William L. Anderson band@identi.ca
Austin, Texas, United States
Socio-technical systems architect, data informatician, and open access advocate.
New blogpost: More involved in the Debian Publicity Team
Laura Arjona Reina at 2016-03-07T20:12:47Z
New blogpost: More involved in the !Debian Publicity Team https://larjona.wordpress.com/2016/03/07/more-involved-in-the-debian-publicity-team/
William L. Anderson, Raúl Benencia, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
Tyng-Ruey Chuang at 2016-03-03T06:53:04Z
CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School @ Trieste, Italy, Aug 1-12, 2016 http://indico.ictp.it/event/7658/ apply before April 18William L. Anderson likes this.
William L. Anderson shared this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2016-02-20T22:55:09Z
Cooption probably has some small effect, but I'd bet massively swamped by:
(1) Software is becoming harder to avoid.
(2) Proprietary vendors outcompete relatively decentralized free software efforts to put software in hands of people.
I don't know whether (2) is increasing or decreasing. But even if free software is failing to compete less miserably than before, it is being outcompeted and with (1), we have the moment observed.
Note competition includes competition to control policy, particularly public policy. Unfortunately most free software activists appear to be focused on individual (thus dwarfish) heroism and insider politics rather than collective action.Sajith Sasidharan, Christopher Allan Webber, Charles Stanhope, William L. Anderson likes this.
Stephen Sekula at 2016-02-19T02:49:07Z
From Twitter:RT @onthemedia: Pesticides aren't responsible for microcephaly cases in Brazil. That story is wrong. But readers WANT to believe it: http://www.onthemedia.org/story/ignore-thing-about-zika-and-pesticides/
William L. Anderson likes this.
MediaGoblin federation first demo
It might not look like much, but the screenshot above is the first demo of federation in MediaGoblin. This is using the Pump API, with MediaGoblin talking to Pump.IO!
All of Jessica Tallon's hard work is finally paying off! Whooooo!
AJ Jordan, Sajith Sasidharan, jrobb, Tyng-Ruey Chuang and 20 others likes this.
mnd, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Olivier Mehani and 6 others shared this.
Show all 8 replies>> Christopher Allan Webber:
“@JanKusanagi Mind if I use that quote in an upcoming blogpost? :)”
Go ahead, it's licensed under Jan Public License xD
JanKusanagi at 2016-02-18T00:06:00Z
Stephen Sekula likes this.
So how does this work? Does this mean that hypothetically, a Pump user can subscribe to a MediaGoblin user?
Pretty crazy stuff.Sean Tilley at 2016-02-18T01:24:34Z
Stephen Sekula likes this.
@Sean Tilley My understanding is that not everything works yet. But very soon, that dream should come true!
Christopher Allan Webber at 2016-02-18T01:47:45Z
Sean Tilley, Stephen Sekula likes this.
Georg Portenkirchner at 2016-02-13T19:07:33Z
Researcher illegally shares millions of science papers free online to spread knowledge http://www.sciencealert.com/this-woman-has-illegally-uploaded-millions-of-journal-articles-in-an-att...William L. Anderson likes this.
William L. Anderson shared this.
Stephen Sekula at 2016-02-12T13:39:32Z
The NPR Morning Edition story about LIGO made a big deal about the cost of LIGO: $1.5 billion. But they never put that in perspective. LIGO was founded in 1992. It is now 2016. That means from founding to first discovery it was a 24 year process. So it cost the US and its partner countries about $63 million per year from founding to discovery. If we pretend wrongly that only the US footed the bill and then OVER-estimate the cost to the American taxpayer, and we assume the average US population during this 26 years was 350 million people and that they all pay taxes, each person paid $0.18 per year to make this possible. What a deal. I suspect this is still a gross OVER-estimate of the cost to the individual US taxpayer, of course, since there are international partners in this project. So ever since 1998, when I started paying taxes on income, I have paid $0.18 per year to be able to listen to two freaking huge black holes smashing into each other and at the same time watch a new astronomy be born. That is totally worth it. Also, since the total cost to me was STILL less than a ticket to see the original "Transformers" movie, and there are no colliding black holes in that, so Michael Bay can suck it.
der.hans, Charles Stanhope, Christopher Allan Webber, Laura Arjona Reina and 1 others likes this.
