Evan Prodromou at 2023-05-17T19:17:54Z
Fifteen years ago tomorrow I published the first post on the fediverse.
It's still visible on today, although the URL format changed a few years ago, and the redirect plugin stopped working a few years after that.
Thanks to everyone who made a great place to be, and thanks to everyone who's expanded the fediverse since then.
Someday soon-ish I'd like to have working with ActivityPub. When I get the time for it!Kamen Nedev, Maj, Stephen Michael Kellat, Craig Maloney and 6 others likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat, Danial Behzadi shared this.
Thank you for making all this possible what's happening for all the years.The plan to revive is mindblowing. I notice my profile picture is broken. I have to fix that before the launch.ghostdancer, Evan Prodromou likes this.
"Someday soon-ish I'd like to have working with ActivityPub" this would be the greatest thing of all times.Jim Fulner at 2023-05-30T20:02:30Z
Danial Behzadi likes this.
In the hall of African peoples, a Coptic weaving with Stavvy's name on it in Greek.herco, Maj, Stephen Sekula, Mark Jaroski and 4 others likes this.
Maj shared this.
Stephen Sekula at 2013-08-07T15:32:35Z
"What's my dream?" asks a giant billboard outside Minneapolis, touting the latest lottery pots. My dream is that every American learns just enough math and statistics to understand that you're bullshit, and that saving that money is better than spending it on a statistical improbability.Maj, Evan Prodromou, Stephen Michael Kellat, a(n) person and 1 others likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat shared this.
I think there's a really dense cluster of concepts there. First, I think people have an unrealistic concept of "success" - that it only includes having a huge house with 4 swimming pools and a garage full of Bentleys. Maybe that's a good sign, but it might also be a bad indication that there's not much societal hope for middle-class success. But I wonder if also what I consider modest success -- owning your home, being debt-free, having enough savings to pay for some college for kids, being able to weather natural or health catastrophes, having savings to pass onto another generation -- are within reach for the majority of Americans. If not, then maybe the comfort of the negligible chance of winning the lottery is better than the obvious feeling of frustrating of falling farther and farther behind each month.Evan Prodromou at 2013-08-07T19:58:28Z, aether likes this.
I guess I feel specifically strongly about the misleading nature of a lottery because it is explicitly state-sponsored false hope. Yes, hope is better than no hope; but I think that this is the wrong way to provide hope through parting someone from their cash. I feel the same way about the lottery as I do about faith healing or homeopathy.
Even with some stats background, there's nothing wrong with donating a dollar to the schools (California's justification for lotteries) once in a while. Where I find it troublesome is when that's the only way people have to try and move forward, so they spend more than 1-2 dollars a week. I once saw an elderly man spend his entire monthly check on lottery tickets. The neighbors had to take him in when the landlord evicted him.I think you hit on my point. I'm not talking about people that do it for fun despite the ridiculous odds, or even people stuck in poverty or underserved communities who occasionally engage in buying a lottery ticket a a form of casual entertainment. I'm talking about the specific mis-use of people's understanding of math and statistics (and the prevalence of "The Gambler's Fallacy" in our society - the notion of a "hot streak" or a "run of good/bad luck" that, in fact, cannot occur in random sequences of events). State agencies luring people to spend money on an incredible long-shot, knowing that they are primarily receiving money from people desperate for hope, is, to me, unsavory at best. Better to alter taxes (I would gladly pay a higher property tax rate to support my schools, because I know I can afford it) than prey on ignorance and desperation.
It frustrates me more that public schools are forced by their budget squeezes to cut music, math, and science programs, thus creating even more fertile lands of ignorance, and perpetuating the cycle. That, deep down, really kills me.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-28T22:52:29Z
sazius: yeah, that is kind of annoying. People asking for tech support on my personal posts is frustrating.Maj, Greg Grossmeier likes this.
Impeller 0.6.0 - The Tablet Edition
The rich client for
or other options via the websiteBug
- [IMP-88] - Cannot post full-res photos
- [IMP-92]
- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity PostActivity does not
have a parent activity name specified.
- [IMP-93] - Better image loading performance
New Feature
- [IMP-91] - Tablet UI
Maj, Igorette,, Moparx and 4 others likes this.
Moparx, Evan Prodromou shared this.
Show all 7 repliesEvan Prodromou at 2013-07-29T13:30:37Z
Hell is other people's WiFi.axel, Maj, johns, a(n) person and 3 others likes this.
Exactly why I have a 3G/LTE usb stick and live by it.Ryan Weal at 2013-07-29T14:02:20Z
Evan Prodromou likes this.
