Stav Prodromou stav@identi.ca
San Francisco Bay Area, California, United States
Open microblogging service enthusiast. I ♥ identi.ca and pump.io. Avid major league baseball fan, especially devoted to the Oakland Athletics. Go A's!
Astronomy Picture of the Day at 2014-06-09T13:00:06Z
APOD: 2014 June 9 - How to Identify that Light in the Sky
What is that light in the sky? Perhaps one of humanity's more common questions, an answer may result from a few quick observations. For example -- is it moving or blinking? If so, and if you live near a city, the answer is typically an airplane, since planes are so numerous and so few stars and satellites are bright enough to be seen over the din of artificial city lights. If not, and if you live far from a city, that bright light is likely a planet such as Venus or Mars -- the former of which is constrained to appear near the horizon just before dawn or after dusk. Sometimes the low apparent motion of a distant airplane near the horizon makes it hard to tell from a bright planet, but even this can usually be discerned by the plane's motion over a few minutes. Still unsure? The above chart gives a sometimes-humorous but mostly-accurate assessment. Dedicated sky enthusiasts will likely note -- and are encouraged to provide -- polite corrections.
Charles Stanhope, Stav Prodromou, Evan Prodromou, jrobb likes this.
Colegota, Evan Prodromou, jrobb shared this.
Evan Prodromou at 2014-03-19T03:13:31Z
Gee, thanks for the reminder and all, but maybe I didn't fill out your 10-minute customer satisfaction survey because I just don't care?Stav Prodromou, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), Dylan and 1 others likes this.
We'll put you down for "go to hell," sir.Stephen Sekula at 2014-03-19T03:17:39Z
Scott Sweeny likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2014-03-16T01:14:44Z
Nouveau Palais: best burger in Montreal, or best burger ever?Stav Prodromou, X11R5 likes this.
You need to go to Abbey Burger before you decide: http://www.abbeyburgerbistro.com/Doug Whitfield Sports Account at 2014-03-16T01:16:54Z
Evan Prodromou likes this.
Tobias Diekershoff at 2014-02-10T17:23:58Z
And I though you found an old blog posting about identi.ca ;-)Stav Prodromou likes this.
Stephen Sekula at 2013-12-18T21:12:48Z
As someone who actually works on measuring the properties of the Higgs field, I can say this: these theoretical physicists are running way ahead of the data. We haven't even measured directly the properties of the Higgs field itself, so doing such calculations is, at best, based on wild speculation. Even worse, we only know for sure that the Higgs plays a role in the mass of just 5% of the cosmos. Another glaring error on their part is that we do not understand Dark Energy, either; it comprises 70% of the cosmos and is presently responsible for pushing apart spacetime, making the universe expand faster. At best, they are committing irresponsible scientific storytelling of the worst kind. #heavysighStav Prodromou likes this.
Mark Jaroski at 2013-11-03T21:15:43Z
Too bad we can't just have medicare for all. That works fine.Stav Prodromou likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat at 2013-11-03T01:18:06Z
I like that now I don't have to do a full application to see what plans are available to me. I was in the dark during October. Even my health care provider was in the dark.
The bad thing is that for where I live...catastrophic and bronze plans seem to be the only things on offer. Apparently I live in a community that is very difficult to insure. The extremely high deductible for the bronze plan makes it kinda worthless for me. The lower deductible options aren't even available.
There is a "health care sharing ministry" I am apparently eligible for. I gotta check the details again. It isn't the leap I feel ready to take but I may have to.Stav Prodromou likes this.
Pete Daniels at 2013-11-03T00:47:08Z
@sazius: priceline.com, hotwire.com, and the like integrate several thousand airlines, hotels, car rental services, all kinds of things, with prices and availability that change constantly, 24/7. I'd say that's at least on par in terms of complexity.
healthcare.gov has had three and a half years to get it together. This is an embarrassment. It's inexcusable. But as @lnxwalt said, it should shock no one.Stav Prodromou likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-08-14T16:27:18Z
I think I fixed the problem with replies not showing correctly when you click the "show N replies" link.lnxwalt@microca.st, Owen Shepherd, Stav Prodromou, mcnalu and 2 others likes this.