Laura Arjona Reina, William L. Anderson shared this.
Stephen Sekula at 2016-02-12T13:59:35Z
From Twitter:RT @nprscience: As Black Holes Collide, Scientists Detect Gravitational Waves http://www.npr.org/2016/02/12/466512335/as-black-holes-collide-scientists-detect-gravitational-waves?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=science&utm_medium=social&utm_term=nprnews
William L. Anderson likes this.
Pumpa v0.9.2
sazius at 2016-01-30T19:31:21Z
There's a new minor Pumpa release v0.9.2 out.
Biggest changes are:
- New feature: user profile and avatar image editing.
- Shares are now visualised with a recycling icon.
- New language: Finnish.
- Fixed bug where a shared object might be seen as already liked.
- Fixed bug where certain authors were seen as being followed even though they weren't.
William L. Anderson, Fabián Bonetti, jrobb, Christopher Allan Webber and 4 others likes this.
Fabián Bonetti, johan, Blaise Alleyne, Stephen Michael Kellat and 2 others shared this.
Show all 11 repliesBuilding Pumpa on Mac OSX 10.11.3 (El Capitan) needs updated documentation. The Tidy dev files need to be installed. I'm looking into that now.
OK, thanks for testing! I don't have access to a Mac OS X system so I'm depending on others to test it :-)
OSX 10.11.3 report: Pumpa 0.9.2 crashes when selecting "New note" or "comment'. From the crash log it seems to be something between Qt and libtidy and initializing the new window. I do not have time right now to follow up on this.
Pumpa v0.9.2 is now in Debian sid: https://packages.debian.org/sid/pumpa.
sazius at 2016-02-09T16:57:25Z
olm-e, Bernhard E. Reiter, Christopher Allan Webber, Efraim Flashner and 1 others likes this.
Stephen Sekula at 2016-01-04T22:23:02Z
Another perk of being back home in Texas: 1.25 more hours of daylight compared to northern Wisconsin.Efraim Flashner, William L. Anderson, Douglas Perkins, Eugenio M. Vigo likes this.
Stephen Sekula at 2015-12-28T21:18:39Z
Made it to Minnesota... despite all this snowy nonsense.lnxwalt@microca.st, William L. Anderson likes this.
Stephen Sekula at 2015-12-27T13:09:31Z
All if this is largely eastward of where I live: "Tornadoes, storms hit Dallas suburbs; eight people killed"
http://flip.it/5DUqKWilliam L. Anderson likes this.
Pump.io selfhosters, we need you!
Pump.io Community at 2015-11-04T14:45:13Z
We are trying to improve the Pump.io documentation in general, and the documentation for sysadmins in particular.
Some info and comments from the people that already run a Pump node is very appreciated!
We want to document"real" installations that work (and combinations that won't work!).
We are collecting new documentation pages in https://pumpio.readthedocs.org, which is built from the git repo at https://gitlab.com/pump.io/pump-docs. The pages are written in RST format, but we can take care of formatting for you. You can contribute in several ways:
- Reply to this note with details about your installation, e.g.: OS, nodejs version, database, CPU+RAM, number of accounts of your instance, comments. Any of these fields is optional, and you can link to your instance or not, as you wish. We'll create an RST document with your info and upload it to the repo.
- Send a Merge Request directly via gitlab.com, creating a new issue at https://gitlab.com/pump.io/pump-docs/issues and attaching your file.
- E-mail your info or document to larjona.
Thank you for your help!
ostfriesenmärz, Shevek, Nathan Willis, Evan Prodromou and 8 others likes this.
ostfriesenmärz, Evan Prodromou, jrobb, sazius at fmrl.me and 5 others shared this.
