Running non-free software on themselves would bring problems, just like it does to human administrators =)
JanKusanagi at 2015-06-03T20:31:51Z
a(n) person, likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2015-06-04T17:15:41Z
Luis R. Rodriguez, olm-e likes this.
Related thread:
Mike Linksvayer likes this.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2015-02-23T16:02:09Z
Today at work I migrated to #wheezy the 2 last machines that were in #Squeeze. Thanks !Debian #LTS team for all this time + work! #kudos
j1mc, Christopher Allan Webber, Amr Helmy likes this.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2014-07-04T14:31:03Z
If you type a comment into a comment, you will break the pump-net #ITCrowd #pumphumour
Laura Arjona Reina at 2014-03-12T21:09:27Z
I wonder why #spam comments/messages have orthographic mistakes. Do they want to appear more human? You only make me even more angry #grr
Amr Helmy, Francisco M García Claramonte likes this.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2014-03-13T18:05:45Z
Today my son came from school injured in his face, and it's not the first time. Nor the second :(
It seems one of my son's mates is a pre-bully, and my son one of his targets (not the only one, I think, but probably his favorite). They are 5 years old.
I'm glad that my son tries to stand without being aggressive (the other family has the worse problem, from my point of view), but I don't know how to handle this (and the other family seems not to care too much, "this things happen between children" and so).
I asked my son to play always near an adult, not to go far away where teachers cannot see what's happening. And make many friends, so they can together defend themselves, and ignore the other one.
My husband said that I'm living in a pinky fantasy world, and said to my son that first he has to say "leave me alone", if the other insists in fighting, say to the teacher, and if the other insists again, then fight back.
Tomorrow I'll call the school director and try to have an interview with him and my son's teacher. I don't want this thing become worse.
I'm very sad.
Amr Helmy likes this.
Ánimo y que vaya bien la reunión en el colegio. En cualquier caso, anima a tu hijo y hazle ver que está protegido. Lo peor en esos casos no es que te hagan daño físico, duele más el no entender por qué te lo hacen y el sentirse desprotegido.
Complicated topic. I guess a balance between your way and your husband's way could be best.
Ideally, non-violence and dialog would be the answer, but I think standing up to the bully sometimes works better. And that doesn't mean violence. Just showing him that he can't step over you as he pleases.
If your kid can have lots of friends around, that could certainly help.
Good luck to you both!
Debian Project at 2013-12-30T10:07:30Z
Timo Kankare, Stefan Klute, yahya69, a(n) person and 10 others likes this.
yahya69, Marco, EVAnaRkISTO, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) and 2 others shared this.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2013-12-30T14:24:57Z
These days I'm still without computer, my laptop is waiting, I'm busy with housework and spending time in family. However it's nice to being able to stay in touch with the pumpiverse via Puma. Thanks @macno!
aether, Evan Prodromou, Luis A. Guzman, Amr Helmy likes this.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2013-12-25T12:40:58Z
Merry Christmas! I could backup all my important files to an external disk #oleole
Tomorrow I'll buy another disk for my laptop and finally I'll have a #Debian #jessie clean install :)
Amr Helmy likes this.
Debian Project at 2013-10-28T23:20:57Z
David Black, Amr Helmy, Scorpio20 likes this.
txuiki, EVAnaRkISTO shared this.
Debian Project at 2013-10-28T23:22:03Z
Adam Sjøgren, RiveraValdez, Amr Helmy, Scorpio20 likes this.
yahya69, Laura Arjona Reina shared this.