Show all 9 replies@sazius I think that you have databank or one of it's sub-modules installed either globally or in a subfolder, and it needs to be updated first.Actually I'm still getting this error... Yeah, I've done (as per pump's instructions):
cd pump.io npm install cd node_modules/databank npm install databank-redis
Evan Prodromou at 2013-08-14T16:32:17Z
Dear investor: I don't want to read your newsletter. You didn't give me any money and I don't owe you any attention. Signed: an entrepreneur.Randy Noseworthy, Account to delete, mcsox@fmrl.me, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) and 3 others likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-08-13T00:37:26Z
I'm not sure that's how names work.Stav Prodromou, Dvd Mrsdn likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-08-01T15:09:55Z
Server monitoring
I've finally finished updating my Zabbix installation so it is fully monitoring the E14N pump network and related services.
Zabbix is... intense. I used to use Nagios, and I found the configuration process insanely irritating. Zabbix's Web-based config and monitoring is worlds better.
But there's a hell of a lot to it, too. Configuring basic templates is drop-dead easy, but configuring your own tests ("is pump.io running?") are significantly harder. And disabling dumb standard tests ("is an IMAP server running?") is also a pain.
And making notifications come to my cell phone seems like a bitch and a half. I'm still not sure it's working.
My biggest gripe with server monitoring is false positives. I used to get a lot of them with MySQL; now it's less of a big deal.
Anyway: hopefully quality-of-service on the pump network improves as these things get automated. There's always something, of course.Diego Cordoba, Gerard Ryan, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), tioeze and 8 others likes this.
Relax. I still yearn for the Laconica days where XMPP was always down after every minor point release. It became part of identi.ca folklore. Fond memories.
Yeah, zabbix rules. I'm using pushover to send notifications to my smartphone as sms are way to expensive.
0xAFFE at 2013-08-01T15:49:48Z
Evan Prodromou likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-13T01:52:35Z
Practicing my ignite talk for what feels like the umpteenth time. Unfortunately it's something I care really strongly about, which makes it harder to discuss.Michele, Greg Grossmeier, Stav Prodromou likes this.
Old Vans, New Vans
I got new Vans this morning. These old ones were ready for the trash 6 months ago.Evan Prodromou, Stav Prodromou, jpope likes this.
Show all 7 repliesOn a related note, I've gotten my family to just get me a pack of socks anytime they are looking for a present for me. Birthday - pack of socks, Fathers Day - pack of socks, ...
No better feeling for the feet than new, never-been-worn-before socks. ;)
a(n) person, Carlos Solís likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-10T14:29:27+00:00
Identi.ca is going to change over tonight at about 9PM EDT http://identi.ca/url/76112113Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Fabián Bonetti, ostfriesenmärz and 14 others likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Monique Brunel, ostfriesenmärz, dper@identi.ca and 29 others shared this.
Show all 12 repliesyey, can't wait to see this live.Account Removed at 2013-07-10T19:06:05+00:00
dper@identi.ca, Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
@pvincent RT of evan@identi.ca / Identi.ca is going to change over tonight at about 9PM EDT http://ur1.ca/elckr #pump.io #shiftbjavotte at 2013-07-10T19:55:49+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
@evan It will go fine: "Having been some days in preparation / A splendid time is guaranteed for all."Hilton Garcia Fernandes at 2013-07-11T01:17:31+00:00
Susan Pinochet, bjavotte, Evan Prodromou likes this.
X11R5 at 2013-07-09T01:38:25+00:00
Hmm... I don't suppose anyone's working on restoring everything right awayTupulpo, Stephen Michael Kellat, Stav Prodromou likes this.
Sander, Stephen Michael Kellat shared this.
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2013-06-27T14:41:46+00:00
Like a broken clock that is right twice a day, this statement will, by definition, come to pass. Eventually. Don't you like surprises ?Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Richard Fontana, Stav Prodromou likes this.
bananabob at 2013-04-10T01:30:20+00:00
Home Run Hitter? Look at the Face @stav another #baseball page for you http://identi.ca/url/75645775Stav Prodromou likes this.