Y lo que es "Capitalismo visible de manual" es cuando salen difuminadas los logos de las marcas que aparecen en la ropa de la gente del programa, y que no han pagado la publicidad correspondiente.
victorhck likes this.
undeletable unchangeable unuseable for years at 2016-10-25T23:43:05Z
I did it! I did it! I built a Pringles ringle! No glue, just physics.
victorhck, Douglas Perkins likes this.
Krugor at 2016-10-15T08:53:46Z
Fairphone Open 16.10.0 is now available
Pensez à mettre à jour votre téléphone :)
victorhck, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
victorhck, EVAnaRkISTO shared this.
EVAnaRkISTO at 2016-10-16T12:03:20Z
Veinte preguntas de Yahoo Respuestas que nos hacen temer lo peor respecto al futuro de la especie
--, victorhck, Francisco M García Claramonte, ximoberna and 6 others likes this.
Tuxita, ximoberna, ximoberna, GNUstav Huarcaya and 3 others shared this.
Happy birthday, and thanks for all your hard work! \o/
JanKusanagi at 2016-09-27T16:31:51Z
Free Software Foundation, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
La nanotecnología da para todo, incluso para llevar las más alocadas ideas al terreno de la realidad. Este fue el caso de Phillip Burgess, que aprovechó las bondades de la fabulosa y versátil Raspberry Pi Zero para construir el arcade más pequeño del mundo utilizando la plataforma MAME.
El pequeño dispositivo, que es perfectamente jugable, incorpora un display RGB OLED de 0.96 pulgadas y un amplificador de audio. La idea fue rápidamente llevada a la práctica por Burgess, que se tomó apenas un fin de semana para concluir su obra.
La idea del desarrollador no es comercializar el equipo sino, que, por el contrario, ha publicado una guía donde detalla todos los materiales necesarios para armar un gadget de estas características. Para tener una idea de su tamaño, solo hay que chequear sus dimensiones: 67.2mm x 33.6mm x 35.8mm.
Video: https://youtu.be/0O0DeRL7P-w
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>> elio:
“[...] El pequeño dispositivo, que es perfectamente jugable [...]”
Creo que tenemos definiciones diferentes de lo que es "perfectamente jugable" xD
JanKusanagi at 2016-09-19T17:17:28Z
elio likes this.
Jappi berdei!!
Alberto Moshpirit, victorhck, dbillyx, Michele Montagna and 5 others likes this.
victorhck, dbillyx, EVAnaRkISTO shared this.
Michele Montagna at 2016-09-18T22:19:06Z
Tuxita likes this.
dbillyx at 2016-09-19T03:52:20Z
Tuxita likes this.
>> dbillyx:
“Cuando veo estas notas y recuerdo que desde ese entonces lo vengo usando... me siento tan viejo jeje
Seis años como si nada...”
Puff, dímelo a mí... :)
Yo también lo vengo usando prácticamente desde sus inicios y a día de hoy ha evolucionado mucho.
Krugor at 2016-09-08T07:11:11Z
Christophe Schockaert, Face, AJ Jordan, PuppetMast3r and 2 others likes this.
Christophe Schockaert, Face, Face, Face and 3 others shared this.
Scott Sweeny, sazius, Kraka, GNUstav Huarcaya and 1 others likes this.
victorhck shared this.
undeletable unchangeable unuseable for years at 2016-09-05T07:35:18Z
A letter sent to Iceland with a hand-drawn map instead of address actually arrives
Letter Sent to Iceland with Hand-Drawn Map Instead of Address Actually Arrives at DestinationAlthough Iceland is having a moment as a top travel destination, it hasn't lost its small village charm. A letter with a hand-drawn map in place of a written-out address was mailed to a farm in Hvammseit, West Iceland. Not only did it get processed through the mail system, it was successfully delivered to the correct address!
This incredible feat of postal service, which recently surfaced on Reddit, consisted of an envelope labeled with the country, city name, and the line "A horse farm with an Icelandic/Danish couple and 3 kids and a lot of sheep." In case there were several farms which fit this description, the envelope sender included an extra piece of recipient identification: "The Danish woman works in a supermarket in Búðardalur." What looks like an accompanying illustration is a street map of the intended delivery address, complete with a diagram of the nearby lake, names of crossroads, and a big red dot, marking the farm as "here."
According to a local Icelandic news service,…
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Tuxita at 2016-09-02T18:36:27Z
EVAnaRkISTO, victorhck likes this.
EVAnaRkISTO at 2016-08-31T10:45:48Z
trox, victorhck, Iván Ruvalcaba likes this.
victorhck, Colegota, Iván Ruvalcaba shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2016-09-01T15:55:35Z
B. Ross Ashley, victorhck likes this.
Suso Comesaña at 2016-08-29T09:55:42Z
El debate sobre el copyright de las comida es como las mareas, va y viene. Recuerdo haber leído sobre ello hace ya 10 años, en los foros gastron
l30bravo, victorhck likes this.
Colegota, victorhck shared this.