donald robertson III donaldrobertsoniii@identi.ca
I'm currently the copyright administrator for the Free Software Foundation. I'm also an attorney.
Defective by Design at 2012-11-08T23:51:06+00:00
Tell Amazon: Books and Libraries Shouldn't Have a Kill Switch http://www.ur1.ca/auuja !DRM is !DefectiveByDesign $AMZNdonald robertson III, Jérôme Pasquier, Chrissie Therese, Free Culture Foundation and 1 others likes this.
Jamasi, Jamasi, Rob Myers, Rob Myers and 8 others shared this.
I want watch :-). @lxoliva, could you please confirm if the last version is on http://ur1.ca/av1ps ?@lxoliva, thank you!Free Software Foundation at 2012-11-01T22:57:26+00:00
Christopher Allan Webber, immobilier et finances, William Purcell, Katz Kawai and 6 others likes this.
yobo, yobo, uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs, uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs and 23 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2012-09-21T22:39:09+00:00
Apple v. Samsung: A patent battle with freedom as the collateral damage !fsf http://ur1.ca/adepkJoshua Gay, Aleksej, Chrissie Therese, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 1 others likes this.
Josué Ortega, Josué Ortega, SiscoGarcia, SiscoGarcia and 8 others shared this.
@fsf Warning: the thermonuclear patent war would blast in EU with #UnitaryPatent http://ur1.ca/adezp Act now http://ur1.ca/adezq♻ @fsf: Apple v. Samsung: A patent battle with freedom as the collateral damage #fsf http://ur1.ca/adepk♻ @fsf: Apple v. Samsung: A patent battle with freedom as the collateral damage #fsf http://ur1.ca/adepkFree Software Foundation at 2012-09-21T15:17:41+00:00
TODAY! Join the FSF and friends in updating the Free Software Directory - IRC in fsf on freenode !fsf !gnu !lp 18-21UTC ur1.ca/ad6ewChrissie Therese, donald robertson III likes this.
Free Software Foundation at 2012-09-19T21:13:32+00:00
Chrissie Therese, donald robertson III likes this.
gryps75, gryps75, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer and 8 others shared this.
Free Culture Foundation at 2012-09-17T17:21:08+00:00
The Future of @CreativeCommons: Examining defenses of the NC and ND clauses http://ur1.ca/aagmn !CC !LibrePlanet !Free Culture via: @qcoPaul Laroquod, kompatux3s, Chrissie Therese, donald robertson III and 3 others likes this.
Rob Myers, Rob Myers, a(n) person, a(n) person shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2012-08-29T22:57:22+00:00
Join the FSF and friends in updating the Free Software Directory this Friday on IRC! http://ur1.ca/a24qb !FSF #FSD !LP !GNUdonald robertson III, Aleksej likes this.
Stefano Zacchiroli, Stefano Zacchiroli, Frédéric Couchet, Frédéric Couchet shared this.
♻ @fsf Join the FSF and friends in updating the Free Software Directory this Friday on IRC! http://ur1.ca/a24qb !FSF #FSD !LP !GNUFree Software Foundation at 2012-08-24T18:12:08+00:00
Join the party in #FSF on freenode and help us make the Free Software Directory even more awesome! !fsf #fsd !gnu !lpdonald robertson III likes this.
Marcio B. Jr., Marcio B. Jr. shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2012-08-14T21:46:03+00:00
This fall, intern with the Licensing Team at the FSF! Apply now -- applications are due September 3rd !fsf !gnu ur1.ca/9y7bua(n) person, Chrissie Therese, donald robertson III likes this.
Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer, a(n) person, a(n) person shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2012-08-10T21:20:56+00:00
Thank you Jordanian Free Software Foundation, Metamaquina, & over 35k individuals for opposing Restricted Boot ur1.ca/5fg95 !fsf !gnu !lpa(n) person, Chrissie Therese, Ward Vandewege, donald robertson III and 1 others likes this.
Lluís Nacenta, Lluís Nacenta, Benoit Mortier, Benoit Mortier and 10 others shared this.
<a href="http://www.post.edu/online/" title="Online Degrees">Online Degrees</a>Free Software Foundation at 2012-06-29T21:35:00+00:00
Dennis Zeit, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Oriol Rossich, Alessandro Matsetes Mazza and 11 others likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Yutaka Niibe, Yutaka Niibe and 28 others shared this.
Show all 9 repliesFree Software Foundation at 2012-06-25T19:08:49+00:00
#Microsoft's gambling problem fixed... mostly: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/dear-microsoft-fsf.org-is-not-a-gambling-site !fsf !gnudonald robertson III likes this.
Nizar Kerkeni, Nizar Kerkeni, zakunin, zakunin shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2012-06-21T21:33:38+00:00
Jason Self, Alexandro P., Joshua Gay, a(n) person and 2 others likes this.
Emmanuel Ninos, Emmanuel Ninos, Alexandro P., Alexandro P. and 14 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2012-06-12T22:42:53+00:00
Welcome the new !FSF licensing & compliance team: @donaldrobertsoniii ur1.ca/9hlwi and @joshuagay ur1.ca/9hlwk !gnu !gpl !lpAlexandro P., Brett Smith, Kat Walsh, donald robertson III and 1 others likes this.
Chrissie Therese, Chrissie Therese, Richard Fontana, Richard Fontana and 6 others shared this.
Defective by Design at 2012-04-24T23:31:57+00:00
Readers pressure Tor/Forge to drop #DRM from ebooks defectivebydesign.org/tor-to-drop-drm-on-ebooks !dbd !fsf Take action: dayagainstdrm.orgEvan Prodromou, donald robertson III, Brett Smith, Andrew E and 3 others likes this.
Shawn R Gray, Shawn R Gray, l30bravo, l30bravo and 7 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2012-03-28T20:05:24+00:00
Happy Document Freedom Day! www.fsf.org/blogs/community/happy-document-freedom-day-2012 !gnu !fsf !libreplanetDalba, George Hostler, pump.io sucks, Marti van Lin and 6 others likes this.
República del Hackuador, República del Hackuador, George Hostler, George Hostler and 22 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2012-03-12T18:38:48+00:00
Brett Smith, donald robertson III, fzerorubigd, Joshua Gay and 3 others likes this.
Matthew Dimitroff, Matthew Dimitroff, donald robertson III, donald robertson III and 8 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2012-02-28T23:03:32+00:00
FSF Europe Launches "Free Your Android" - FSF blog: ur1.ca/8fmxy - FSFE site: freeyourandroid.org !fsfe !fsf !gnu !replicant #fdroidHelena Meler, Christopher Allan Webber, Gemini, Heikki Lappalainen and 4 others likes this.
michelenlared, infotics, infotics, República del Hackuador and 27 others shared this.
Those two of the same thumbnails created an android freedom dance party. #bmchbmchbmchDoes FSF's project add anything that #cyanogenmod didn't? I really like cyanogenmod.Free Software Foundation at 2012-02-01T17:09:37+00:00
Stop ACTA In Europe -- http://identi.ca/event/197b8759-0d61-44cc-aa60-4d0396b77a16 http://ur1.ca/7yytq !gnu !lp !fsfJoshua Gay, grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen), donald robertson III, Brett Smith likes this.
Joshua Gay, Joshua Gay, grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen), The Root's Updates and 9 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2012-01-30T16:48:35+00:00
!GNU education website relaunches: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/gnu-education-website-relaunch !fsf !lp !ccMarcio B. Jr., donald robertson III, a(n) person, Ward Vandewege and 7 others likes this.
República del Hackuador, República del Hackuador, José María Serralde, José María Serralde and 18 others shared this.