Travel blog for the eco-conscious tourist: #hotels, #restaurants with #organic/#environment-friendly profiles, sources of #organic & #fair-trade products & #natural #cosmetics
Glyn Moody at 2017-08-12T08:09:51Z
Putting the “face” in #Facebook: how Mark Zuckerberg is building a world without public #anonymity - #privacyorganictraveller likes this.
Survey on occasional contributions to free, libre, open source software
Laura Arjona Reina at 2017-06-29T11:18:40Z
Ann Barcomb researches on motivations of people who volunteer occasionally or infrequently to FLOSS projects in any capacity.
You can participate filling in the survey:
If you want to learn the questions prior to start the survey, have a look at
organictraveller, Panko likes this.
McClane shared this.
By bye CyanogenMod, hello LineageOS
Laura Arjona Reina at 2016-12-25T11:38:49Z
By bye CyanogenMod, hello LineageOS #freeyourAndroid
Daniel Koć, M, ❌, Carol Chen and 14 others likes this. ❌, ❌, ❌, William Acevedo and 9 others shared this.
Hopefully, without MS's influence! =)
JanKusanagi at 2016-12-25T22:30:35Z
Krugor, Christopher Allan Webber, AJ Jordan likes this.
Next generation internet survey for the European Union
Laura Arjona Reina at 2016-04-10T15:06:55Z
I've just filled the Next generation internet survey for the European Union. I've talked about the internet that I want for next years: decentralized, based in open standards and free software, Internet of Things where all the things can function connecting to not only the vendors' platform but also a selfhosted one, an internet where the data is in the hands of the users, where all the software components are auditable and reproducible. An internet where components designed for restrictions as DRM are not part of our accepted standards.
Deadline is today, you can participate too:
Charles Stanhope, Marcos, Kyosuke, organictraveller and 1 others likes this.
Marcos shared this.
Can I fill that form with a "+1 to what larjona said"? =)
JanKusanagi at 2016-04-10T15:18:54Z
Sarah Elkins likes this.
then you can continue with now :)
A Phone is not a House
Freemor at 2016-04-01T13:21:48Z
A Phone is not a House
2016-04-01 by Freemor
With the ongoing debate about strong encryption on mobile devices, I'd like to take a moment to clear up a misconception that I've seen tossed around and sadly accepted by too many people.
To be clear anyone that reads my stuff will know that I fall well inside the "must have strong crypto" camp. So the views expressed here will clearly be coloured by that.
The point I want to clear up is this new comparison of cell phones to physical spaces. The argument tends to go like this: "Peoples homes are private but the government can get a warrant to search them. So the government should be able to do the same for Phones."
On the surface that may seems to make sense and I suspect that is why people are buying into it, but the truth is much closer to saying: "Peoples homes are private but the government can get a warrant to search them. So the government should be able to do the same for private conversations."
What the government is seeking is not access to a physical space but rather retroactive access to private conversations. The government has never had the ability in the past to compel you to divulge what you said to your friend last Tuesday. Especially if such might be incriminating.
By wanting all encryption breakable the government is trying to do an end run around your right to remain silent, or plead the 5th, or what ever the equivalent is in your country.
Cell phones are by definition communication devices, not dwellings, not safes, not a place of business. Cell phones store and transmit conversations, which is speech, which has special safe guards when talking privately with another individual.
Yes there are wiretaps and police can get a warrant to get a wiretap. But wiretaps have never been retroactive. Remember it's "You have the right to remain silent,anything you say may be used against you in a court..."
How safe do you feel knowing that by breaking into your phone and having retroactive access to your speech, "anything you say" now includes much of what you said for the last 2, 3, 5 years. Did you have an indiscretion that they can blackmail you with? Did you joke with a friend about robing a bank? Did you talk with someone about the possibility of fudging your taxes a bit? Did you get really drunk after a break-up and text something that could be considered a threat? And on, and on.
One of the reasons that speech is protected is because it is so easy to twist and use against someone. As the famous quote goes "If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him."
We can not, we must not allow governments and police to have easy unfettered retroactive access to our speech going back years. It removes too many safeguards and tips the balance of power dangerously to the side of the already powerful.
