fav podcasts
Any suggestions for more along these lines?
farid, Mike Linksvayer, cmhobbs, Amitai Schleier and 1 others likes this.
Also if you like Off the Hook, you might like Off the Wall.
I like the Duffercast, when they manage to record an episode. Radio Free Culture by WMFU is great for music and culture insights.
Lastly, The Hour of Slack if you're not a pink!
podcastle is the fantasy cousin to escapepod. starship excelsior if you like scifi audio dramas, Prometheus radio theatre as well, and a bit of random everything (well after it went daily) is voice of free planet x, it even comes with the podcasts aliens you will meet, fables of the flying city, and Jared and steeve like comics included in the feed.
If the CBC podcasts aren't regionally restricted, a few that I find worth listening to are:
- Vinyl Cafe: light stories
- Ideas: hour-long looks into things like Science of Shakespeare, the Sharing Economy, a visit to Shackleton's grave, etc
- Spark: technology & culture
I listen to those, along with FAIF and Serial. Will checkout out some of the others in your list shortly.
Wille Marcel at 2013-07-19T00:29:29Z
Ciclista criou um tumblr para relatar em vídeos a difícil convivência com motoristas psicopatas no Rio de Janeiro http://motoristascariocas.tumblr.com
farid likes this.
Samuel shared this.
Bassam Kurdali at 2013-01-05T20:47:34+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, farid, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
fabianne balvedi at 2013-01-05T23:43:16+00:00
♺ @__ruda__: Saiu mais uma edição do 10 Minuteenhos! Pois foi legal conversar com a Fabianne Balvedi (fabs) https://t.co/1tceZJT8farid likes this.
@f4bs tô ouvindo! muito bom!!! :)♻ @f4bs ♺ @__ruda__: Saiu + 1 edição do 10 Minuteenhos! Pois foi legal conversar com a Fabianne Balvedi (fabs) https://t.co/1tceZJT8Rafael Bonifaz at 2013-01-05T13:49:01+00:00
Hoy cumplo una semana desde que dejé #Facebook http://ur1.ca/cc8e3 http://ur1.ca/cc9cg #chaofacebook #sindromedeabstinenciafarid likes this.
@rbonifaz Vamos por los 14 días. A borrar esa fucking cuenta. Te apoyo en la distancia! #SindromeDeAbstinencia #ChaoFacebokGNU MediaGoblin at 2012-11-04T16:52:39+00:00
We met the 10k matching! http://ur1.ca/asuoj (Progress bar to be updated shortly ;)) Closer, but still need your help! http://ur1.ca/aijvpAleksej, farid, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer, j1mc, j1mc and 10 others shared this.
UPDATE: the completed 10k matching grant now shows up on the progress bar! http://mediagoblin.org/pages/campaign.htmlSimon Phipps at 2012-07-04T14:45:36+00:00
Celebrating is good, but between us we need to ask all 39 who voted "for" why. & explain why they are mistaken. & we are watching. #ACTAfarid, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes shared this.
Jon A. Cruz at 2012-04-12T04:23:53+00:00
Another day, another 11 commits in the !Inkscape trunk. Busy little beavers have been coding up a storm.ostfriesenmärz, farid likes this.
Alexandre Oliva at 2012-02-15T01:30:10+00:00
a NET me traumatizou tanto que combinei com minha filha de chamarmos o Danette de DaGVT :-)farid likes this.
farid likes this.
- Apertus - open source cinema Project/Software/Hardware Introduction - http://ur1.ca/80k17 ht... http://b1t.it/aJMw
farid likes this.
♺ @julienguigner: Apertus - open source cinema Project/Software/Hardware Introduction - http://ur1.ca/80k17 ht... http://b1t.it/aJMw fabianne balvedi at 2011-12-03T03:01:52+00:00
fots em rede distribuída! http://ur1.ca/4v647 > go, federation, go! =D #estudiolivre #softwarelivre #redesdistribuidas #tudodebomfarid likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2011-10-16T01:59:33+00:00
This not-aimed-at-free-software-developers "2D Game Art for Programmers" uses !Inkscape. That's pleasant! http://ur1.ca/5er2xYuri Cardenas, Yuri Cardenas, farid, farid and 2 others shared this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2011-09-22T23:10:49+00:00
HOOOOLY shit! @jwandborg just got video encoding / upload working in !mediagoblin !!! http://ur1.ca/55hrsRiveraValdez, Mike Linksvayer, jidm, farid and 5 others likes this.
Aleksej, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, jidm and 9 others shared this.
Great!!! But... when can we tag our uploads with a !CC license?<video> tag in !mediagoblin in action http://joar.pagekite.me/u/joar/m/4e7bbd35d9d7833943000002-more-fluids/ !gnuChristopher Allan Webber at 2011-09-22T23:45:37+00:00
RiveraValdez, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Brett Smith, Christopher Allan Webber and 2 others likes this.
Marcelo D'Elia Branco at 2011-07-07T14:13:16+00:00
Hermeto Pascoal: quem reclama da pirataria faz música apenas p vender. Meu valor ñ são as notas de dinheiro. São notas musicais.Lucas Lira Gomes, farid likes this.
Lucas Lira Gomes, Lucas Lira Gomes, Deivi Lopes Kuhn, Deivi Lopes Kuhn shared this.
Alexandre Oliva at 2011-06-28T22:31:44+00:00
é cedo, mas pra mim é tarde. vou dormir que amanhã tem !fislfarid likes this.
Gustavo Noronha Silva at 2011-06-14T23:16:05+00:00
Esse i-Piauí Herald é very funny pra caralho http://revistapiaui.estadao.com.br/blogs/herald/brasil/luiz-sergio-se-espanta-ao-ver-uma-tainhafarid likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2011-06-07T18:42:47+00:00
Thanks @mattl for showing me http://yvettesbridalformal.com/ which is my new homepage.farid likes this.
Marcelo Jorge Vieira at 2011-05-17T03:52:46+00:00
farid likes this.
Boudewijn Rempt at 2011-05-12T01:34:09+00:00
Second day at !LGM 2011: http://bit.ly/miiFsIfarid likes this.
@boudewijnrempt thanks for the updates :)