ActivityPub for GNU Social GSoC
Christopher Allan Webber at 2018-04-24T13:53:05Z
Congrats to Diogo Cordeiro on getting a GSoC internship this summer to add ActivityPub to GNU Social! And thanks to GNU Social maintainer mmn-o for mentoring!
GNU Social is a social communication software used in federated social networks. In a federated social network user data stays in user's server instead of a centralized one. Given that, standards were created in order to make the communication between different softwares in a social federated context possible. ActivityPub is the newer and covers parts out of OStatus's specification, namely the app/client development. Because of this and other benefits, GNU Social is looking forward to support this new protocol. The project idea aims at developing a plugin (as GNU Social is true to the Unix-philosophy of small programs to do a small job) that will implement the ActivityPub Protocol in GNU Social.
M, Stefano Costa, Stephen Judge, clacke@libranet.de ❌ and 6 others likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌ and 4 others shared this.
Firefox Quantum
EVAnaRkISTO at 2017-11-18T12:01:58Z
He actualizado openSUSE Tumbleweed y me ha actualizado a Firefox Quantum (57.0), que es incompatible con varias extensiones que tengo instaladas para privacidad/anonimato y son MUY importantes para mí:
- NoScript
- Random Agent Spoofer (RAS)
- Self-Destructing Cookies (SDC)
Si pulso el botón "Encontrar un reemplazo" sólo existe Cookie AutoDelete para reemplazar a Self-Destructing Cookies , pero si quiero pulsar el botón "+ Add to Firefox" me aparece un icono de prohibido y no puedo instalarla.
He buscado (y seguiré buscando) en los enlaces que Mozilla proporciona y, de momento, no he encontrado solución a este (serio para mí) problema. Por lo que he visto en sus páginas respectivas, sólo NoScript tiene previsto actualizarse para ser compatible. El resto, abandonan el desarrollo para FF.
¿Alguien conoce alternativas y/o configuraciones en FF Quantum que proporcionen las funcionalidades de RAS y SDC?
¿Acaso la Fundación Mozilla no ha comunicado a los desarrolladores de extensiones con tiempo suficiente los cambios en su modelo de extensiones, son muy complicados los cambios y/o algunos desarrolladores no pueden/quieren adaptar sus extensiones (por las razones que sean)?
¿Es Firefox ahora un navegador útil y/o confiable para mantener la privacidad/anonimato? ¿Lo es GNU IceCat, que se basa en versiones antiguas de FF?
M likes this.
Show all 6 replies¡ Hola EVAnaRkISTO !. Si bien la respuesta que te daré no es exactamente lo que pides, te comento que si instalas "Tor Browser" (si mal no recuerdo, basado en Firefox, utilizo la versión 7.0.10), podrás utilizar los complentos que ya conoces. Igualmente voy a probar en Firefox Quantun, el complemento que menciona Coyote, parece ser muy interesante. ¡ Saludos !
» Jorge Verón Schenone:
“[...] si instalas "Tor Browser" [...]”
Gracias, Jorge: Hace tiempo que lo tengo instalado, aunque lo usaba sólo en casos especiales porque con FF estaba más cómodo y con menos problemas navegando (es posible que por desconocimiento mío). Es otra opción que no comenté, aunque la consideré cuando lo vi en el escritorio (tras publicar la nota anterior).
Fallo de seguridad en el DNI
EVAnaRkISTO at 2017-11-09T19:02:07Z
Creo recordar que el nuevo DNI usa NFC. ¿Alquien sabe cómo deshabilitarlo/destruirlo sin que sea evidente?
M likes this.
Show all 5 replies>> JanKusanagi:
“[...] lo mejor es llevar la mierda esa en una jaula de Faraday [...]”
Lo mejor es no llevarlo: "¡Nací sin el carnet!"
>> JanKusanagi:
“Bueno, matizo: lo mejor si no quieres problemas con """la ley""".”
Estoy de acuerdo. Iba a escribir "Lo mejor sería no llevarlo". Ahora mismo no tengo ganas de enfrentarme a la arbitrariedad de los maderos, así que no pretendo dar lecciones de nada, aclaro. ;-)
By bye CyanogenMod, hello LineageOS
Laura Arjona Reina at 2016-12-25T11:38:49Z
By bye CyanogenMod, hello LineageOS http://lineageos.org/Yes-this-is-us/ #freeyourAndroid
Daniel Koć, M, clacke@libranet.de ❌, Carol Chen and 14 others likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, William Acevedo and 9 others shared this.
