Jonathan Nadeau frostbite@identi.ca
Ildefonso, Brazil
I'm a father and husband along with being a blind GNU/Linux user. Who Also is an advocate of accessibility with Free software.
Sander at 2013-02-19T13:53:24+00:00
Linux accessibility is very important!!! Please support the Sonar Project!!! Only 42 hours left to raise $20000 http:/... http://b1t.it/cVsNJonathan Nadeau likes this.
laurelrusswurm, ghostdancer, ghostdancer, Jonathan Nadeau and 1 others shared this.
Stefano Costa at 2013-02-20T16:18:10+00:00
I donated to bring Free software to 1 billion people with some type of disability http://ur1.ca/cuty1Jonathan Nadeau likes this.
Jonathan Nadeau, Jonathan Nadeau shared this.
Jonathan Nadeau at 2013-02-20T16:21:59+00:00
Thanks to @steko for bringing accessible Freedom to 1 billion people! http://ur1.ca/cl5muJonathan Nadeau likes this.
Dr. Matt Lee at 2013-02-01T14:08:33+00:00
My good friend, the #accessibility superstar, Jon Nadeau is raising some cash for his Sonar project -- http://bit.ly/WjvgtiJonathan Nadeau, Rob Myers, Aleksej, kabniel@identi.ca and 2 others likes this.
David Thompson, David Thompson, Jonathan Nadeau, Jonathan Nadeau and 4 others shared this.
Northeast GNU/Linuxfest
Bruce at 2012-12-27T15:56:13+00:00
Jonathan Nadeau likes this.
Jonathan Nadeau, Jonathan Nadeau shared this.
GNU MediaGoblin at 2012-12-20T17:35:59+00:00
!GNU !MediaGoblin 0.3.2, "Goblinverse", is released! 3d model support, an API, collections, and more! http://ur1.ca/c6oijTupulpo, kompatux3s, Evan Prodromou, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 4 others likes this.
Paco Vila, Paco Vila, Tomás Solar Castro, Tomás Solar Castro and 30 others shared this.
Show all 5 repliesBtw, the larger resolution XCF for the release art is here: http://mediagoblin.org/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.3.2_banner.xcf enjoy!♻ @mediagoblin: #GNU #MediaGoblin 0.3.2, "Goblinverse", is released! 3d model support, an API, collections, and more! http://ur1.ca/c6oijCongratulations! Link to http://docs.mediagoblin.org/siteadmin/relnotes.html would be nice. And that's missing upgrade instructions. :)@cwebber Congratulations! I especially appreciate the geolocation and OpenStreetMap support.Free Software Foundation at 2011-11-10T23:04:24+00:00
Amazing coalition forms to fight blacklist bill - American Censorship Day: 11/16 http://ur1.ca/5qk5a !fsf !gnuJonathan Nadeau, Oriol Rossich, Krishnan Dasan, Andrew E and 7 others likes this.
República del Hackuador, República del Hackuador, Jonathan Nadeau, Jonathan Nadeau and 28 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-10-20T18:22:44+00:00
Over 11k people have signed "Stand up for your freedom to install free software!" Can you help us reach 15k? http://ur1.ca/5fg95 !fsf !gnuJonathan Nadeau, a(n) person, Bruce Cowan, Evan Prodromou and 6 others likes this.
Jonathan Nadeau, Jonathan Nadeau, a(n) person, a(n) person and 24 others shared this.
♻ @fsf: Over 11k people have signed "Stand up for your freedom to install free software#" Can you help us reach 15k? http://ur1.ca/5fg95Free Software Foundation at 2011-10-17T19:44:01+00:00
a(n) person, Jonathan Nadeau, Bruce Cowan, jidm and 8 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Jonathan Nadeau, Jonathan Nadeau and 10 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-10-13T21:34:12+00:00
"Secure Boot" is a threat. Stand up for your freedom to install free software! Sign the statement. http://fsf.org/sb !fsf !gnu !lpBrett Smith, a(n) person, Jonathan Nadeau, ben mtl and 12 others likes this.
