Johannes Truschnigg colo@identi.ca
Vienna, Austria
System Architect, Software Engineer. Free Software advocate & enthusiast.
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2011-09-23T16:15:40+00:00
Blogged: The story of my progress against my own little 'Pain In The Arse' - http://nbrightside.wordpress.com/2011/09/23/prelude/Zach Copley, null, Jordan Conway, Johannes Truschnigg and 3 others likes this.
Ed Morgan, Ed Morgan shared this.
@andyc tried to comment. Prematurely submitted the form. Please reject it, I'll redo it later.r7 at 2011-09-19T22:00:31+00:00
i prefer to see peoples' nicks rather than their full names, should be optional behaviourBrian van den Broek, kabniel@identi.ca, Adhidarma Hadiwinoto, Jenny Ondioline and 4 others likes this.
Daniel Aguayo Catalán, Daniel Aguayo Catalán shared this.
Ⓧⓞⓟⓗⓔⓡ at 2011-07-20T18:53:30+00:00
MacOS is a Unix much like the Uruk-hai were once Elves, taken by the Dark Lord, tortured and mutilated into their current abomination.Loic J. Duros, Kat Walsh, X11R666, Ⓧⓞⓟⓗⓔⓡ and 36 others likes this.
ronnyfm, ronnyfm, gonewtw, gonewtw and 89 others shared this.
Bradley M. Kuhn at 2011-06-11T13:33:34+00:00
@fendus, not only that,but it took me a week to get a copy of !Emacs in 1992. I also had to push UUCP packets uphill both ways in snowstormsJohannes Truschnigg, Kete Foy, Deb Nicholson likes this.
@bkuhn thank you for that. That was just what my morning needed, aside from more !coffeeBrett Smith at 2011-05-10T20:32:22+00:00
The Unarchiver's unar and lsar tools fulfill the High Priority need for free RARv3 extraction tools: http://ur1.ca/44yhd !fsf !gnuMarcio B. Jr., Johannes Truschnigg, Michael V. Antosha, Luka Marčetić and 3 others likes this.
Marcio B. Jr., Marcio B. Jr., Aleksej, Aleksej shared this.
♻ @brettcsmith: The Unarchiver's unar and lsar tools fulfill the High Priority need for free RARv3 extraction tools: http://ur1.ca/44yhd♺ @brettcsmith: The Unarchiver's unar and lsar tools fulfill the High Priority need for free RARv3 extraction tools: http://ur1.ca/44yhd !fsAlvaro at 2011-06-01T14:55:14+00:00
"Those who don't understand UNIX are doomed to reinvent it, poorly." -- Henry Spencer !qa(n) person, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Johannes Truschnigg, Michael V. Antosha and 1 others likes this.
Valentin Villenave, Valentin Villenave shared this.
micuintus at 2011-01-30T14:41:42+00:00
!Iceweasel / !Firefox 4.0~beta10 (on !Debian / !aptosid) rulez! → http://mozilla.debian.net/ ← *Way* better than FF 3.6 in many aspects. !fsX11R5, Johannes Truschnigg, Ilya Arefiev, Vincent Demeester likes this.
Walter Sobchak at 2010-12-28T20:07:59+00:00
YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS, LARRY!Johannes Truschnigg likes this.
Inge Wallin at 2010-11-23T15:33:42+00:00
Some very good progress in !KOffice today. Things are looking up for the release.X11R5, Johannes Truschnigg, Cyrille Berger, Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
headphonica netlabel at 2010-10-28T06:53:46+00:00
When Winston Churchill was asked to cut arts funding in favor of the war effort, he simply replied, "Then what are we fighting for?" !qBruce Cowan, Odin Omdal Hørthe, Johannes Truschnigg, sdfgsdfg and 6 others likes this.
sdfgsdfg, sdfgsdfg, DJ psi36 aka Dimi, DJ psi36 aka Dimi shared this.
Glyn Moody at 2010-10-17T16:35:32+00:00
Canonical, Ltd. Finally On Record: Seeking Open Core - http://bit.ly/c64Pg0 a nice denial of this would be welcome... #ubuntu #canonicalEvan Prodromou, Johannes Truschnigg, Bradley M. Kuhn likes this.
Jon A. Cruz, Jon A. Cruz shared this.
Mirco da Silva at 2010-09-30T18:23:06+00:00
Heute ist ein guter Tag um das Gewaltmonopol des Staates und dessen Mißbrauch durch Beamte in Frage zu stellen. #s21Johannes Truschnigg, Benno Ohnesorg, ostfriesenmärz likes this.
ostfriesenmärz, ostfriesenmärz shared this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2010-09-03T14:25:26+00:00
If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, you still can't rule out the possibility that it's a shapeshifter.Carlos Solís, R. Tyler Croy, Nathan R. Yergler, Johannes Truschnigg and 4 others likes this.
amekare, amekare, Carlos Solís, Carlos Solís and 4 others shared this.
- !FreeCulture requires !FreeSoftware & formats. Proprietary tools are more anti-free culture than non-free content. Stop using MacBooks. !cc
Johannes Truschnigg, Christopher Allan Webber, unhammer, Rob Myers and 3 others likes this.
Jesús E. Franco Martínez, Jesús E. Franco Martínez, Christopher Allan Webber, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
@dpic I'd rather help the 99% of people running proprietary OSes to get a good free software and culture experience on their systems...@dpic, can you explain why is that so?@dpic <shrug> That's a nice opinion. Don't tell me what to do - I'm freer than that. snarf at 2010-08-23T01:42:43+00:00
Gnash 0.8.8 Released: 100% of all YouTube videos should work. http://gnashdev.org/?q=node/76 !fedora !fs !gnu !linux !ubuntuOsama Khalid, Odin Omdal Hørthe, Deb Nicholson, Popa Adrian Marius and 3 others likes this.
pavithran, pavithran, Odin Omdal Hørthe, Odin Omdal Hørthe and 10 others shared this.
♻ @snarf Gnash 0.8.8 Released: 100% of all YouTube videos should work. http://gnashdev.org/?q=node/76 #fs #linuxDr. Yoshev Omed at 2010-08-19T16:21:17+00:00
Let's be clear: Those who oppose Cordoba House are the willing accomplices of Osama bin Laden. #911 #mosqueJohannes Truschnigg, simsa0 likes this.
Simon Phipps at 2010-08-17T16:33:00+00:00
The ORCL-GOOG case makes OIN and @linuxfoundation look like the League of Nations at the start of WW2.Osama Khalid, Bruce Cowan, Johannes Truschnigg, John Drinkwater likes this.
@webmink wheres OSI?Freemor at 2010-08-07T15:29:01+00:00
All this talk of !fsf being extreme. IMHO they are correct, not extremeOsama Khalid, Johannes Truschnigg, Rob Myers, Bradley M. Kuhn likes this.
@freemor Maybe we could simply agree that the FSF are extremely correct. On everything.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2010-08-08T07:14:23+00:00
Brooke Vibber at 2010-06-27T14:56:12+00:00
Interesting HTML presentation thingies: http://staticfree.info/projects/jqs5/and3k, Osama Khalid, Johannes Truschnigg likes this.
@brionv That is interesting. Reminds me of HTMLSlidy. http://www.w3.org/Talks/Tools/Slidy/#%281%29Basil Mohamed Gohar at 2010-06-27T16:30:05+00:00
Osama Khalid likes this.
@brionv That's pretty cool. I usually use LaTeX or Google Docs but this is nice for whipping something up real quick@brionv Not a fan of #JS, but this is good. !SFLC Show used to put slides in #JS, but they seem to use another JS library. ur1.ca/0ejy4