Mario López marioalopezt@identi.ca
Tampico, Mexico
Computer systems engineer who loves to travel, go to the beach and listen rock 'n' roll and electronic music.
Las ideas de los que clonan mis productos valen más que eliminarlos con demandas
Rebel Jedi at 2017-03-16T15:22:41Z
El emprendedor Bunnie Huang comparte en internet los diseños del hardware de sus productos para que cualquiera pueda mejorarlos, lo que le da nuevas ideas que le ayudan a seguir emprendiendo.
Mario López likes this.
juancuyo shared this.
Northern Lights
Krugor at 2017-09-24T08:10:24Z
Northern Lights over Otertinden, from the Signaldalen valley, Norway.
Mario López, juancuyo, clacke@libranet.de ❌, GNUstav Huarcaya and 3 others likes this.
juancuyo, juancuyo, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌ and 7 others shared this.
EVAnaRkISTO at 2013-10-08T16:22:09Z
Discrepo en lo de los mejores: Son los más preparados para un sistema capitalista. Si no tienen una educación y visión humanísticas no cambiarán nada.
Para mí los mejores son los que logran (pequeños) cambios que mejoran el buen vivir común, o por lo menos lo intentan.
Mario López, juancuyo likes this.
Cuenta cancelada at 2013-10-08T12:47:09Z
En este pensamiento vagabundo que son las redes sociales, debemos mirar siempre con el rabillo del ojo los números de esta sangría continua de la España peregrina: siempre se van los mejores.
Más de 700 000 españoles se han ido al extranjero por la crisis
Mario López likes this.
Mario López, CUENTA NO ACTIVA, juancuyo shared this.
Discrepo en lo de los mejores: Son los más preparados para un sistema capitalista. Si no tienen una educación y visión humanísticas no cambiarán nada.
Para mí los mejores son los que logran (pequeños) cambios que mejoran el buen vivir común, o por lo menos lo intentan.
Mario López, juancuyo likes this.
Cuenta cancelada at 2013-10-08T06:43:36Z
Mario López, Luis Ángel Pérez, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
Mario López, EVAnaRkISTO, CUENTA NO ACTIVA, juancuyo shared this.
sazius old account at 2013-09-07T09:29:17Z
PuppetMast3r, Mario López, Mark Jaroski, Cyber Killer and 14 others likes this.
Mario López, Mario López, Nicholas Sanders, Nicholas Sanders and 10 others shared this.
Hey, that's really good. Do you talk to that guy on google+ (I don't have an acct) Think it would be alright if I append the gnunet addy for the video onto that?Sorry, I don't know the original source, I just reshared something that Tobias Diekershoff shared on Friendica :-)
Sigh, doesn't matter... Someone else actually posted it but mattl, friend of all the elite haXorrz, just censored it http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/1lxaai/big_antinsa_demonstration_in_the_streets_of/ I don't care how popular that guy is or what his connection to the FSF is, that guys a dick who serves his own needs before Freedom.Rebel Jedi at 2013-08-13T12:53:11Z
Fanta, Mario López, Christian - Identica, rocky and 6 others likes this.
Javier Llorente, Mario López, juancuyo, juancuyo and 1 others shared this.
Arne Babenhauserheide at 2013-04-21T22:32:42+00:00
“I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code” ⇒ Reverse-engineer the planet! — That’s called !scienceDalba, Mario López, Bruce Cowan, Dennis Zeit and 2 others likes this.
Mario López, Mario López, Dennis Zeit, Dennis Zeit and 4 others shared this.
♻ @arnebab: “I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code” ⇒ Reverse-engineer the planet! That’s called scienceSatipera at 2013-03-05T01:47:14+00:00
This is such an unusual photo it looks likes it has been gimped. (It has not) http://ur1.ca/cyrsrLady J, Mario López, Marcio B. Jr. likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez at 2012-11-05T06:46:42+00:00
!Mx…colonia ibérica clasista…difícil aceptar q #cihuapilli de 11años se chingó en matemáticas a sus 'nenas' con 'compu' http://t.co/s5KNkwzmMario López likes this.
Mario López, Mario López shared this.
Jose R Rodriguez at 2012-11-05T06:38:21+00:00
!Mexico's best #Mathematics student is #Tamaulipas state's 11yr-old bronzed girl…nobody helps her to continue studying http://goo.gl/lJ6rXMario López likes this.
Mario López, Mario López shared this.
Seamus Boyer at 2012-08-29T18:33:53+00:00
Some people like to collect followers, like stamps. It inflates their egoMario López likes this.
Mario López, Mario López shared this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2012-08-30T00:21:00+00:00
@mariolopezt klout appreciates your endorsement of their metric. ;-)Mario López likes this.
Mario López, Mario López shared this.
Joel Adamson at 2012-01-30T19:59:15+00:00
Thanks for posting this; I recommend !fs and !gnu to every administrator or teacher I meet; now I can refer them to http://ur1.ca/2bzaiMario López, Rajit Vikram Singh likes this.
Mario López, Mario López shared this.
Dr. Matt Lee at 2010-05-13T19:28:12+00:00
Delete your Facebook account: http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=delete_accountOsama Khalid, Dr. Matt Lee, Mario López, Ubiquit and 1 others likes this.
bhuvanesh, bhuvanesh, Jan Ulrich Jensen, Jan Ulrich Jensen shared this.
@mattl soon, mate :)Tomás Solar Castro at 2010-05-06T17:33:40+00:00
en el BBVA usan !GNU !Linux en las cajas \o/Mario López likes this.