Fleon Trotsky, Fleon Trotsky, a(n) person, a(n) person and 48 others shared this.
♻ @fsf "Secure Boot" is a threat. Stand up for your freedom to install free software! Sign the statement. http://fsf.org/sb !fsf !gnu !lp♻ @fsf: "Secure Boot" is a threat. Stand up for your freedom to install free software! Sign the statement. http://fsf.org/sb !fsflaGood post, and *massively* important issue! When done reading, sign here: http://ur1.ca/5eg7h@fsf Checked and signed. Damned be me if I have to buy such a motherboard!Defective by Design at 2011-09-28T20:06:55+00:00
Dimi Piraat, Zach Copley, Mario García H., Jonathan Nadeau and 6 others likes this.
Ramiro Batista da Luz, Ramiro Batista da Luz, FFKP, FFKP and 48 others shared this.
Show all 5 repliesReceived the message. Wish DBD didn't focus so much on the secondary issues with non-owner locks http://flora.ca/ rather than primary.I realise you are trying to attract a less-technical mainstream audience, but is that effective? May turn off technical audience.Personally, I don't care what rules a DRM system enforces. Anti-interoperability locks on content and non-owner locks on devices is harm!Free Software Foundation at 2011-08-18T20:58:47+00:00
Android GPLv2 termination worries: one more reason to upgrade to GPLv3 - http://ur1.ca/4xo8u !fsf !gnu !gpla(n) person, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Marcio B. Jr., Osama Khalid and 4 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Comunidad GNU Linux, Comunidad GNU Linux and 4 others shared this.
♻ @fsf: Android GPLv2 termination worries: one more reason to upgrade to GPLv3 - http://ur1.ca/4xo8u #fsf #gnu #gplMy colleague @brettcsmith wrote a thoughtful piece about !Android / !Linux distribution under #GPLv2 & why #GPLv3 is better: ur1.ca/4xo8uDefective by Design at 2011-08-18T19:38:53+00:00
@eldsjal, @alisonbonny I'm politely declining the invitation from @Spotify because of #DRM, http://ur1.ca/4xnzf @SpotifyUSA !dbd !gnu !fsfHilton Garcia Fernandes, Dimi Piraat, Ecotribe, Marcio B. Jr. and 7 others likes this.
The Root's Updates, The Root's Updates, Dimi Piraat, Dimi Piraat and 19 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-07-18T22:23:00+00:00
We are excited to bring a much-missed item back to the FSF shop: hooded sweatshirts! -- http://ur1.ca/4qe3w !gnu !lp !fsfBob Call, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, William Theaker, Brett Smith and 3 others likes this.
Bob Call, Bob Call, Jonathan Nadeau, Jonathan Nadeau and 2 others shared this.
♻ @fsf: We are excited to bring a much-missed item back to the FSF shop: hooded sweatshirts# -- http://ur1.ca/4qe3w #gnu #lp #fsfFree Software Foundation at 2011-07-18T22:20:46+00:00
Interview with @warp -- http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/interview-with-musicbrainz-developer-kuno-woudt -- !fsf !gnu !lpBob Call, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, William Theaker, Brett Smith and 4 others likes this.
Bob Call, Bob Call, Ward Vandewege, Ward Vandewege and 2 others shared this.
Dan Lynch at 2010-07-03T23:57:43+00:00
Home from #bcblackpool Big thanks to @ruby_gem and everyone else who worked so hard on it :)Jonathan Nadeau likes this.
Joel McLaughlin at 2010-07-03T19:07:05+00:00
Popcorn? Check. Streaming Netflix(The Sandlot)? Check. Relaxing long weekend culminating in a pool party then yardwork? Check. WIN!Jonathan Nadeau likes this.