Blaise Alleyne balleyne@identi.ca
Toronto, Canada
Technologist, musician, writer, theology student, free culture/software advocate. http://status.blaise.ca/ http://blaise.ca/
Stephen Michael Kellat at 2020-10-03T02:19:33Z
There are a few behavioral markers that indicate something is very wrong. Him halting tweeting for any appreciable length of time is a big one. The abrupt departure for the Walter Rees National Military Medical Center with no prior press statement is another. He went there without Melania.
Contact tracing indicates spread at the Amy Coney Barrett introduction event. Senators Lee & Tillis are both positive as well as Melania in addition to other staff who were front row at the event. Symptoms took several days to become apparent per what we know so far.Blaise Alleyne likes this.
#Debconf19 BBQ. The last official gathering before attendants head home all over the world. Some already departed: safe travels to everybody!
Debian Project at 2019-07-28T18:51:10Z
#Debconf19 BBQ. The last official gathering before attendants head home all over the world. Some already departed: safe travels to everybody!
MATTEO BECHINI, Blaise Alleyne likes this.
Karl Fogel at 2019-03-17T01:53:27Z
To whoever made booting so much speedier in Debian GNU/Linux 'testing' distro (Linux kernel version 4.19.0-2-amd64, but maybe the change happened earlier than that): THANK YOU!McClane, Blaise Alleyne likes this.
Karl Fogel at 2019-03-18T03:06:47Z
Whole Foods checkout clerk: "Are you a member of Amazon Prime?"
Fantasy me: "Uh, I'm a member of Amazon Probabilistic Prime."
Fantasy Clerk: "?"
Fantasy me: "I mean, demographically, it's likelier that your CPU made an arithmetic error than that I'm not Prime."
Real me: "No."McClane, Blaise Alleyne likes this.
Alexandre Oliva at 2019-02-28T04:22:29Z
.oO can you believe the FSF has a page on Facebook? yes, really! check it out! https://www.fsf.org/facebook/Blaise Alleyne, AJ Jordan, McClane, Jackson de Jesus likes this.
McClane shared this.
Ben Sturmfels at 2019-02-17T10:00:56Z
@Blaise Alleyne I'm using Firefox Klar from F-Droid, which seems to work well. Only issue is that it's designed for private browsing, which means it... forgets everything. Good with home screen bookmarks though.
Blaise Alleyne likes this.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2019-02-18T02:00:45Z
I use Fennec F-Droid, and sometimes Tor Browser.
I use Fennec because I see it's updated regularly and I could install uBlock origin to get rid of all the ads. I didn't explore much other browsers, though.This is in my phone with Lineage 14.1.
Byron H., Blaise Alleyne likes this.
JanKusanagi at 2018-11-28T18:45:48Z
Couldn't think of a better surface for that 🤣
Blaise Alleyne likes this.
JanKusanagi at 2018-11-26T23:14:39Z
Welcome back, identi.cans!! =)
We missed you! 🤗
Blaise Alleyne, Screwtape likes this.
We're back! o/
JanKusanagi at 2018-11-26T22:40:48Z
identi.ca is fixed =)
talou, ben, Blaise Alleyne, Sven Drieling and 7 others likes this.
Welcome back, identi.cans!! =)
We missed you! 🤗
JanKusanagi at 2018-11-26T23:14:39Z
Blaise Alleyne, Screwtape likes this.
sazius at 2018-07-05T10:29:04Z
I wrote a blog post about not using Google, syncing, (most) apps, etc. "Simplifying my digital life": https://sjoberg.fi/blog/simplify.html
Ben Sturmfels, Distopico, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Mike Linksvayer and 3 others likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌ and 2 others shared this.
I'm happily using Nextcloud and a F-Droid only Android device with a few more applications, but I still strongly agree with the approach and especially the conclusion:
In many cases I’ve been an early adopter of technology, but sometimes I’ve come to the conclusion that the old way was better. Unfortunately new technology is often adopted just for the sake of being new. I think, in general, we should be a bit more skeptic about new technology, and in particular about its effects on society, and carefully consider the pros and cons. Of course in many cases the pros outweigh the cons, but not always.
Naturally, it’s also about getting older and more conservative. I no longer switch Linux distributions every other month, I’ve been quite happy with running Debian stable for many years now. I’m still fascinated by technology, and I especially like programming, however, I try to use it more thoughtfully in my daily life, and leave some time for other important things.
Blaise Alleyne at 2018-07-05T17:03:09Z
Ben Sturmfels, sazius likes this.
AJ Jordan at 2018-07-02T02:58:05Z
I have ejabberd hooked up to pam_unix... it works pretty well. The configuration syntax is kinda garbage though. I can send you my config if you want.
Blaise Alleyne, Yutaka Niibe, Tom Tishken likes this.
Avadiax at 2017-11-18T01:29:08Z
"Teach a man to fish, he will eat for a day. Teach a man to phish, he will become a Nigerian Prince for a lifetime."Blaise Alleyne, Stephen Michael Kellat, clacke@libranet.de ❌, AJ Jordan likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌ and 1 others shared this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2017-11-22T05:38:10Z
BTW, today ActivityPub got voted to go to Proposed Recommendation in the Social Working Group!
Which means that at this point it's up to W3C membership and management to move it to the space of it being an official spec.
The implementation reports page is looking pretty good too!
Now I really need a rest...
Sean Tilley, Nathan Willis, Blaise Alleyne, Jason Self and 8 others likes this.
AJ Jordan, AJ Jordan, AJ Jordan, clacke@libranet.de ❌ and 3 others shared this.
@cwebber@identi.ca congratulations!
Diane Trout at 2017-11-22T16:44:14Z
AJ Jordan, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
JanKusanagi at 2017-09-05T19:09:54Z
» Blaise Alleyne:
“[...] fork is focused on fixing everything that was right with Drupal [...]”
Fixing everything that was wrong? =)
Blaise Alleyne likes this.
Kontalk Network at 2017-09-03T14:00:18Z
Location sharing will be available with the upcoming Kontalk 4.1.0 release.
Blaise Alleyne likes this.
EVAnaRkISTO shared this.