Signature d'une convention INRIA-UNESCO autour de Software Heritage
Frédéric Couchet at 2017-04-04T20:38:39Z
Lire le compte-rendu de Benoît Sibaud https://linuxfr.org/news/signature-d-une-convention-inria-unesco-autour-de-software-heritage
Olivier Berger likes this.
Olivier Berger shared this.
And here's my LibrePlanet talk. https://media.libreplanet.org/u/libreplanet/m/securely-backing-up-gpg-private-keys-to-the-cloud/
I think that went well!
Olivier Berger, der.hans, zykotick9 likes this.
Olivier Berger shared this.
Karl Fogel at 2017-03-13T16:17:23Z
We're co-presenting "Open Source for Energy Efficiency" webinar w/ @matthewgee tomorrow, 11am PT -- register: http://www.openee.io/webinar-registration.htmlOlivier Berger, Mike Linksvayer likes this.
"Using FAI to customize and build your own cloud images" by Noah Meyerhans
Debian Project at 2017-02-13T23:03:05Z
"Using FAI to customize and build your own cloud images" by Noah Meyerhans http://noah.meyerhans.us/blog/2017/02/10/using-fai-to-customize-and-build-your-own-cloud-images/
Olivier Berger, der.hans, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
EVAnaRkISTO shared this.
Savoir-faire Linux Platinum Sponsor of DebConf17
Debian Project at 2017-01-30T19:09:02Z
Savoir-faire Linux Platinum Sponsor of DebConf17 https://bits.debian.org/2017/01/sfl-platinum-debconf17.html
Olivier Berger, der.hans likes this.
- Ce mardi 18/10 enquête de Cash Investigation sur l'Open Bar Microsoft / Défense sur France 2 http://apr1.org/MN
Olivier Berger likes this.
Frédéric Couchet shared this.
april.org at 2016-10-20T14:06:15Z
L'April demande la publication de l'« accord de sécurité » entre Microsoft et l'État http://apr1.org/N9 #CashInvestigationOlivier Berger likes this.
Krugor, Frédéric Couchet shared this.
DebConf17 will take place in Montreal, Canada, 6 to 12 August 2017
Debian Project at 2016-07-09T07:47:02Z
DebConf17 dates announced:
- DebCamp starts 2017-07-31
- DebianDay on 2017-08-05
- DebConf 2017-08-06 to 2017-08-12
See you next year in Montreal, Canada!der.hans, Olivier Berger, Jonathan Carter likes this.
Karl Fogel at 2016-05-03T16:29:25Z
Hey, everyone! My New Year's Resolution: get better about dates and calendars. What's yours?Greg Grossmeier, Olivier Berger, Evan Prodromou likes this.
To buy a pre-installed S2 phone with Replicant
Frédéric Couchet at 2016-04-18T20:58:24Z
I have one, it works well http://apr1.org/IR
Olivier Berger likes this.
Karl Fogel at 2016-04-25T16:49:23Z
An idea so good it just smacks you in the forehead: http://www.ospc.org/. CC @bengalewsky @d_roarty @chihacknightOlivier Berger, Charles Stanhope likes this.
DebConf17 to be held in Montreal, Canada!
Debian Project at 2016-02-29T22:43:51Z
DebConf17 will be held in Montreal, Canada!
See you there!
Olivier Berger, Raúl Benencia, MATTEO BECHINI, Jonathan Carter and 1 others likes this.
Jonathan Carter, Jonathan Carter, Jonathan Carter shared this.
New blogpost: Long summer story, Welcome team, and I am a Debian Developer now
Laura Arjona Reina at 2015-10-16T05:51:58Z
mray INACTIVE, Sarah Elkins, Mike Linksvayer, Manuel - Cuenta abandonada and 2 others likes this.
Olivier Berger shared this.
News from Debian: Debian and Software Freedom Conservancy announce Copyright Aggregation Project
Debian Project at 2015-08-21T14:35:17Z
Olivier Berger, Francisco M García Claramonte, Wilfred (Mr. W.), Lars Wirzenius and 1 others likes this.
Lars Wirzenius shared this.
The State of Federation
GNU MediaGoblin at 2015-08-03T16:53:10Z
MediaGoblin programmer Jessica Tallon walks through The State of Federation in a blogpost up on mediagoblin.org!
rid sevilla, McClane, Olivier Berger, ostfriesenmärz and 10 others likes this.
McClane, ostfriesenmärz, Blaise Alleyne, Krugor and 6 others shared this.
The United Federation of Goblins!!
JanKusanagi at 2015-08-03T20:28:40Z
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2015-07-14T12:52:00Z
@Olivier Berger, Apertium is your friend :)
Olivier Berger likes this.
X11R5 shared this.
14 de julio
Laura Arjona Reina at 2015-07-14T06:56:08Z
14 de julio, la Toma de la Bastilla: de esas cosas que estudias en primaria y no se te olvidan, y eso que no soy francesa, pero lo de “liberar a los presos” siempre me impactó. El sentido de injusticia y opresión tuvo que ser muy fuerte para este tipo de rebelión (con los encarcelados injustamente, salen también los que 'merecían' estar allí…).
Quizá fue una especie de engaño, movilización masiva tipo “masa enfurecida” para que el poder cambiara de manos simplemente, y mucha gente pasó de estar encarcelada (in)justamente a estar libre, y otra, de estar vivos, a morir injustamente. Como dice ese refrán, “Hagan los elefantes el amor o la guerra, la hierba siempre sufre”…
Sigo viendo válido el lema “libertad, igualdad, fraternidad” y quiero pensar que las cosas no funcionaron porque, como sociedad, no supimos (o no quisimos) avanzar en la “pata” de la fraternidad. Y quiero pensar que aún podemos intentarlo…
Olivier Berger likes this.
Manuel - Cuenta abandonada shared this.
soy cada vez más pesimista...
Creo necesaria una revolución... interior y personal para desprendernos de aquello que nos ata a "malos vicios" (envídias, intereses, poder, ego) hasta que eso no llegue lo demás lo veo muy difícil...
Aunque sé que hay quien está en ese camino, pero no lo leemos en los "mass-media"
¿Por qué no fraternidad con el pueblo Griego? Pero con el pueblo de verdad, no con su poder económico. Nos sacan a relucir que nos deben, que tienen que cumplir, que porque nosotros sí y ellos no, etc...
Liberté, égalité, fraternité... et logiciel libre !
(note, I don't read spanish, but I can grasp some sentences anyway ;-)@Olivier Berger, Apertium is your friend :)
Laura Arjona Reina at 2015-07-14T12:52:00Z
Olivier Berger likes this.
Bits from Debian: Reproducible Builds get funded by the Core Infrastructure Initiative
Debian Project at 2015-07-13T17:28:05Z
Bits from Debian: Reproducible Builds get funded by the Core Infrastructure Initiative
Arthur Lutz, Bernhard E. Reiter, der.hans, Tyng-Ruey Chuang and 5 others likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
Frédéric Couchet at 2015-07-09T13:13:19Z
Le nombre de fronts ouverts contre les libertés fondamentales est impressionnant mais les activistes gardent la pêche et la motivation :)
Olivier Berger likes this.
Frédéric Couchet at 2015-07-01T16:15:33Z
Malgré la chaleur, ma femme et deux des enfants ont mis leurs habits de Harmonie, Peach, Link #cosplay #japanexpo
Olivier Berger likes this.