Free Software Foundation at 2014-08-18T22:19:48Z
Richard Stallman's TEDx video is our new favorite tool for introducing newcomers to free software. Share it! Oliva, Cédric Heintz, Digital Roffey, Anton Katsarov and 26 others likes this.
Paco Vila, Anton Katsarov, johan, Colegota and 34 others shared this.
Show all 16 repliesCould FSF not host the video on a MediaGoblin instance? A bit ironic to point people at YouTube when the video warns against SaaSS.
Kevin Everets at 2014-08-20T12:53:51Z
n2t likes this.
>> Kevin Everets:
“Could FSF not host the video on a MediaGoblin instance?”
The video is hosted in the page linked in the note.More precisely, at
You don't need to go to Youtube or anywhere else.
JanKusanagi at 2014-08-20T19:47:10Z
jrobb likes this.
downloaded, watched, loved it! great work! I'm now seeding the torrent (thanks Luis Guzmán) and wondering if there are ongoing efforts to subtitle and translate it already. heck, even the slides could be translated, for us to deliver this AWESOME speech to non-English speakers worldwideAlexandre Oliva at 2014-08-20T22:13:09Z
Yutaka Niibe likes this.
Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House?
Stephen Sekula, Dylan, saul goode, Jason Self and 4 others likes this.
Stephen Sekula shared this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2014-08-15T16:56:30Z
I've been typing this up off and on the last few days, but new blogpost: Javascript beyond Javascript(with Guile?)
saul goode, David Thompson likes this.
I could not agree more, "ARM, X86, SPARC... these are all important compiler targets to have, but to advance user freedom where the user is today, the browser is the most important target of all."Charles Stanhope at 2014-08-15T22:50:38Z
Sean Tilley, Douglas Perkins, Evan Prodromou, jrobb and 2 others likes this.
Yeah. That statement probably a lead-up to some larger conversations about: "how do we help GNU win the world of the web back for users?"
Christopher Allan Webber at 2014-08-15T22:56:10Z
X11R5, likes this.
I'm glad you did. It was an incredibly strong finish. I want to be able to help in some way. I'm still struggling with that.Charles Stanhope at 2014-08-16T18:34:42Z
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2014-07-30T17:19:56Z by @copiesofcopiessaul goode, Christopher Allan Webber, Aaron Williamson likes this.
Aaron Wolf, Aaron Wolf, maiki, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
Show all 5 replies@judahsshadow no it isn't FUD I'm 99% sure given the source (@copiesofcopies / Aaron Williamson). The article isn't easily summarizable but it does note where this case ties into fear about "viral" GPL forcing all software of unsuspecting developer to be free. I gather there's very little chance of that part going anywhere, though I'm one who thinks it is too bad the GPL isn't really "viral" like that! The dangerous thing is at the end, claim that GPL (and presumably then any license without an explicit one) does not offer an implicit patent grant, which could (I don't really know) give massive berth for Linux-related patent suits. ps Definitely absolutely do not use CC0 for software. :-/And if that should happen then we can just say "Tsk, tsk. Told you patents were a problem and to use v3."Jason Self at 2014-07-30T20:55:11Z likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2014-07-26T19:04:37Z
Displeasure from PDFs generally, but I get a little tingle when there's one with numbered pages in the text that actually match the sequence in the PDF. Sick sick sick.
But I have yet to see a document primarily intended for print as a "book" that starts numbering with the cover as page 1, in the interest of the vastly greater number of people who will read electronically. Are there any examples of such?
Also, hardcoded two column format especially must die, but a good way of doing that is to just kill PDFs. And of course all attempts to recreate paper format on screen that don't use PDF.Susan Pinochet, saul goode, Douglas Perkins likes this.
I fund a lot of RPG books (because one of my hobbies is reading RPG books), and I am always excited when they have an ebook option (because they all do, and I am easily excitable), until I realize most of them mean PDFs (because I am also easily let down by the end of run on sentences).
Which is different from how I will release "books", because I hail from the web, and 'round here we argue about various marks of the up and down variety, but focus on beaming the end result into your eye holes with flunctuating matrices of light, rather than telling robot arms to spray liquid on dead plant matter.
Sorry, I was making a point, but got stuck in how the world works... um, anyhow, down with PDFs!
Susan Pinochet, Mike Linksvayer, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2014-07-01T16:39:49Z
argumentum ad githubumsaul goode, sazius, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2014-06-29T04:49:02Z
Jim Gettys talk "(In)Security in Home Embedded Devices"
I summarzied/riffed on some of it at goode likes this.
Since we're just chatting, and I apparently sleep like a zen monk (without any of the advantages), the thing that has been keeping me awake: I am going to build a crowd-funding platform specifically for stuff going into the commons, such as free cultural artifacts (CC-0 stuff) and FOSS projects, as well as supporting the personal lives of folks that parrticipate in such things (replacing broken laptops, making airfare to LibrePlanet/Wikimania/wherever).
That is exciting, sure. But it is a lot of work, and I need to get org stuff in place, yadda yadda. The part that is making my brain crank is how I am going to fund ongoing web services via the clever use of perks.
Basically, I want to make services that are accessible to lots of folks, regardless of ability to pay, while also being transparent about the cost. A lot of the stuff I host isn't open registration, in part because dealing with spammy accounts and volume is difficult to do when one isn't offsetting the cost by being creepy (ie tracking, serving ads, selling user info, etc.). So, each web service will have an annual fund-raiser, explaining how much it is used, and aiming to to support itself for the next year. The tiered awards will include a "perk", which is one from a list.
