Paco Vila pacovila@identi.ca
Badajoz, Spain
LilyPond, free software, audio, photo, musical acoustics, chamber music, translating, singing, playing piano.
Doug Whitfield at 2018-04-09T21:44:23Z
Let's do a little experiment. It's obviously biased by my relative participation in each, but I'm comparing the reach of twitter, facebook, Diaspora, pump, G+, and GNU Social (plus anything that can talk directly to it...that is not via NavierStokes).Please like this if you see it. Obviously, if you want more people to like it, then you share it, but I'm only going to count likes.Stephen Sekula, David "Judah's Shadow" Blue, Splicer, Sarah Elkins and 26 others likes this.
Doug Whitfield, Doug Whitfield, Doug Whitfield, EVAnaRkISTO and 15 others shared this.
Show all 12 repliesHere are the final numbersGNU Social/Mastodon: 49pump.io: 31Facebook:26Diaspora: 15G+: 7Twitter: 0What's interesting is that on Diaspora, pump, and GNU Social, I all got actual comments about how the study was being conducted. I got literally zero comments on twitter or G+. There's all sorts of bias in this, but I have more "friends" on facebook by an order of magnitude and significantly more on twitter than the free platforms. So, it seems like people join the proprietary networks and just don't use them very much.GNU Social up to 97: https://nu.federati.net/conversation/510099#notice-1072972Happy New Year
Laura Arjona Reina at 2018-01-01T10:06:51Z
Feliz Año Nuevo
Happy New Year
Happy GNU Year
Lots of work to do in 2018… But this is happiness, I guess… to have health and friends and motivation to work for the Good and the Commons. This is my wish for 2018 for me and for all of you.
Sarah Elkins, Mike Linksvayer, Michele Montagna, martinho and 6 others likes this.
Sumana Harihareswara [on Mastodon] at 2017-12-09T09:05:59Z
Congratulations, Australia! https://www.sbs.com.au/news/love-finally-conquered-same-sex-couples-can-get-married-by-early-january...
New short blog post: https://www.harihareswara.net/sumana/2017/12/08/0 the themes of networked identity, body violation, freedom inhering in being able to unplug/choose, in scifi by Newitz, Sugar, Wells, & LeckiePaco Vila, Sarah Elkins likes this.
Thanks, wishlisted* both Annalee Newitz' Autonomous and Nicola Griffith's Slow River. Loved Martha Wells's All Systems Red, and Ann Leckie's Radch universe books.
* for bookmarks -- my TBR piles (physical and virtual bought books) are already ridiculously high. Physical is 1/10 men/women author ratio, apparently.Sarah Elkins at 2017-12-09T15:48:08Z
Sumana Harihareswara [on Mastodon] likes this.
Los Humoristas Gráficos y los abajo firmantes ponemos de manifiesto que en estos
momentos el Humor está amenazado en España.
Como ya indicaba el actor Juan Diego Botto en el artículo “Delito de ficción”, publicado
en el digital elDiario.es:
““Una ficción solo debe ser juzgada desde un punto de vista estético, cultural, moral,
ideológico o incluso político pero nunca penal.””
Recientemente hemos asistido al inesperado despido de los viñetistas Ferran Martín y
Eneko las Heras que se suman a los que han ido sufriendo otros dibujantes como
Romeu, Ventura, Farruqo, JR Mora, Altuna, Alfons López, Orué, Atxe o P8ladas,
entre otros. El dibujante Cels Piñol sufrió la censura de una de sus conferencias en
Bulgaria. A todo esto se unen las denuncias contra las revistas El Jueves y Mongolia.
Otros compañeros del gremio reconocen recibir improperios de carácter personal por su
En febrero de 2016 dos titiriteros fueron encarcelados, acusados de delitos de odio y de
enaltecimiento del terrorismo. El caso fue finalmente sobreseído. Este año los
presentadores del programa El Intermedio, Gran Wyoming y Dani Mateo, declararon
ante la justicia imputados por delito contra los sentimientos religiosos. Absueltos.
En una democracia sana es síntoma preocupante que viñetas, tuits, gags o
artículos satíricos indignen con tanta facilidad al poder, resultando muy llamativo
que se tome la broma tan en serio.
La censura al humor se produce silenciosa y constantemente y no sólo en nuestro país.
