Luna del Siglo lunadelsiglo@identi.ca
Salamanca, Spain
Un hombre sencillo en una cruzada por hallar un picante que se deje sentir en sus papilas gustativas inmunizadas. Soy un ninja digital y gilipollas a tiempo completo. XMPP→lunadelsiglo@poddery.com
Los mejores logos de GNU para usar en nuestras aplicaciones (selección propia)
Sotitrox at 2015-02-02T03:39:56Z
Hola, paseando por la galería de arte de gnu.org, me propuse a buscar los mejores logos para usar en nuestro software libre, ya sea en la publicidad o referencias dentro del mismo, en orden creciente, acá les dejo la lista de los mejores, según mi propio punto de vista:
- Kyle's Alternative GNU Logos http://www.gnu.org/graphics/winkler-gnu.html
- Luk's GNU head http://www.gnu.org/graphics/gnu-head-luk.html
- GNU Alternative http://www.gnu.org/graphics/gnu-alternative.html
- A Bold GNU Head http://www.gnu.org/graphics/heckert_gnu.html
- A slick GNU logo by Brian Bush http://www.gnu.org/graphics/slickgnu.html
- GNU horned logo http://www.gnu.org/graphics/gnuhornedlogo.html
- GNU head shadowed http://www.gnu.org/graphics/gnu-head-shadow.html
y una muy buena para software web:
- GNU Inside http://www.gnu.org/graphics/gnu-inside.html
EVAnaRkISTO, maxxcan, Luna del Siglo, hermesgabriel (antigua cuenta) Me mudé a hermesgabriel@mipump.es and 1 others likes this.
maxxcan, juancuyo, Luna del Siglo, victorhck shared this.
Love cats
victorhck at 2014-12-25T12:42:12Z
Bien por Joel y Ainara!!!
Luna del Siglo, mickie81, n2t likes this.
¿Que hará ahora el presidente de la comunidad y/o administrador? ¿Pegarle dos palos a los que alimentan al gatete? Gentuza.
¡O sea que has sido tú el que ha compartido la publicación de PACMA! :)
Esos padres ya pueden ir comprando comida para gato porque fijo que se lo quedan xDJanKusanagi at 2014-12-30T17:11:24Z
>> trinux:
“Lenguaje no sexista.”
Era una pregunta sarcastica. Una cosa es el lenguaje no sexista, y otra cosa son las ridiculeces horribles para la lectura, como "todxs".Luna del Siglo, Luis Ángel Pérez likes this.
No existe la nube...
Colegota at 2014-12-28T20:38:40Z
vi unas pegatinas con este lema en Inglés en pump.io y tenía ganas de hacer una versión propia.
Es muy simple, pero aquí está el original en svg.
ColegotaEntrada en http://colegota.fotolibre.net/2014/12/28/no-existe-la-nube/
hhhorrible, Briareo Hecatonquiro, Luna del Siglo, PuppetMast3r and 9 others likes this.
hhhorrible, Luna del Siglo, Jorge Verón Schenone, juancuyo and 8 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2014-08-05T15:15:03Z
Libreboot breaks ground with a free software BIOS replacement that's easy to install. https://u.fsf.org/11jLuis, Adonay Felipe Nogueira, Christopher Allan Webber, ChicagoLUG and 7 others likes this.
Adonay Felipe Nogueira, Krugor, Luna del Siglo, idoric and 5 others shared this.
This is an excellent project. : )ChicagoLUG at 2014-08-06T03:40:51Z
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
New blogpost: Upgrading my laptop to Debian Jessie
Laura Arjona Reina at 2014-07-20T20:49:02Z
New blogpost: Upgrading my laptop to !Debian #Jessie https://larjona.wordpress.com/2014/07/20/upgrading-my-laptop-to-debian-jessie/
sazius, Luna del Siglo likes this.
Luna del Siglo shared this.
Respekt! I don't know how one can survive in that time machine that some people call debian stable.
All the better to see you can taste some fresh software :)
I'm with @George Standish, specially taking into account that security patches are released for stable/oldstable, and releasing them for testing usually occurs some days later.
But I wanted to get a bit involved in the release too, as I explain in my post: the plan is to diagnose issues, try to reproduce them... help a bit, if I can.
At job I stay in Wheezy, since having a stable system, and getting security patches ASAP is my priority there.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2014-07-20T21:20:06Z
Greg Grossmeier, a(n) person likes this.
I use Sid on several of my boxes, but sometimes, rarely, there are major bugs that hang around for a month or so, like with PHP5 most recently, or Firefox crashing all the time, and that really really sucks. If you use Stable, you avoid that.
