"“Por ahora, debes saber que cada frontera que cruces, cada compra que hagas, cada llamada que hagas, cada antena de telefonía móvil que pases, cada amigo que tengas, cada artículo que escribas, cada página web que visites, cada palabra que pongas en el ‘asunto’ de un email, está en manos de un sistema cuyo alcance es ilimitado porque no existen controles. Al ser una víctima del sistema de la NSA, debes ser consciente de la amenaza que una policía secreta sin restricciones supone para las democracias”."
Manuel Alejandro, dbillyx likes this.
dbillyx, victorhck shared this.
Manuel Alejandro likes this.
Manuel Alejandro shared this.
Adrián Perales at 2015-04-05T15:07:12Z
You are being watched. It has become common knowledge that private and state sponsored organizations are spying on us. privacytools.io is here to give you the knowledge and tools to defend yourself against global mass surveillance.
Manuel Alejandro, jarive, maxxcan, GNUstav Huarcaya and 10 others likes this.
Manuel Alejandro, Marcelo Nicolas Manso, maxxcan, soulchainer and 10 others shared this.
hermesgabriel at 2015-03-06T14:18:06Z
Manuel Alejandro, dbillyx likes this.
Manuel Alejandro, dbillyx, --, victorhck shared this.
cronos at 2015-02-16T13:54:27Z
Tortitas Veganas de Tomate y Hongos
Manuel Alejandro likes this.
Yo a ver si saco un rato y pongo recetillas también para veganos :)
Charly Brown at 2015-02-16T15:06:52Z
cronos likes this.
Debian Project at 2015-02-14T02:01:24Z
For the first time ever, DebConf will be coming to Africa! See you all in Cape Town, South Africa for DebConf16 (after DebConf15 in Germany)!
Jakukyo Friel, Scorpio20, Manuel Alejandro likes this.
Stefano Zacchiroli, Scorpio20, Scorpio20, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel and 1 others shared this.
Colegota at 2015-02-01T11:54:29Z
Un miniavión español de software y hardware libre se dedica a documentar excesos policiales, grabar desahucios o denunciar la privatización del espacio aéreoEl Flone se ha usado para apoyar manifestaciones de la PAH, grabar el desalojo de La Carbonería en Barcelona o denunciar la autocensura de El Jueves sobre la abdicación realLos creadores reivindican la capacidad de cambio mediante la tecnología: "No lo diseñamos para hacernos selfies desde el cielo"
Manuel Alejandro, hermesgabriel (antigua cuenta) Me mudé a hermesgabriel@mipump.es, dbillyx, PuppetMast3r and 3 others likes this.
Manuel Alejandro, dbillyx, victorhck, Manuel - Cuenta abandonada and 1 others shared this.
Si son usuarios de pidgin y estan aburridos de sus iconos por default, que tal si prueban este pack, dando como resultado una apariencia más fresca. Para instalarlo, realmente reemplazaremos los iconos default por estos, así que por precaucion haremos un backup del contenido de la carpeta /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin.
Luego de haber descargado el pack, pidgin.tar.gz, lo descomprimiremos en /usr/share/pixmaps obviamente todo esto con privilegios sudo o root (pero siempre con mucha precaucion) si no estan habituados a la terminal y usan Xfce, pues un:
“$ sudo thunar”
para hacer todo esto de forma grafica. Si han seguido los pasos correctamente notaran los cambios inmediatamente, inclusive trae unos temas de emoticones extras. Visiten
http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Pidgin+Numix+Icon+Theme?content=167389 para disfrutarlo.
Eso es todo.
Manuel Alejandro likes this.
Colegota shared this.
EVAnaRkISTO at 2015-01-19T18:52:35Z
Manuel Alejandro, Aqa-Ib, l30bravo, maxxcan and 1 others likes this.
Aqa-Ib, l30bravo, Miguel Ángel, maxxcan and 2 others shared this.
l30bravo at 2015-01-11T17:58:06Z
Manuel Alejandro likes this.
Manuel Alejandro shared this.
Manuel Alejandro, PuppetMast3r, hermesgabriel (antigua cuenta) Me mudé a hermesgabriel@mipump.es, elbinario and 1 others likes this.
Manuel Alejandro, elbinario, l30bravo shared this.
Francisco M García Claramonte at 2015-01-04T20:35:24Z
Manuel Alejandro, johan, PuppetMast3r, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
johan, dbillyx, EVAnaRkISTO shared this.
There's a new video up on http://fsf.org/ and I'm very excited about it... it's a nice, clean, friendly intro to the ideas of what the FSF and software freedom is all about. Done by friends Bassam and Fateh over at Urchn, it's a made-with-free-software-intro-to-free-software (well, kind of mostly focusing on FSF turning 30).
Making accessible, engaging materials on what free software is and why it matters is important. I'm glad to see an uptrend here, with both this video and the Email Self-Defense Guide.
If you agree with the above, and want to see the FSF do more to continue making the messaging around free software welcoming/engaging, why not donate as encouragement?
Great job to everyone involved!
Marcelo Horacio Fortino, Manuel Alejandro, rozzin, Yutaka Niibe and 26 others likes this.
Marcelo Horacio Fortino, Marcelo Horacio Fortino, RiveraValdez, l30bravo and 20 others shared this.
@Jacob Barkdull It's being fixed... this was done on a limited time / budget is my understanding, so a couple things slipped but are being corrected. Which, within those constraints, the Urchn/FSF collab worked hard, kicked butt, and delivered something awesome.
I think the video stands very well on its own, but I most especially hope it's a symbol of things to come. This is a direction of messaging people seem to be responding to... what could happen if we got more resources so the FSF could produce a broader series of materials to bring messaging about user freedom to everyone? (Which, I know I'm echoing myself, but hence my suggestion that you donate to show your support... given fundraising season, the FSF is paying close attention to what people react to in terms of contributions!)
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) at 2014-12-30T15:15:53Z
X11R5 likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) at 2014-12-30T15:17:48Z
sazius, lnxwalt@microca.st likes this.
Jacob Barkdull at 2014-12-30T16:36:48Z
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.
Manuel Alejandro likes this.
Franklin G. Mendoza at 2012-12-05T18:21:40+00:00
Manuel Alejandro likes this.
johan at 2012-11-21T16:40:15+00:00
Manuel Alejandro likes this.