Ok. I'm selfhosting
on my working desktop computer, which is a x64 Intel and it is always on. More info:- OS: Ubuntu 14:04
- NodeJS: 0.10.30
- Database: MongoDB (in the same box)
- CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz
- RAM: 8 Gb
- Self-hosting, 1 account. Closed to public sign in.
- Working since january 2015.
I had an issue with certificates. Formerly I tried to use a
domain, but StarSSL (who provides free certs) does not cover this tld. Then, with a "vanilla" domain, StartSSL one didn't worked for me; so, I purchased one from gandi.net (details in this thread of hotpump.net, but server is down at the moment).I have other profile in
under which I had a debate with @sazius at pump.saz.im about the convience of providing the network with own CA hierarchy, only for federation purposes (public nodes with open registration should have a "good" cert from normal authority). The discussion is in this thread.If you need more info don't hesitate to ask.
rsd, William L. Anderson, lnxwalt@microca.st likes this.
Pump.io Community at 2015-10-24T20:21:16Z
The first community Pump.io contribution has been merged!
https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/commit/a5dbb887098be5450d7b95655f66bf595f615fb9SombreKnave, Luis A. Guzman, mnd, Jason Self and 9 others likes this.
Luis A. Guzman, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Douglas Perkins, Douglas Perkins and 1 others shared this.
I'm preparing something (small) too =)
JanKusanagi at 2015-10-24T20:34:05Z
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
All right, 2 PR's sent \o/
JanKusanagi at 2015-10-24T22:22:35Z
Christopher Allan Webber, Luis A. Guzman, rsd, sazius at fmrl.me likes this.
Starting with documentation and example/supporting code? Commendable.Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) at 2015-10-26T11:29:58Z
Christopher Allan Webber, X11R5, Benjamin Cook, ben likes this.
Six Squares 六個方塊
Six Squares 六個方塊 http://pomelo.iis.sinica.edu.tw:9090/u/trc/collection/six-squares/ Seoul 首爾William L. Anderson, bensonmum likes this.
Pump nodes up again
Pump.io Community at 2015-10-23T18:03:30Z
Dear pumpers!
Yesterday some pump.io nodes had some troubles and went down; some of them came back few hours later, others are getting up right now.
Thanks for your patience! And thanks to all the sysadmins and selfhosters that keep on the network rocking!
For the status of the known pump.io nodes, you can visit http://pumpstatus.jpope.org/dashboard/checks
Sven Drieling, William L. Anderson, EVAnaRkISTO, AJ Jordan and 1 others likes this.
Hello world!
Pump.io Community at 2015-10-16T13:53:44Z
Hi everyone!
This account will broadcast information about Pump.io development and community events, such as upcoming meetings.
Check out this wiki page to know more:
ostfriesenmärz, he1kki, illyria, sazius at fmrl.me and 18 others likes this.
ostfriesenmärz, Olivier Mehani, Stephen Michael Kellat, AJ Jordan and 19 others shared this.
Just for my bug reporting purposes with my client, this is a brand new pump account that I would have had no access or reason to follow until now?
>> David "Judah's Shadow" Blue:
“[...] this is a brand new pump account that I would have had no access or reason to follow until now?”
I'm not sure what you mean, but yes, the account is about 11 hours old now.
>> David "Judah's Shadow" Blue:
“impeller said I was already following it.”
Impeller might have read the "followed" variable from the user sharing the post, instead of from the author of the post. Or maybe it read it from the right place, but the variable was wrong.There's a reason why Dianara doesn't use that to know the "follow status" :p
JanKusanagi at 2015-10-17T18:34:30Z
sazius at fmrl.me likes this.
Efraim Flashner at 2015-10-15T16:16:02Z
when I saw I was the only one in the room, I was actually in #pimp.io
sazius at fmrl.me, William L. Anderson, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Happy #AdaLovelaceDay
Happy #AdaLovelaceDay! Thank you everybody making possible more #womenintech #womeninSTEM
(Source of image: http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive.php?comicid=232 )
Vladimir, eomer, Ami, Omar Vega Ramos and 7 others likes this.