
Sarah Elkins configures@identi.ca
Figure it out ... with me! Configuration Manager, Network Engineer, Knowledge Gardener; into dance, learning, teaching, sharing, and games.
Ben Sturmfels at 2019-08-19T02:08:52Z
At minimum, I'd like to say "never ask me to save this passphrase".
Sarah Elkins likes this.
APOD bot restored!
Stephen Sekula at 2019-07-02T01:12:02Z
I finally had a chance to hunt down the code bug that brought down the APOD bot months ago (https://hub.polari.us/apod). That account's functionality is restored. #pumpiverse
Sarah Elkins, nukem likes this.
nukem, JanKusanagi shared this.
Ben Sturmfels at 2019-06-18T06:28:18Z
Slightly creeped out that my accountant's Windows laptop is showing an animation of an eyeball and "looking for you..." while it attempts to to do facial recognition on an empty chair.
Sarah Elkins, McClane likes this.
I'd like it to be different, but at least in Australia, the systems are so heavily stacked in favour of proprietary and SAS accounting tools that I imagine it would currently be nearly impossible to be an a professional tax accountant using free software.
The Australian Tax Office is in the process of rolling out processes where you must report payments to employees monthly online. I need to investigate, but I suspect I won't find any good news.
Meanwhile, I do all my business bookkeeping with Ledger which works well for me!
Ben Sturmfels at 2019-02-21T23:29:21Z
Spent a fun morning playing with robots with the Caledonian Primary School grade 1-2s
McClane, zykotick9, Sarah Elkins likes this.
Ben Sturmfels at 2019-01-13T13:08:13Z
I'll have to give it a go, thanks! https://musescore.com/jestermusician/undertale_dummy
Sarah Elkins likes this.
We're back! o/
JanKusanagi at 2018-11-26T22:40:48Z
identi.ca is fixed =)
talou, ben, Blaise Alleyne, Sven Drieling and 7 others likes this.
Welcome back, identi.cans!! =)
We missed you! 🤗
JanKusanagi at 2018-11-26T23:14:39Z
Blaise Alleyne, Screwtape likes this.
"Make me a sandwich"
Ich finde diesen Comic immer wieder klasse:
Quelle: http://www.dorkly.com/post/59970/xbox-live-demandsJim Bowering, clacke@libranet.de ❌, McClane, Sarah Elkins likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, McClane, Stephen Michael Kellat shared this.
Ben Sturmfels at 2018-09-27T09:39:38Z
I really liked that, thanks @Sarah Elkins. Great off-beat rhythm.
Sarah Elkins likes this.
GovHack 2018: Right to the Night
Ben Sturmfels at 2018-09-11T06:46:26Z
Spent the weekend at GovHack, an event to make things with government data. Neroli, Tamara and I focused on the Right to the Night public safety survey run here my home town of Ballarat. Here's our project:
I enjoyed getting to know new folks and learnt a lot about QGIS. Thanks to the volunteers for a great event.
Sarah Elkins likes this.
Ben Sturmfels at 2018-07-20T11:05:31Z
Haven't posted to pump.io for a bit, but still enjoying checking in every day or so to see what's happening!
Sarah Elkins, Stephen Michael Kellat, McClane, Stephen Sekula and 1 others likes this.
Doug Whitfield, Doug Whitfield shared this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌ at 2018-06-21T04:44:26Z
1. Civil servants aren't monsters just because they're civil servants. People need jobs, and can't change them because the leadership goes bad. I fully sympathize with your situation, and robodoxxing state employees is some scary shit.
2. The USA is currently run by monsters.Sarah Elkins likes this.
Stuart Langridge on Events
Stephen Michael Kellat at 2018-06-14T03:06:04Z
I need to read this a bit more: https://kryogenix.org/days/2018/06/12/little-community-conferences/
There are pearls of wisdom here that I need to sift out.
Sarah Elkins likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2018-06-06T04:43:28Z
Whoa, Unicode really did get a Copyleft symbol? https://glitch.social/@a_character/100155946276956781
ben, clacke@libranet.de ❌, martinho, Sarah Elkins and 4 others likes this.
Mapping danger spots for women
We just launched the Free to Be project in Sydney, Delhi, Lima, Madrid and Kampala, collecting data on how safe young women feel in their city, in conjuction with Plan International and CrowdSpot junkee.com/map-sydney-women-street-harassment/154671
jsae, nukem, Sarah Elkins, McClane and 2 others likes this.
nukem, nukem, McClane, EVAnaRkISTO and 4 others shared this.
