GNU MediaGoblin at 2013-08-26T20:41:59Z
Git master is frozen for the upcoming v0.5.0 release!
Help test and transalate to make this the best release ever!andrei, Aleksej, Sean Tilley, Joar Wandborg and 4 others likes this.
RiveraValdez, Aleksej, Joar Wandborg, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
It's a successive series of best-ever, each release beating the last, every release increasing in exponential head-exploding awesomeness.Christopher Allan Webber at 2013-08-26T22:01:53Z
Jason Self, Joar Wandborg, sazius old account, Charles Stanhope likes this.
Eugene Mah at 2012-01-21T01:05:18+00:00
The Caesar Cocktail, aka the Canadian Bloody Mary Recipe http://ur1.ca/7lfd8Zach Copley likes this.
Magical Unicorn Mask & Cult of Unicorn by Archie McPhee
Evan Prodromou at 2012-01-17T03:16:32+00:00
Zach Copley, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Gustav Hartvigsson, Gustav Hartvigsson shared this.
@evan awsome!silner at 2012-01-06T22:37:36+00:00
Set up Your Own !Diaspora Pod http://goo.gl/jZE1VZach Copley likes this.
JanKusanagi, JanKusanagi shared this.
Dr. Matt Lee at 2012-01-04T19:03:50+00:00
!librefm !gnu !lp -- Help us move Libre.fm away from #GoDaddy -- we need $150. http://libre.fm/donate.htmlkabniel@identi.ca, Jenny Ondioline, Jason Self, Zach Copley likes this.
Nicolás Pereyra Molinas, Nicolás Pereyra Molinas, kabniel@identi.ca, kabniel@identi.ca and 6 others shared this.
I will sponsor you for $28/year on this registration and will also contribute $28 toward the transfer. #GoDaddy can go to hell.Ward Vandewege at 2012-01-04T19:05:19+00:00
Dr. Matt Lee likes this.
@mattl I don't understand how it could cost $150 to move, unless that includes your time (which would be reasonable).GNU MediaGoblin at 2011-12-12T17:10:22+00:00
mtux, Joar Wandborg - Follow me at status.wandborg.se/joar instead., Al-Scandar Solstag, Zach Copley and 4 others likes this.
mtux, mtux, Joar Wandborg - Follow me at status.wandborg.se/joar instead., Joar Wandborg - Follow me at status.wandborg.se/joar instead. and 23 others shared this.
Also, upboats welcome: http://ur1.ca/6mtft http://ur1.ca/6mtfvfreaking #awesomesaucebanjor at 2011-12-08T22:06:51+00:00
Blog post: All-Time Favorite Tweet - http://is.gd/irHIgs #blogZach Copley likes this.
@banjor That is wonderful news. We wish for her a long and happy life post-remission.uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs at 2011-12-05T01:03:36+00:00
Pre-release of my !Identica stream backup tool http://identi.ca/url/61586608 Example output: http://identi.ca/url/61586655 #StatusNetZach Copley, Mike Linksvayer, Børge A. Roum likes this.
ddevine@identi.ca, ddevine@identi.ca shared this.
A version with readable output would be cool - text, HTML or one of the open document formats (spreadsheet?)IN user timeline, I see a long list of atom links, rather than text of notices. I click one, it offers to save. Am I missing something?@samatjain I'd like a way to import such data, not just export it. Atom is a decent format because it preserves everything, as you said.Børge A. Roum at 2011-12-05T15:10:36+00:00
I've blogged about federation as our only hope against #Facebook http://bit.ly/uMYM74 !Ostatus is best federation protocol nowJohnny Oskarsson, hoia, Christopher Allan Webber, Zach Copley and 1 others likes this.
hoia, hoia, Al-Scandar Solstag, Al-Scandar Solstag and 9 others shared this.
Tim Dobson at 2011-11-13T20:40:56+00:00
Devastated to hear of #Diaspora co-founder, @zhitomirskiyi's death, aged 21. I think we should pay tribute to his efforts for the open web.Dimi Piraat, Evan Prodromou, Pete Gilbert, Zach Copley and 1 others likes this.
James Robertson, James Robertson, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'., Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. shared this.
uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs at 2011-11-08T05:06:24+00:00
Wow, #StatusNet's AtomPub API seems fantastic. Why are people STILL writing Twitter API clients? !IdenticaZach Copley likes this.
Show all 5 repliesBecause most clients currently around began before Status.net reached 0.9.7, which was the first version to support AtomPub.Psychedelic Squid (identi.ca side) at 2011-11-08T21:53:40+00:00
And thus rewriting to support it is, depending on the architecture of the client, anywhere from a big hassle to nearly impossible.Psychedelic Squid (identi.ca side) at 2011-11-08T21:54:40+00:00
Now, anyone writing a _new_ client since then, is either trying to support Twitter as well, or is just making difficulties for themself.Psychedelic Squid (identi.ca side) at 2011-11-08T21:58:09+00:00
Sarven Capadisli at 2011-11-02T11:52:06+00:00
Today's date 2011-11-02 is a palindrome.Zach Copley likes this.
GNU MediaGoblin at 2011-11-02T14:29:23+00:00
!GNU MediaGoblin 0.1.0 "Living the Dream" released! http://ur1.ca/5ld8k And a whole new http://mediagoblin.org/Alejandro Pando, Deb Nicholson, Zach Copley, Tyng-Ruey Chuang and 7 others likes this.
j1mc, j1mc, Aleksej, Tyng-Ruey Chuang and 19 others shared this.
♻ @mediagoblin: #GNU MediaGoblin 0.1.0 "Living the Dream" released! http://ur1.ca/5ld8k And a whole new http://mediagoblin.org/Evan Prodromou at 2011-10-31T15:02:50+00:00
Two hours later, and we're still up. I think that's a record for the week.Zach Copley, Maj, Alex, rpcutts likes this.
@evan don't be so hard on yourself, it wasn't that bad :Puıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs at 2011-10-28T22:06:40+00:00
Dear people bitching about !Identica: instead of switching to a proprietary service, why not download !StatusNet & setup your own instance?Maj, lnxwalt (140 char edition), Zach Copley, Mike Linksvayer likes this.
Show all 6 repliesChristopher Allan Webber at 2011-10-29T14:52:06+00:00
New http://mediagoblin.org/ site design live! Slick new theme, and now includes a tour: http://mediagoblin.org/pages/tour.htmlAlexandro P., Al-Scandar Solstag, Jason Riedy, Zach Copley and 3 others likes this.
uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs, uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs, Zach Copley, Zach Copley and 10 others shared this.
Show all 6 repliesNote for self: Where do I learn to program a web page? Actually, where do I learn to program in general?@cwebber Of course, don't expect me to meddle with your code in less than a month from now.Dvd Mrsdn at 2011-10-18T22:49:32+00:00
Fuck. I have a hangover and I haven't even finished drinking yet.Zach Copley, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. likes this.
Marcio B. Jr., Marcio B. Jr. shared this.
I drank the day before yesterday, and yesterday, and am going to drink again tonight. #probablynotgoodforliver #ohwellbanjor at 2011-10-11T00:54:34+00:00
Blog post: Playing Video Games for 24 Hours for Charity - http://is.gd/iCdTj5 #blogZach Copley likes this.
Sarven Capadisli at 2011-10-10T13:21:05+00:00
Hitchhiked last night. Turned out well. Had a good conversation. Driver's view on life: have no fear. #experienceZach Copley likes this.