Bloquear publicidad mediante /etc/hosts
Adrián Perales at 2014-07-12T11:33:24Z
Llevo leyendo a Coyote y a Jan mucho tiempo que ellos bloquean la publicidad mediante el archivo /etc/hosts, así que ayer me picó la curiosidad y busqué información al respecto.
Tras encontrar una enorme lista, el resultado es un método eficaz para bloquear la mayoría de la publicidad que se aplica a todos los navegadores y programas del equipo, y creo (creo) que también funciona con la publicidad en vídeo de YouTube. La navegación en Firefox parece más veloz que con Adblock Plus y por supuesto nos ahorramos la sobrecarga en RAM de esos 100MB o más que ocupa la extensión (eso sí, nos podemos olvidar de opciones sencillas para desactivar la publicidad en determinados sitios... algo que yal final yo nunca hacía).
Enlaces de inter(n)és:
Lista de Winhelp2002 (no os asustéis por el nombre, sirve para GNU)
Block unwanted advertisements with /etc/hosts file on Linux
Script para eliminar publicidad en cualquier navegador (hace uso de la misma lista)
Luna del Siglo, hunabku, mariqueerta, Diego Cordoba and 2 others likes this.
Colegota, Luna del Siglo, victorhck shared this.
Show all 6 repliesTecnicamente, yo no bloqueo ninguna publicidad mediante /etc/hosts.
Yo bloqueo twitter.com (y amigos) y facebook.com (y amigos), que es diferente.
La publicidad es benigna comparada con esas basuras de dominios xD
He probado el script y funciona de perlas, es verdad que se notan algunos megas de menos, pero tampoco es nada del otro mundo. Por cierto, me he acordado de este complemento que hizo la EFF: https://www.eff.org/privacybadger sé que realmente intentamos quitar complementos, pero me he acordado y he querido comentarlo, aunque sea para echarle un ojo y sepas que existe xDLaura Arjona Reina at 2014-07-06T19:14:29Z
Hoy marido vio mi tarjeta para almacenar claves GPG de la FSFE:
¿Esto qué es?
Mi carné de TORrorista.
ya te dije, lo de las comunicaciones cifradas.
Aún tengo que activarlo, en esta semana lo haré.
No comment.
Elena ``of Valhalla'', Negro Lito, Luna del Siglo, PuppetMast3r and 2 others likes this.
Linux Spain at 2014-07-05T16:08:19Z
¿El gobierno Surcoreano va a migrar a Linux?
El truco de los titulares interrogativos es que siempre se puede contestar que no.
Que mas quisiera, pero la verdad es que, lo que leemos en MuyLinux y otros sitio de mucho "prestigio" (y gatillo fácil)
no es que no sea verdad, es que no lo pone en ninguna parte.
Porque es que el gobierno Surcoreano no ha dicho nada por el estilo. Según esto
se está pensando en disminuir su dependencia de Microsoft. En un país dónde hasta los webs estatales exigen el uso de ActiveX, eso no es decir mucho. ¿Linux? Eso no se menta en ningún lado. Lo peor es que ese documento, el de Techeye, es el único al cuál todo el mundo se refiere. ¿Dónde están los documentos del gobierno surcoreano, las notas de prensa, el informe oficial? ¡Ah! Nadie lo sabe. No hay ninguna otra fuente. En los pocos sitios que se molestan en enlazar a algún lado, siempre acabas ahí arriba.
Que más quisiera que la potencia tecnológica de este siglo adoptase masivamente el Software Libre. Es más, ni siquiera digo que no vaya a ocurrir, pero ¿éste bulo? No es *NADA*, excepto un claro ejemplo del pésimo periodismo de una gente que, cuando alguien se tira un pedo en Seúl, oyen tronar.Luna del Siglo likes this.
Mesa Redonda Universidades OpenExpoDay
Laura Arjona Reina at 2014-06-26T13:46:28Z
Muy bien la MR #softwarelibre #Universidades en #OpenExpoDay
Ideas q me llevo: ir más allá de lo técnico y aprovechar las competencias/ventajas que aportan las comunidades (colaboración, gestión de proyectos...); que la educación en/con software libre empieza en la Escuela Infantil y Primaria (#oleole #freesoftwareforkids), y que lo que más funciona es ver casos concretos de éxito (que te lo cuenten no sirve). Y que en general no gustan las imposiciones: muy tentada de decir que el software no libre sí que se impone muchas veces... callé pero luego lo dijo otro XD.
Lo que he intentado aportar yo: que hay que aprovechar todas las oportunidades (estudiantes, docentes, personal técnico, empuje institucional) y dar a conocer herramientas concretas de software libre en ámbitos no informáticos/telecos, que es un trabajo a medio/largo plazo y por tanto hay que ser constantes, y que las Universidades tienen que recuperar su espíritu de innovación, avanzar, ensayar, ir más allá y poner los resultados a disposición de la sociedad.