Doug Whitfield at 2018-04-09T21:44:23Z
Let's do a little experiment. It's obviously biased by my relative participation in each, but I'm comparing the reach of twitter, facebook, Diaspora, pump, G+, and GNU Social (plus anything that can talk directly to it...that is not via NavierStokes).Please like this if you see it. Obviously, if you want more people to like it, then you share it, but I'm only going to count likes.Stephen Sekula, David "Judah's Shadow" Blue, Splicer, Sarah Elkins and 26 others likes this.
Doug Whitfield, Doug Whitfield, Doug Whitfield, EVAnaRkISTO and 15 others shared this.
Show all 12 repliesHere are the final numbersGNU Social/Mastodon: 49pump.io: 31Facebook:26Diaspora: 15G+: 7Twitter: 0What's interesting is that on Diaspora, pump, and GNU Social, I all got actual comments about how the study was being conducted. I got literally zero comments on twitter or G+. There's all sorts of bias in this, but I have more "friends" on facebook by an order of magnitude and significantly more on twitter than the free platforms. So, it seems like people join the proprietary networks and just don't use them very much.GNU Social up to 97: https://nu.federati.net/conversation/510099#notice-1072972Foot fetish #1 (SFW)
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2018-03-11T12:44:59Z
One foot to press them
one foot to guide them
one foot to roll them
and in a tidy hem bind them.
(That's a 24 meter strip of cotton voile, or 48 meters of rolled hem sewed with small stitches (length setting <2 on the machine) that took more than one hour with a hemming foot, I don't want to think how long that would have taken without. Next step: the ruffler)Sarah Elkins likes this.
Happy international worker woman's day
Laura Arjona Reina at 2018-03-08T22:25:32Z
I've been on strike, and at the demonstration in Madrid afterwards.
Hugs to all friends of any gender that work for justice and dignity!
Bread and roses!Sarah Elkins, AJ Jordan, McClane, Jorge Verón Schenone and 1 others likes this.
8M: Huelga Feminista. Es una Huelga, no el Carnaval
EVAnaRkISTO at 2018-03-07T18:40:23Z
"Hablando con mis colegas de CCOO y de UGT hace pocos días, me comentaban que estaba loco si pensaba que la huelga del día 8 podía tener éxito. Razonaban que al ser una convocatoria difusa y escasamente convincente, nadie la secundaría, y que por eso era mejor pactar los paros parciales. Y, efectivamente, yo estoy loco. Os lo explico.
Si se convoca una huelga, creo que se ha de ser consecuente con el concepto, y en sucesivas sentencias el Tribunal Supremo del Reino, ha establecido de forma clara que la huelga ha de crear conflicto. Si hay huelga de basureros, tiene que haber basura en las calles. No puede concebirse que se convoque una batalla de ese tipo, y que todo siga funcionando como si tal cosa.
A una huelga, si le quitas el componente subversivo de "aquí no se trabaja", si la producción no se resiente, si uno no pone su salario en la mesa de juego, no estás ante una huelga. Estás ante un Carnaval.
El Carnaval es una fiesta en la que se completa un ritual de inversión. En ese día el hombre se hace mujer, la mujer hombre, el juez se viste de reo, y el preso de policía. Pero cuando pasa la noche y se levanta el día, todo vuelve a ser lo que era. La gente se lo ha pasado bien, la sociedad se ha subvertido sin riesgo, la dominación queda incólume.
En cambio la huelga, plantea una batalla muy seria. El explotador se cabrea, el dominante se pone furioso. La realidad se muestra tal cual es, y los papeles de los actores se vuelven diáfanos cuando se pierde el consentimiento. Esa es la Gracia de la huelga.
En ese momento es cuando el poderoso percibe su debilidad, comprueba que es apenas una mota de polvo ante la masa organizada, y se ve obligado a ceder.
Dicen los temerosos que los objetivos de una huelga tienen que ser claros. Y es verdad. La huelga del 8 de Marzo tiene un objetivo complejísimo: acabar con la estructura social. Voy a centrarme en un único punto: el de la visibilidad del trabajo doméstico. ¿Cómo puede valorarse eso en una sociedad capitalista? A poco que se piense, uno se da cuenta de que si las mujeres no estuviesen adscritas a la función de cuidados, a las empresas no les llegaría mano de obra cruda. Conclusión: el empresario tiene que pagar ese coste oculto, lo mismo que al empresario se le debería cargar el coste ecológico. Una sociedad mercantil como esta, que lo calcula todo en términos de beneficio, tiene que contabilizar el coste de producción de la mano de obra y del cuidado que precisa. De lo contrario , estaremos ante una estafa universal. Que haya explotación en el capitalismo, es lo que se espera de él. Que permanezca la esclavitud, no.
Basta de pendejadas. Solo tres palabras: Huelga General Feminista."
(Acratosaurio rex)
martinho, Sarah Elkins, Laura Arjona Reina likes this.
martinho, martinho, Laura Arjona Reina shared this.