What are the perks? Essentially an account on some service, and different extras on subsequent choices (the latter are shown after the forward slashes).
* A jabber account for you/for a friend
* ownCloud account for you/for a friend, more storage
* WordPress hosting
* Federated social net account for you/for a friend
The idea is that those accounts are lifetime affairs, and this also makes it so once a year we can have an intake of new users for our services, making it more managable (the other ways to get accounts will be local, in-person mentoring, special programs, stuff like that).
This way of funding and increasing usage free web services corresponds to my ideas on human scale (hey, I wrote that a almost exactly a year ago!). And the possibilities are astounding. Right now is a golden time to point out how big companies treat customers as products, and to cater to a growing number of folks that care about how theirs services are configured. It also means that I can support the free and open web by mentoring others and supporting individuals behind projects (whom I'd much prefer run updates and configure these services than myself!).
So yeah, that is why I only sleep 4 hours a night, which itself contributes to the delirious smile I wear these days. ^_^
Evan Prodromou, Mike Linksvayer, saul goode likes this.
I am also one of those folks that always wants to do the things I see on the web, but better. Most fund-raising campaigns really suck, in that they lean heavily on something like Facebook, aren't very transparent, don't give regular updates and generally make me cringe. I want to do that better!
Also, coming up with tiers based on web services sounds super fun!
One of the things that I plan to do with the fund-raising site is create crowd-funded bounties. Say I want some feature in a plugin or project; I can have a discussion with the developers and figure out the steps to be taken, and how much it will cost. Then I can put up a campaign, put in my stake, and see if other folks will help support that.
And you could do it, too! We have all the moving parts for this, but there isn't money to be made for hosting such a site. Which means I should do it!
(I don't really grok monies, so it is totally okay!)
Blaise Alleyne at 2014-05-15T21:06:50Z
One of the (silly) reasons I've continued to run GNOME 3 under Ubuntu instead of switching to Debian is a hesitance to move from Firefox to IceWeasel.
With this EME/DRM stuff, for the first time, I no longer feel that hesitance. A trademark dispute is one thing... but DRM is another.
saul goode, Scorpio20, Christopher Allan Webber, laurelrusswurm and 5 others likes this.
mray INACTIVE shared this.
100% with you. This is exactly what I currently do, exactly why I'm doing it, and IceWeasel and Debian exactly are what I'll be using soon, too. shame on mozilla.
mray INACTIVE at 2014-05-15T21:56:17Z
Blaise Alleyne, Björn Schießle likes this.
Not so long ago Wikipedia considered supporting proprietary video formats, but when the community freaked out they listened.
But then the w3c and now Firefox? What is it with these people?
If *I* can understand why they shouldn't incorporate proprietary software, why don't they?laurelrusswurm at 2014-05-16T02:49:18Z
Alberto Moshpirit, sazius, Douglas Perkins, a(n) person and 4 others likes this.
Douglas Perkins at 2014-05-19T13:09:04Z
Hmm, I sort of see some of what you're saying but am missing the overall idea. You say I don't see the forest, but let's examine my situation.
- I have no TV.
- I have no set-top box.
- I have no satellite TV.
- I have no direct-to-mobile service.
- Physical media meaning ... hard drives? USB drives? CDs? Floppy disks? I have some of those...
It seems like a lot of the groups or services or areas of concern you have are ones that I don't use or interact with. On the other hand, I do use a web browser, and I can certainly choose which one, and I can certainly choose one that's not adding sandboxes for DRM to live in if I want.
If you want to say that creating a sandbox for DRM to live in is not building in DRM, OK, but now we're playing word games. Let's grant you your word game victory, because it's a boring topic. Then let us say that Mozilla is fostering an environment in which DRM can easily thrive.
It is easy to say, "ZOMG big media is the enemy!", and that may or may not be true, depending what you're talking about, but one way of attacking the enemy is to deny them support. That is one reason people are complaining about Firefox. You can't change the status quo by endorsing it, after all.
Also, many people who are anti DRM-sandbox-whatever-you-wanna-call-it are also broadly speaking opposed to monopolies. We vote with our votes, our mouths, and, yes, of course, our wallets.
saul goode likes this.
David "Judah's Shadow" Blue at 2014-05-13T19:21:41Z
we further failed when email stopped being the primary method of truly personal communication in favor of SMS, Facebook chat/posts, etc. and email is really only used now a days for communication in with companies or mailing lists, outside of the free software world anyway.
Evan Prodromou, saul goode, likes this.
What I think of when I hear the word "selfie"
Whenever I hear the word "selfie" or see a selfie, I almost always picture this monkey.
saul goode, Dylan, Freemor, Charles Stanhope and 3 others likes this.
Show all 6 replies>> George Standish:
“did/does anyone else have this post pre-liked (with only an Unlike) that fails if you try it? or am i alone?”
Doesn't appear "pre-liked" here, and I was able to favorite it without a problem. But who knows...Gotta say that is a handsome Monkey tho.. Think he knows it too :)
Freemor at 2014-05-13T20:55:21Z
Blaise Alleyne likes this.
GNU MediaGoblin at 2014-04-29T21:26:27Z
Remember MediaGoblin's financial transparency blogpost?
hledger's main author was impressed with the post and the clarity of the file, so is using it for their demo site! Super cool!saul goode, Aleksej, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Stefano Zacchiroli and 6 others likes this.
Stefano Zacchiroli, marxistvegan, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
ChicagoLUG at 2014-04-23T13:11:08Z
We're going to be hosting our own photos, videos, presentations & music: #mediagoblinsaul goode, Greg Grossmeier, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber, j1mc shared this.