael Kellat and 2 others likes this.
JanKusanagi at 2015-04-26T13:48:19Z
A little offtopic:
For those new pumpers who came here to follow @Debian Project, let me post a link to our User Guide, so you can get more out of =)
Cheers! o/
Federico, Mike Linksvayer likes this.
Debian Project at 2015-04-25T18:57:20Z
Debian is a huge project, 1000+ developers, 21000+ sources. Get a feeling of what project wide changes requires:
Federico, der.hans, Francisco M García Claramonte, lostson likes this.
Francisco M García Claramonte shared this.