Hopefully, without MS's influence! =)
JanKusanagi at 2016-12-25T22:30:35Z
Krugor, Christopher Allan Webber, AJ Jordan likes this.
Capitalista honrado
EVAnaRkISTO at 2016-09-08T20:21:10Z
M, PuppetMast3r likes this.
Colegota shared this.
Rebel Jedi at 2013-08-28T13:42:38Z
Pero que coño... IPs de robastar que empiezan por 2! 2.xxx.xxx.xx
M likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-08-25T18:01:49Z
I'd like to describe a bit my thoughts about the Web UI for pump.io.
The Web UI for pump.io is actually optional. You can turn it off in your pump.io configuration, and just have a social stream server. I think there are a lot of uses for this kind of server -- for mobile-first social networks, or for adding social functionality to existing applications.
The Web UI is almost entirely a client of the social stream API (there are some server-side endpoints that only really matter for the Web interface - like letting remote users log in). It's built using Backbone and Bootstrap, plus some other Javascript libraries.
I tried to make it almost trivially simple -- there are only ~20 different "pages", and most of them look like reverse-chronological streams of activities or people or things.
I'm intent on keeping it as simple as possible while still doing its job - providing the default user interface for viewing activities and posting simple content (text, images, hopefully video and audio soon).
Functionality that is more unusual or is not core to that job is delegated to desktop or mobile clients, command-line apps, or third-party Web services. So if you want to see a map with all the people you follow, or see activities in a Plurk-like left-to-right stream, or forward updates to LinkedIn, I think using a third-party service is the right way to go.
Especially for functionality that looks at things in the aggregate -- like seeing how many people on the pump network have linked to a particular URL, or searching for people by name -- I think third-party services are mandatory.
I've tried to make the API simple and powerful enough that third-party apps can do all those things. I really, really want to see those kind of apps come up. Unhosted has been an inspiration in this area; also Twitter (well, back when the TOS for API usage were a little easier).
I don't at all think it's necessary to fork pump.io and hack on node.js to make those changes. In fact, I'd rather you didn't. If you think there's some cool Web interface stuff you can do, it'd help everyone if you built it as an API client rather than hacking it into your own pump.io fork.
I don't want the Web UI for pump.io to be so bad it's unusable. I want to make it fast, functional, and pleasant to use. But I also want people who have ideas for functionality to have the latitude to make it happen.
So, if you find yourself saying, "This 'share' button doesn't work", well, that's something I should really fix. But if you're thinking, "I wish I could post by email or IM", or "I wish I could forward my notes to Twitter or Facebook", those are great places for new Web services to pop up.
If you can program, I'd really love to hear about your experience with the API as you give it a try.
If you can't, maybe you can help find someone to build the thing you want. Or you can just ask -- I'm trying to do the things that people ask a lot for, first.DDevine, M, Stephen Sekula, boneidol and 14 others likes this.
M, ostfriesenmärz, Macc Mardigann, Olivier Mehani and 7 others shared this.
I like pump.io :-)
But, I think issues to be fixed.
As... for load page, posted images, share posts. Since release it's better.
I recommend to everyone !Do you just mean you'd rather not changes be merged or is it cool if we do silly things to our own pump instances and write up 'recipies' if we think other people might want to do the same to their pumps? Or, is it am image thing and you don't want jacked up pumps out there makeing all pumps look bad?Rebel Jedi at 2013-08-26T08:00:55Z
Backup en la nube, versión gubernamental
Míralo por el lado bueno… Antes tenías que preocuparte por tus datos. Ahora la NSA te guarda las copias de seguridad.
http://www.microsiervos.com/archivo/frases-citas/backup-nube.htmlM likes this.
Fabián Bonetti at 2013-08-25T00:22:26Z
M, mama21mama@fmrl.me, Fabián Bonetti likes this.
mama21mama@fmrl.me, mama21mama@fmrl.me shared this.
Pump Flag
Now all that's left to do is creating Pumpfleet, Starpump or something =)
Oh, and deciding if we're commanded by Evan Kirk or Evan Picard!
Briareo Hecatonquiro, dbillyx, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Timo Kankare and 11 others likes this.
dbillyx, JanKusanagi, K', ghostdancer shared this.
Sharing this again, since we're closer to being the United Federation of Pump.io xD
JanKusanagi at 2014-08-04T18:14:12Z
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.