Space Hobo at 2013-07-30T10:56:09Z
I always try to pick a song that changes a few times, so that when I hit a loop in my head I can ride it out to the next phase of the song. The Violent Femmes' "Add It Up" is my go-to song for this.Maj likes this.
Christopher M. Hobbs (inactive) at 2013-07-30T03:50:53Z
I've been trying to fire the DJ in my head for years. About twice a week he decides to hit me with the Price is Right themesong.Maj likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-30T04:59:45Z
I just published a new version of the databank library -- number 0.19.0.
The main new feature is another "structural" driver, similar to the caching driver. It's called the "partitioning" driver; and it lets you put different datatypes into different databanks, but make it look like they're all in the same place.
For admins, for example, this means that you could put short-lived volatile data like sessions, OAuth nonces, and dialback codes into a fast, unreliable store like memcached, and put everything else into a slower but more persistent store like mongodb.
Basically, it takes a lot of the work of structuring an application out of the hands of the developers and puts them into the hands of administrators. I think that's going to be pretty useful.jpope, Maj, Christopher Allan Webber, jrobb and 3 others likes this.
tioeze-backup, tioeze-backup shared this.
Steven Rosenberg at 2013-07-24T03:31:40Z
You can now “like” things from Puma. I'm still getting the hang of f-droid and figured out that I needed to update the repository manually to get a new Puma.
Maj likes this.
have a look at the settings, you can configure how often the repos should be updatedSteven Rosenberg likes this.
Steven Rosenberg at 2013-07-22T02:19:45Z is too damn quiet.
Where are you people?
Maj, Billy, Scott Sweeny likes this.
Some people moved to, but I feel that's mostly people who are on pump as well. The rest may just be confused.
Yeah, my main place is these days. But I want to keep in touch with those that are using only StatusNet, yet I don't want to run my own SN instance anymore... so is my solution to that problem :-)
At the beach... I will try to spend more time in a dark corner in front of the computer just for you. But I cannot promise.Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.
Lady J at 2013-07-22T03:35:29Z
Testing out the Droid client Puma. Happy to have mobile capability again, really the only way I ever access identica/pumpio.
Yes, the web interface is unstable. Puma is my fav android client. Impekler has good comments, but it do not load me the TL.
If you use gnu/linux, can also try pumpa or dianara, both are excellent clients also.
(sorry my English please :)Steven Rosenberg at 2013-07-18T00:26:47Z
I made the leap. I installed F-Droid, then Puma as my #pumpio-friendly client for the new Thanks, @macno
Maj likes this.
I added an entry for using StartSSL certs with to the wiki
Maj, Mark Jaroski, Evan Prodromou, Mike Linksvayer and 6 others likes this.
Evan Prodromou shared this.
Sumana Harihareswara [on Mastodon] at 2013-07-18T13:12:24Z likes this.
X11R5 at 2013-07-18T04:55:59Z in Hawthorne, Nevada
I`m surviving in this process!Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Daniel E. Renfer, Maj, Christopher Allan Webber and 5 others likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Space Hobo, jpope, Mark Jaroski and 1 others shared this.
Show all 8 repliesWhat's this process BTW?X11R5 likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-18T13:57:25Z
I wonder if rural people feel smug that they are too smart to fall for urban myths.aether, Daniel E. Renfer, Maj, rpcutts and 2 others likes this.
Show all 7 repliesNo - inbred rednecks don't tend to worry about stuff like that.
Andy C at 2013-07-18T14:16:42Z
Ryan Weal likes this.
I don't think so. You can interview my family some time if you like @Evan. I think you'll find they fall for both urban and rural myths. If anything I'd say they're smug because life is slow and boring. Without all the "hassles" of the city like having public transportation and being able to walk to the store easily.
Deceased. Please use ''. at 2013-07-16T12:38:20Z
There were some problems on when I originally posted this.
This split personality thing is doing my head in.
For various reasons, not least because Evan thinks it helps building federated software, I am solely using from this day forth. Seems like a logical time to make the break.
Plus, like @dvdmrsdn, I love organic gardening and starting from zero.
So, farewell then to the drug crazed zombie caked in flour with his interminable bytestream in 140 character constrained drivel. Wallin (韋嘉誠), Stephen Michael Kellat, Maj, axel likes this.
Evan Prodromou shared this.
Steven Rosenberg at 2013-07-15T22:39:40Z
One thing I'm not understanding on the #pumpio version of Is there still a demarcation between seeing the entire stream (formerly and only seeing the posts of those people you follow (formerly, I believe)?Maj likes this.