Nos acordamos de otros compañeros dibujantes represaliados por sus gobiernos: Ramon
Esono (en Guinea), Emad Hajjaj (en Jordania), Osmani Simanca (en Brasil), Musa Kart
(en Turquía) o G. Bala (en la India).
Judicializar el humor no es cosa menor, eso lo sabía muy bien el gran viñetista y
humorista Gila, encarcelado por republicano y multado por su trabajo bajo la censura del
dictador Franco.
Con el presente manifiesto hemos decidido dar un toque de atención a los demócratas y
movilizarnos en redes sociales, bajo el hashtag #HumorAmenazado con el objeto de
pedir la derogación de la Ley Mordaza y gritar a favor de la libertad de expresión, en todas
sus formas artísticas.
A los medios y sus dueños, reclamamos respeto y reconocimiento a nuestra
independencia y labor profesional como artistas del Humor Gráfico, cuya única pretensión
es la de hacer reír y favorecer el pensamiento crítico de nuestros lectores.
Paco Vila, martinho, Dana likes this.
EVAnaRkISTO, Dana, Dana, Dana and 1 others shared this.
Sumana Harihareswara [on Mastodon] at 2017-11-02T14:35:14Z
today I was a middle-aged brown lady inexpertly bicycling during rush hour
I am uninjured and caused no accidents, and had funPaco Vila, Sarah Elkins, B. Ross Ashley likes this.
Aves de mi barrio
Laura Arjona Reina at 2017-08-04T19:31:03Z
Recuento personal de aves de mi barrio (en libertad):
Gorrión, mirlo, lavandera, urraca, paloma torcaz, tórtola, golondrina, verderón, jilguero, cotorra argentina y pato son habituales (he visto numerosos ejemplares, casi todos los días). Los patos no son autóctonos, sino del parque con lago que hay cerca, pero vuelan, y a menudo salen del parque y recorren todo el barrio.
Perdices solo he visto dos, pero las he visto ya varias veces. Viven en el solar de enfrente de mi casa y les encanta corretear por los rastrojos. No sé si son "autóctonas" o escapadas/liberadas/abandonadas de alguien que las criara.
Diamantes mandarines vi varios, pero solo una vez, juntos, así que quizá eran escapados/liberados/abandonados.
Y finalmente un colirrojo tizón (si no estoy confundida) que vi una vez hace unos días, abriendo la cola ahí en medio de una acera (luego saltó a un árbol, y se fue). Estaré atenta por si encuentro más.
Cantos soy capaz de identificar la mayoría de los que ya he visto, pero la lavandera no sé cómo canta (ni el supuesto colirrojo), y a veces oigo uno nocturno que no sé si está en la lista o es uno diferente.
Paco Vila, Alberto Moshpirit, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
Vaya, si que conoces (y distingues) tipos de pájaros xD
JanKusanagi at 2017-08-04T19:48:06Z
EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
Hola Laura.
¿conoces la app Aves de España? Tiene los cantos, entre otras cosas.
Miguel Ángel Ordóñez Moya at 2017-08-15T07:42:17Z
EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
Unos pequeños retoques al prompt de la terminal de #Bash: mi usuario con colorcitos, y la cuenta de root en rojo, para no despistarme... 😜🖥
Paco Vila, Dana, EVAnaRkISTO, jEsuSdA 8) likes this.
- #Pencil, el programa libre para prototipado web y de otro tipo de UI's, acaba de publicar versión nueva! http://pencil.evolus.vn 👍
Paco Vila, Miguel Ángel Ordóñez Moya likes this.
Glyn Moody at 2017-05-12T21:50:39Z
Massive ransomware cyber-attack hits 74 countries around the world - https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/12/global-cyber-attack-ransomware-nsa-uk-nhs but only those foolish enough to run #windowsPaco Vila likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2017-05-08T01:01:32Z
Thanks, France!
McClane, der.hans, Paco Vila, Stephen Sekula and 2 others likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌ shared this.
Diane Trout at 2017-05-02T18:28:47Z
Whoa Nextcloud has some implementation of ActivityPub! (Go CWebber!)Working with others was also improved across servers, federating activities so you can see changes on remote shares in your activity feed through an implementation of the ActivityPub API developed by the W3C.
from https://nextcloud.com/blog/nextcloud-12-beta-introduces-the-next-generation-of-secure-collaboration/Paco Vila, uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs, der.hans, sazius and 7 others likes this.
der.hans, mray INACTIVE, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌ and 5 others shared this.