Keep private conversations private. Say No to big brother.
from: My Blog
Guruprasad L, organictraveller, Sean Tilley, Debacle and 13 others likes this.
Guruprasad L, Iñaki Arenaza, Sarah Elkins, EricxDu and 13 others shared this.
interesting twist, at least in the US, passwords are also considered speech and thus subject to those protections against government coercion, but biometrics, such as fingerprints, are not. So at least here, the police can't force you to give the password to unlock your phone, but they can compel you to unlock it with a fingerprint scanner if that'll work by itself.
James Michael DuPont at 2015-10-16T22:30:57Z
Idea for Using of federated social media for building a free software conference.
The following transactions could be carried out on a federated social network and pulled into a conference website. The transactions could be expressed in blog posts or tweets or other media with links. We can define microformats or tags or schemas that are parseable by the programs to consume the resources. Each visitor should be able to pull all the resources in using web urls and create a complete view of the conference. People support or express interest with retweets or favorites. If needed we use keybase signed messages to avoid fraud. Bitcoin payments could be used for resource commitments. All of these transactions could be private or public and shared with who you like on the network.- Visitor declares interest in hearing a talk on topic X
- Visitor can also invite speaker to speak on topic X
- Speaker declares interest in speaking on topic Y, adds links to supporting web resources that express expertise
- Speaker proposed talk on topic, link to abstract
- Place declares availability for on time and space for hosting
- People propose possible location
- People propose possible time or express reservations about a time.
- People express availability for on time and space for listening
- Speaker declares availability on time and space for speaking
- Speakers or Place declare needed resources before they can be used (cost)
- Visitor pledges to cover resources needed.
- People propose possible sponsor.
- Sponsor pledges to cover resources needed.
- An organizer proposes a possible schedule/solution that satisfies the requirements. At any time anyone is able to view the possible items. There can be many possible solutions.
- Schedule is finalized by votes. Each schedule item is assigned a unique ID. Schedule items can be canceled or updated as well. Pledges are pulled in.
- People look for others who are traveling to carpool or share resources
- People look for places to stay near the event. Possible locations are posted and made available. Sharing is possible.
- Meetups and micro events are posted and people go there around the event.
- Speaker post slides of the talks.
- Speaker post code related to the talk.
- People post questions and raise issues about the talk.
- People record and post videos of the talks.
- People post comments about talks or blog posts about them.
bhuvanesh, José Daniel Guerrero Gálvez, organictraveller, Laxminarayan Kamath G A and 5 others likes this.
leonardo lenoci, txuiki, txuiki, Dana shared this.
Mark at 2011-12-15T02:12:55+00:00
This is great. "Try Organic Food...or as your grandparents called it, "Food" #organic #foodorganictraveller likes this.
micuintus at 2011-08-22T16:58:10+00:00
Saturday evening, we visited the new !vegan bistro restaurant »Falscher Hase« in !Dresden. *Really* yummi! !vegetarischorganictraveller likes this.
Børge A. Roum at 2011-04-12T13:45:01+00:00
RT @regnskogfondet: Hvem er snill og hvem er slem? Slik unngår du tropiske tømmermenn! Hagemøbelguiden for 2011. likes this.
Glyn Moody at 2009-10-15T08:49:02+00:00
Gates Gives $300 million - but with a Catch - Bill Gates wants to enclose traditional African agriculture #gmo #patentsorganictraveller likes this.
@glynmoody Is this saying that gates is filling Africs with GM crops ????????Glyn Moody at 2009-09-14T09:24:38+00:00
Malaysian Public Sector open source software programme - amazingly detailed info (via @harishpillay) #malaysiaorganictraveller likes this.
Glyn Moody at 2009-09-10T13:10:24+00:00
The new features of Linux 2.6.31 - superbly detailed rundown for kernel nuts - bravo #linux #kernelorganictraveller likes this.
Dr. Matt Lee at 2009-07-21T14:14:08+00:00
Amazon can delete your books -- -- help us spread the word against DRM! !gnu !librefm !fisl !dbd !fsf !listeningOsama Khalid, organictraveller, Christopher Allan Webber, Bruce Cowan and 6 others likes this.
Show all 5 repliesRT @mattl Amazon can delete your books -- -- help us spread the word against DRM!!dfey @mattl suggests expanding this. thoughts