Paul Pritchard at 2013-02-09T13:08:04+00:00
@jrobb Indeed it is. It's the only thing that keeps me going until beer o'clock ;-)jrobb_identica likes this.
Peter Cannon at 2013-01-15T14:46:20+00:00
I think with Fab the subject is immaterial.jrobb_identica likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-01-09T14:18:29+00:00
Worried about !identica ? Here is a preview of what changes will look like in the future. http://ur1.ca/cgqz8Tomi Toivio, Aleksej, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Joseph and 15 others likes this.
Tomi Toivio, Tomi Toivio, Vicente Aguiar, Vicente Aguiar and 30 others shared this.
Show all 8 replieswhat is this I don't @evanDavid Haberthür (moved to μ.davidhaberthür.ch) likes this.
News on !identica future http://ur1.ca/cgqz8 Both #pumpio and !statusnet development go on! Thanks @evan + #freesoftware #community #oleoleLaura Arjona Reina at 2013-01-09T15:47:46+00:00
Tomi Toivio, Maj, ghostdancer, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Since the data is mostly static, couchbase is the better fit. #2czoowar at 2013-01-09T20:25:29+00:00
Evan Prodromou likes this.
nybill at 2013-01-06T02:45:39+00:00
Ha! Where there is a will, there is a way: http://ur1.ca/cf367jrobb_identica likes this.
nybill at 2012-07-16T20:51:27+00:00
@x1101 ...nothing says refreshment on a hot day like mashed potato's and gravy. 'murica!jrobb_identica, doodleberry likes this.
@nybill with a nice cold beer yes :-)Theru at 2012-07-15T15:09:57+00:00
@nybill mouse ? what is wrong with the keyboard :)navigium, jrobb_identica likes this.
Paul Pritchard at 2012-07-15T14:06:51+00:00
How corporate priorities are set: http://ur1.ca/9s76w #Dilbertjrobb_identica likes this.
Gordon Sinclair, Gordon Sinclair shared this.
Evan Prodromou at 2012-07-10T14:46:56+00:00
That's not how babies are made. #fyijrobb_identica likes this.
Richard Fontana at 2012-07-09T18:10:43+00:00
@rms has reportedly said: "Exploring ideas for a modified copyleft license can't hurt". Take that, !establishment ! #Copyleft.nextjrobb_identica, Alexandro P., Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat, Stephen Michael Kellat shared this.
Windigo at 2011-09-20T01:56:38+00:00
@jonkulp !heybuddy still shows the good 'ol nick - which is good, because I don't know who the fuck most of these people are. :Djrobb_identica likes this.
r7 at 2011-09-19T22:00:31+00:00
i prefer to see peoples' nicks rather than their full names, should be optional behaviourBrian van den Broek, kabniel@identi.ca, Adhidarma Hadiwinoto, Jenny Ondioline and 4 others likes this.
Daniel Aguayo Catalán, Daniel Aguayo Catalán shared this.
cypherpunk at 2011-09-19T22:09:27+00:00
please stop updates like abc joined the group xyz - !sn !identicabananabob, drew Roberts, a(n) person, jrobb_identica likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person shared this.
Evan Prodromou at 2011-09-19T19:55:11+00:00
Hello 1.0.0 world!Hilton Garcia Fernandes, a(n) person, Evan Prodromou, Chatterbox and 17 others likes this.
k1efer, k1efer, Nandan, Nandan and 8 others shared this.
Show all 9 replies@evan Nice, thanks for the nice work. :DA big day for the future of social networking! @evan, you are paving the way...a(n) person likes this.
Craig Maloney at 2011-08-06T18:15:53+00:00
Soccer does look likes hard sport. You have to run around on a large field and act like you give a shit.Cyber Killer, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, jrobb_identica likes this.
@snapl, but isn't this like every ball game including American football and rugby?Steven! Ragnarök at 2011-08-05T03:37:30+00:00
Fastest discovery to Firefox app tab ever: http://hifutureself.com/webapp/jrobb_identica likes this.
Stav Prodromou at 2011-04-09T22:20:12+00:00
Acer's Honeycomb !Android Tablet Coming April 24 for $449.99 http://mashable.com/2011/04/08/acer-iconia-tab-a500/jrobb_identica likes this.
rolly at 2011-02-17T12:22:18+00:00
Would you like to convert an image to pdf? Simple with !GNU !Linux and #imagemagik: ~$ convert file.jpg -quality 85 +compress newfile.pdfJavier A. Villalba, jrobb_identica likes this.
Shane Marks at 2011-02-09T01:12:29+00:00
@EFF: VICTORY: PATRIOT Act sneak attack beaten back, House fails to extend #PATRIOTAct this evening! Thanks to all who took action! !LOjrobb_identica likes this.
@smarks Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act. that's a mouthful♺ @smarks: @EFF: VICTORY: sneak attack beaten back House fails to extend #PATRIOTAct this evening! Thanks to all who took action!Alberto Maturano at 2011-01-29T20:35:53+00:00
“What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months.” | !q #programmingYasen Pramatarov, jrobb_identica likes this.