Gustavo Vega
Quilmes, Argentina
Defensor del uso de las nuevas tecnologías y cultura libre dentro de la Administración Pública
Laura Arjona Reina at 2013-08-16T08:52:37Z
¡Feliz 20 cumpleaños #debian! felicidades y gracias a toda la comunidad #oleole #softwarelibre
Happy 20th birthday debian! Congrats and thanks to the whole #community #kudos #freesoftware
Fanta, Gustavo Vega, lycan_s, CUENTA NO ACTIVA and 1 others likes this.
CUENTA NO ACTIVA shared this. conversion process
Evan Prodromou at 2013-06-08T15:57:17+00:00
Demuxer, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Connect the Dots, Tyng-Ruey Chuang and 11 others likes this.
Arthur Lutz,, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, The Root's Updates and 19 others shared this.
Show all 7 replies@evan May we ask you to deposit a complete (public) "activities directories ... year/month/date/hour/minute/second/" to ...Tyng-Ruey Chuang at 2013-06-09T02:48:49+00:00
Sarah Elkins likes this.
@evan ... so future historians can replay & analyze the pre-pump era in full? c.f. Thanks!@evan filtering out users with no posts sounds reasonable at first glance, but aren't there users who use the site just to follow others?Dan at 2013-06-09T11:51:13+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Erkan Yılmaz likes this.
AJ Huera (Temuco) at 2013-06-08T16:38:46+00:00
Linux conquista al espacio Vega likes this.
Jesus Alexis, Gustavo Vega shared this.
Alejandra Gómez Montero at 2013-05-17T03:38:10+00:00
"DW TV Prisma - Elegancia Venenosa "¿Cuán venenosa puede ser la industria de la ropa?" Vega likes this.
Gustavo Vega, Gustavo Vega shared this.
Alejandra Gómez Montero at 2013-05-17T03:36:24+00:00
"DW TV Prisma: Facebook - El negocio millonario con la amistad - YouTube" from Vega likes this.
Alejandra Gómez Montero at 2013-05-17T03:27:20+00:00
"DW TV Prisma - Luz tóxica - El lado oscuro de las bombillas de bajo consumo - YouTube" from Vega likes this.
Alejandra Gómez Montero at 2013-05-17T03:28:43+00:00
"DW TV Prisma - Usar y tirar. ¿Por qué ya no se reparan las cosas? - YouTube" from Vega likes this.
Gustavo Vega, Gustavo Vega shared this.
Alejandra Gómez Montero at 2013-05-17T03:29:41+00:00
"DW TV Prisma - El Desperdicio de Alimentos - YouTube" from Vega likes this.
Gustavo Vega, Gustavo Vega shared this.
Oficina de Software Libre, Universidad de Granada at 2013-05-07T11:04:04+00:00
El !codegolf de la !etsiit tendrá lugar en las aulas de la 1ª planta, quedaremos en la 1.6 Recuerda inscribirte Vega likes this.
Gustavo Vega, Gustavo Vega shared this.
AJ Huera (Temuco) at 2013-05-04T01:45:04+00:00
El Gobierno de Extremadura pasa 40.000 PCs a Linux y Open Source Vega likes this.
Marcelo Nicolas Manso at 2013-05-04T13:47:20+00:00
Gustavo Vega likes this.
Gustavo Vega, Gustavo Vega shared this.
blogoosfero at 2013-04-26T01:46:37+00:00
“FLISOL 2013 - News - Blogoosfero”: Vega likes this.
l30bravo at 2013-04-26T01:47:40+00:00
un matesito pa subir el espíritu y trabajar en Seg de Datos :)Gustavo Vega likes this.
Gustavo Vega, Gustavo Vega shared this.
Richard Stallman Political Notes at 2013-04-16T09:38:01+00:00
Urgent: Protect the Mexican grey wolf Vega likes this.
Gustavo Vega, Gustavo Vega shared this.
Fabian Couto at 2013-04-15T13:58:51+00:00
fabiancouto: Cuando somos capaces de conocernos a nosotros mismos, rara vez nos equivocamos sobre nuestro destino. Madame de StaëlGustavo Vega likes this.
Gustavo Vega, Gustavo Vega shared this.
victorhck at 2013-04-07T10:00:39+00:00
También un 7 de abril pero de 1964 IBM presentó el System/360 y fue la primera vez que se llamó "byte" al conjunto de 8 bits.Gustavo Vega likes this.
EVAnaRkISTO at 2013-04-07T13:05:08+00:00
Gustavo Vega likes this.
Colegota, Colegota, Gatoso Oso, Gatoso Oso shared this.
♻ @evanarkisto !SoftwareLibre #Jitsi, la alternativa a #Skype: gratis, libre y open-source Vega at 2013-04-07T16:00:28+00:00
Libro CC: Open Softwear [Wearable Computing con Arduino] #inGustavo Vega likes this.
Jesús Torres, Jesús Torres, Oficina de Software Libre, Universidad de Granada, Oficina de Software Libre, Universidad de Granada shared this.
Gustavo Vega at 2013-04-02T03:03:25+00:00
Aprender la libertad: El diseño del entorno educativo y la producción colaborativa de los contenidos básicos comunes #inGustavo Vega likes this.
laura vargas, laura vargas, Sebastian Silva, Sebastian Silva shared this.
The Linux Foundation at 2013-03-29T21:41:22+00:00
Students, want to work on a #Linux Foundation project for Google Summer of Code 2013? Here's how: #GSoC #opensourceGustavo Vega likes this.
Charles NSALAMBI, Charles NSALAMBI, maxen, maxen shared this.