git push!
Simó Albert i Beltran at 2014-04-30T11:20:08Z
git clone dunetna roger
cd roger
git remote add sim6
git fetch sim6
git merge sim6/master
git remote add roger
git push roger master
Mònica likes this.
Stefano Zacchiroli at 2014-04-24T08:14:29Z
possibly the single most important contribution by #XKCD to community building http://xkcd.com/1357/Mònica, a(n) person, Jason Self, a(n) person and 1 others likes this.
Debian Project at 2014-04-03T16:17:35Z
Francisco M García Claramonte, mray INACTIVE, trox, lostson and 6 others likes this.
Simó Albert i Beltran, mray INACTIVE, Artopal, Mònica shared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2014-04-03T08:00:57Z
Mini-Debconf Barcelona videos now available
Mini-Debconf Barcelona videos now available | Tassia's Blog | Just another acaia.ca siteHello world!!! For those who were impatiently waiting for the Mini-Debconf Barcelona videos, there you go, enjoy it! We'll probably have subtitles and some late slides soon, so come back after a while. Thank you very much for all those who make this adventure possible!
yay! videos!
If you want to help with the subtitles, contact the DebConfSubs team (and check the documentation on the debconf wiki
@Debian @Gruppo Linux Como @LIFOaether, Mònica, a(n) person, Eugenio M. Vigo and 1 others likes this.
Mònica, n2t, Francesca Ciceri shared this.
Francesca Ciceri at 2014-04-01T19:06:40Z
LOL @ https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2014-April/017145.html
Tagging proposal for clouds in OSM mailing list. I really love April 1st. #osm (via @Elena ``of Valhalla''
Mònica likes this.
Mònica, Simó Albert i Beltran shared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2014-04-01T13:49:27Z
Bits from Debian - Debian Project elects Javier Merino Cacho as Project LeaderTue 01 April 2014 by Francesca Ciceri and Ana Guerrero Lopez with tags dpl vote In accordance with its constitution, the Debian Project has just elected Javier Merino Cacho as Debian Project Leader. More than 80% of voters put him as their first choice (or equal first) on their ballot papers. Javier's large majority over his opponents shows how his...
Let us all bang our spears on our shields for the new @Debian Project Leader!RiveraValdez, Mònica, Stefano Zacchiroli, Francesca Ciceri likes this.
vicantre, Mònica, Cuenta cancelada, Stefano Zacchiroli and 1 others shared this.
Numerical Sex Positions
Mònica likes this.
Tech Support
Random comic from the Archives
I recently had someone ask me to go get a computer and turn it on so I could restart it. He refused to move further in the script until I said I had done that.
Mònica, Gustav Hartvigsson, jpope likes this.
ISO 8601
Random comic from the Archives
ISO 8601 was published on 06/05/88 and most recently amended on 12/01/04.
Mònica, chris, Owen Shepherd likes this.
Krugor, Simon Descarpentries, chris, chris and 1 others shared this.
Preferred Chat System
Mònica, axel, Evan Prodromou, lnxwalt@microca.st and 2 others likes this.
Olivier Mehani, Olivier Mehani, Olivier Mehani shared this.
Random comic from the Archives
I once worked on a friend's dad's computer. He had the hard drive divided into six partitions, C: through J:, with a 'Documents' directory tree on each one. Each new file appeared to be saved to a partition at random. I knew enough not to ask.
Mònica, Douglas Perkins likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2013-07-23T19:11:16Z
XUDD bug #12: https://github.com/xudd/xudd/issues/12 "XUDD is hosted on GitHub"Mònica, Stefano Zacchiroli, Charles Stanhope, Matt Molyneaux likes this.
Stefano Zacchiroli, Raúl Benencia shared this.
Show all 12 repliesI could probably use MediaGoblin's Trac or so to host multiple projects, but that would kind of be abusing my position in MediaGoblin: it's not a MediaGoblin project (though if things go really well, they are likely to intersect in the future) @joeyh: I do like ikiwiki's integrated tracking of all those things; probably it's true that I should give it more attention at some point ;)Laura Arjona Reina at 2013-04-09T20:42:03+00:00
¿Cuántos usuarios de #Linux hacen falta para cambiar 1 bombilla? by @tannhausser @afmachado http://t.co/3mMHW6EnVK #humor #fun #communityrafael, rafael, Wences René Arana Fuentes, Wences René Arana Fuentes and 8 others shared this.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2013-03-21T15:55:42+00:00
A true (and funny) story about why quality control is essential in #translations http://t.co/t6HaQpOAqn. #QA #fun /via @TranslationIsUXMònica likes this.
Simó Albert i Beltran, Simó Albert i Beltran, Mònica, Mònica shared this.
@larjona and also about the inner evilness of autoresponders :)Francesca Ciceri at 2013-03-12T10:09:34+00:00
parenting: you're doing it right → http://ur1.ca/d1g8l | brilliant on so many level... (via @chiui) !geekfeminismLisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer, Simó Albert i Beltran, Simó Albert i Beltran and 4 others shared this.