The root CA for Let's Encrypt (ISRG root X1) is now part of Debian's Jessie, Stretch and Sid releases
Debian Project at 2017-01-16T09:36:04Z
The root CA for Let's Encrypt (ISRG root X1) is now part of Debian's Jessie, Stretch and Sid releases https://letsencrypt.org/2016/08/05/le-root-to-be-trusted-by-mozilla.html
Paco Vila, j1mc, der.hans, Charles Stanhope and 2 others likes this.
Merry Chrismas - Feliz Navidad
Laura Arjona Reina at 2016-12-25T11:59:50Z
Feliz Navidad. El amor y la buena voluntad van unidos a la lucha por la justicia y la creación de una sociedad que incluya a todos. Cada solsticio, cada día, una oportunidad para ir trabajando en eso. Prohibido rendirse. Bienvenidas #horasdeluz :)
Luis A. Guzman, AJ Jordan, Jorge Verón Schenone, hermesgabriel and 2 others likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2016-11-30T20:37:51Z
Submitting a LibrePlanet talk: "GNU and the Lisp Machine". Or should it be "The Lisp Machine and GNU"?
Paco Vila, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), zykotick9, Charles Stanhope likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) shared this.
Here's the talk description I submitted for "The Lisp Machine and GNU":
Most free software activists have heard the story of Stallman and the printer, but even more core to the genesis of the free software history involves the battle over the heart and soul of the lisp machine. We'll trace Lisp and the Lisp Machine's roots, from its genesis in early hacker culture and the AI labs, to the split that (largely) pushed RMS to found GNU, through its role within and without the free software community. Why did GNU become a "Not Unix", and why not a lisp machine? What about the role of Lisp within GNU, with projects like Emacs, Guile, and Guix? And what can we learn from parallel free software communities such as Clojure, and even not-at-all free systems like Symbolics (so we can make our free software systems better, of course)? And for those who are new to the Lisp world, there will be a mini-tutorial so you too can learn stop worrying and love the parentheses.
I also submitted one on federation. Both would be a lot of fun to give!
Christopher Allan Webber at 2016-11-30T20:55:25Z
Jason Self, Mike Linksvayer, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.
New blogpost: New phone: Samsung Galaxy S III phone with Replicant
Laura Arjona Reina at 2016-10-09T12:59:49Z
New blogpost: New phone: Samsung Galaxy S III phone with Replicant https://larjona.wordpress.com/2016/10/09/new-phone-samsung-galaxy-s-iii-phone-with-replicant/
kenyahhtah, elio, Paco Vila, EVAnaRkISTO and 1 others likes this.
Colegota, soloojos shared this.
Show all 5 repliesAre you experiencing battery issues and/or overheating? I have both problems.
“Are you experiencing battery issues and/or overheating? I have both problems.”
Frankly, I don't know.
My battery does not stand long (one day max), but I don't know if the battery is new (the phone is "refurbished") and I frequently use Quasseldroid, Xabber that try to stay "connected" all the time, and the 3G network (sometimes I switch to "2G only" to save battery, but other times I switch back to 3G and stay there).
In any case, note that I installed the nonfree firmware and that could make a difference too.
I didn't realise about overheating, I guess I don't experience it.
JanKusanagi at 2016-08-05T17:53:49Z
Querra decir "los engordan con Salvame y Gran Hermano"...
Hay cosas MUY educativas en la tan insultada television.
Paco Vila, CUENTA NO ACTIVA likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-08-04T09:44:31Z
Feminismus und Gleichheit
Hier noch mal auf die Idee von @(: aNNa :) blume hin. :-)
Tags: #feminismus #feminism #egalitarism #gleichheit #emanzipation #comic #comicstrip #ravenbird #2016-07-26B. Ross Ashley, Paco Vila, sazius, Freemor and 2 others likes this.
Freemor shared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-07-10T08:23:50Z
The code that took America to the moon was just published to GitHub, and it's like a 1960s time capsule"Burn, baby! BURN!"
Sarah Elkins, Douglas Perkins, der.hans, Lars Wirzenius and 9 others likes this.
Blaise Alleyne, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), FLWNQWUD, Freemor and 1 others shared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-06-25T19:35:57Z
Economists HATE them: constitutional monarchy discovers one WEIRD trick to lose billions of pounds OVERNIGHT!
#brexitPaco Vila, Diane Trout likes this.