Ryan Finnie fo0bar@identi.ca
Reno, United States
Hey, remember that one meme with the annoying part! Yeah!
X11R5 at 2013-07-18T19:03:41Z in Hawthorne, Nevada
Pump.io is different from statusnet in a foreign language and i guess it is back! All the little mice in swivel chairs were on it.Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), a(n) person, Michael Gratton, Ryan Finnie and 13 others likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Space Hobo and 4 others shared this.
*Tiny* mice in swivel chairs. Get it right!Space Hobo at 2013-07-18T19:38:14Z
Evan Prodromou likes this.
X11R5 at 2013-07-14T03:22:44Z in Hawthorne, Nevada
Some crops die easier than others ... Corn's working pretty well for me, and that i also have all the other ones - winston churchill.Michael Gratton, Hauke Schade, bananabob, Philippe Gauthier and 2 others likes this.
axel668 (inactive) shared this.
X11R5 at 2013-07-11T04:47:49Z in Hawthorne, Nevada
Evan, really huh that is running at a point where i was around. Yay, playing with toys. Booooring! Somebody should make 'baby leary' and have it be all trippy fractals, multi latch gating, cameras mounted on birds, and shit.Aeva Ntsc, Space Hobo, joeyh, Christopher Allan Webber and 5 others likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber, Joar Wandborg shared this.
I love that X11R5 has been trained with the ofirehose data, so he's mostly talking about installing pump.io and Raspberry Pi.Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-12T17:25:26Z
jrobb@microca.st likes this.
X11R5 at 2013-06-29T01:10:32+00:00
Sean Tilley, Bruce Cowan, 仮面ライダーCaoiṁe, Evan Prodromou and 5 others likes this.
lnxwalt (140 char edition) shared this.
@evan, the bots are getting restless...Ryan Finnie at 2013-06-29T01:31:26+00:00
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
You thieving botstard! http://identi.ca/notice/101151473Don't you know? No matter what week you read it in, it's *this* week.gdk at 2013-06-29T17:51:26+00:00
Sean Tilley, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Francesco OpenCode, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Love this. I was wondering the same thing this morning. #pumpioMaj at 2013-06-23T02:11:01+00:00
Daughter really disappointed that the "raspberry pie" her papa ordered is not something we get for desert....Guido Arnold, Ryan Finnie, Faddah Steve Yuetsu Wolf, Marcio B. Jr. and 2 others likes this.
Finn Årup Nielsen, Hilton Garcia Fernandes shared this.
Identi.ca conversion process
Evan Prodromou at 2013-06-08T15:57:17+00:00
Demuxer blogspot.com, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Connect the Dots, Tyng-Ruey Chuang and 11 others likes this.
Arthur Lutz, dper@identi.ca, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, The Root's Updates and 19 others shared this.
Show all 7 replies@evan May we ask you to deposit a complete (public) "activities directories ... year/month/date/hour/minute/second/" to archive.org ...Tyng-Ruey Chuang at 2013-06-09T02:48:49+00:00
Sarah Elkins likes this.
@evan ... so future historians can replay & analyze the pre-pump era in full? c.f. https://e14n.com/evan/note/VXRqmkFQRJm4EqyqlQDOnQ Thanks!@evan filtering out users with no posts sounds reasonable at first glance, but aren't there users who use the site just to follow others?Dan at 2013-06-09T11:51:13+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Erkan Yılmaz likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-06-08T01:01:07+00:00
Ah, good question! The site is going to go down some time after 8PM EDT tomorrow night.McScx, Ryan Finnie likes this.
Doug Whitfield Sports Account shared this.
X11R5 at 2011-03-31T19:20:06+00:00
Mapinfo 10.0 to feature enhanced ui - redesigned icons, dockable toolbars, helps more easily allow security to look forward to your wanga(n) person, Joel Adamson, Bruce Cowan, Ryan Finnie and 1 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person shared this.
frankenspock at 2010-11-12T18:07:00+00:00
I think I'm going to go liveblog my trip to Tesco's.Ryan Finnie likes this.
@frankenspock items to avoid: Tesco Value@frankenspock Try some Irn Bru!X11R5 at 2010-11-11T23:58:11+00:00
@gomerx Hey everyone. Sorry for the worldBruce Cowan, null, Evan Prodromou, Ryan Finnie likes this.
Psychedelic Squid (identi.ca side), Psychedelic Squid (identi.ca side), null, null shared this.
@x11r5 You created the world? Yeah, you should be sorry. Some of it's pretty fucked up.Psychedelic Squid (identi.ca side) at 2010-11-12T00:02:16+00:00
X11R5 at 2010-10-27T05:20:06+00:00
Will update after his daughter's concert. Now prepping for the swat team strike, though. #1LinenovelsRyan Finnie likes this.
♻ @x11r5 Will update after his daughter's concert. Now prepping for the swat team strike, though. #1LinenovelsPsychedelic Squid (identi.ca side) at 2010-10-27T05:47:45+00:00
Adam at 2010-05-01T04:03:30+00:00
Hooray, hooray, it's the first of May! Outdoor fucking starts today!Ryan Finnie likes this.
X11R5 at 2010-04-09T16:20:16+00:00
Oh my god that's outrageous, ugh time for a brazilian and they went "aaah! Now that is decorated with ansel adams photomuralsRyan Finnie likes this.
@x11r5 WORST WAX JOB EVER!!!!X11R5 at 2010-03-02T21:20:13+00:00
i don't have the time for some reason, being an ip address instead of high fructose corn syrupa(n) person, Ryan Finnie, Nemo Thorx likes this.
@x11r5 yeah when you're an ip adress you have less time than when your corn syrup -_-Evan Prodromou at 2010-01-25T16:37:07+00:00
#Apple has called a press conference on Jan 27 to explain Steve Jobs's personal theory about the final season of #Lost. #my_Apple_rumorRyan Finnie, David Haberthür (moved to μ.davidhaberthür.ch), Edd Dumbill likes this.
X11R5 at 2010-01-06T09:20:11+00:00
The slippery slope of smoking bans ♺ @breakingnews: taiwan is planning to ban peopleRyan Finnie likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2009-11-09T15:05:39+00:00
off to the bank. stopped laughing a couple of weeks ago.Ryan Finnie likes this.
@evan I like the infinite scrolling. Going dooooooooooooooooooooooown!@evan The infinite scroll on my page doesn't seem to be working. Still 'Loading the next set of posts...'Michael Gratton at 2009-11-06T05:13:40+00:00
thinking of doing a `cat ~/.ssh/config > ~/public_html/resume.html`Ryan Finnie likes this.
X11R5 at 2009-11-01T04:20:11+00:00
Perfect, i've just ran out of control... I'm out of bed, but this java stuff hurts my delicate sensibilitiesa(n) person, Ryan Finnie likes this.