Luna del Siglo, Francisco M García Claramonte likes this.
If your pump.io server is identi.ca...
JanKusanagi at 2014-06-12T18:01:05Z
...remember the Pump network is much more than that! ;)
Lots of things changed when identi.ca migrated from the StatusNet system to the Pump.io system.
Among others:
- Pump.io is not microblogging. You can post long texts, with some formatting and line breaks. Well, like this one! You can post short text if you wish, of course. Also, you don't need shortened URL's, and you can make pretty links.
- You can follow people from any other public Pump.io server, like microca.st, hotpump.net, fmrl.me, pump.jpope.org, etc. Start following some new people! You can take a look at this user finder, for instance. Or keep an eye out to see who your friends are following, in the Meanwhile feed ;)
Don't be afraid to follow people from other servers. That's what federation is all about, and that's our strength! If you've been scared by the "permission" message using the web, where you have to authorize the other server to post as you, etc, know that this isn't necessary if you use a desktop client.
- If you use the web interface, when you create new posts, they are not public by default. If you want to make a public post (currently recommended due to some issues with the comments), you'll have to add "Public" to the "To:" field. Try to make at least one public post, so people who see your profile can see you're active before trying to follow you. Ideally, if the post can be public, you should post it to Public; it works better.
- You can use several external web services with your account, like hip2.it, pump2status.net, or the "proof of concept" game, OpenFarmGame, to name a few. One of the strenghts of Pump.io is not being a monolithic beast, but instead, a lot of connected services an applications providing all kinds of features. Check them out!
- You can upload pictures, audio, video and other files in your posts, though the officially "supported everywhere" attachments are pictures, for now.
- There are already several pump.io applications (clients), for PC or mobile devices that can do more than what the web interface can at this point. I seriously recommend checking them out: Clients List.
- You can check out a "public timeline" at hubub.e43.eu, hubub.polari.us and equivalent sites, or from a client that supports it.
- You can check out a pseudo-user directory at inventati.org/ppump/usuarios.
- If your account was used for some sort of entity, like a free software project or organization, you can take advantage of tools like Spigot, to post to Pump automatically from your RSS feed, or PumpTweet, to automatically send your Pump.io posts to Twitter. And you can find more options here.
If you have any doubts about any of these points, please feel free to ask.
This list has been modified a few times, and might be modified again, because yes, you can edit your posts and comments in Pump.io! =)
Edit: Posted as a blog post at CommunicationFreedom.
Spanish version at ComunícateLibremente.
julian correa, Daniel Koć, Kevin Ford, Forna and 50 others likes this.
julian correa, julian correa, julian correa, Krugor and 48 others shared this.
Show all 26 replies>> lnxwalt@microca.st:
“Perhaps next edit should specify that most of these are works in progress or 3rd party volunteers.”
That's a good point. I'll add it, thanks.@Jason Self, about pump2status.net, the site goes up and down all the time (I have reported that some months ago...), but it works, once you pick a moment when it's up and you configure your account. My notes (if they are shorter than 140 chars) arrive my quitter.se account every day, even if the site looks down.
For getting it up (so you can setup your bridge), I think the best is that you mail admin [at] e14n.com. I would do it myself, but I prefer that other people show that the service is interesting too (sometimes I think I am the only user of pump2status.net...).
About the Firehose, I see live instances of it at https://pump.mamalibre.com.ar/ , https://www.inventati.org/ppump/ , https://hubub.polari.us/#page=1 ....
In the pump.io wiki there's a page Clients with detailed info about much of the software/service pieces that form the pump.io network.
Hope that helps!
Laura Arjona Reina at 2014-09-21T21:42:20Z
Kevin Ford, n2t likes this.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2014-06-12T10:33:49Z
.#Oracle 2 años y #Microsoft 3 años más en @La_UPM http://ur1.ca/hifmk http://ur1.ca/hifmv #grr ¿Cuándo nos liberaremos? #softwarelibre
Luna del Siglo likes this.
Luna del Siglo shared this.
aether at 2013-08-14T00:11:30Z
I think the FSF should start a kinda campaign called "You don't know me!" where non-technical end users can submit why they like Free software and run GNU/Linux. I'm really tired of computer people going on and on about what non-computer people want and need. Seriously, if all I wanted is what they say I want, I'd be running a mac or pc. Anyhow, for the 50 gadzillionth time I 'explained myself" and I figured I'd share here (read: copy pasta) in case anyone was interested why a non-techie person likes to run GNU/Linux
I'm attracted to GNU/Linux for social and philosophical reasons. A long time ago I read Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man by Marshall McLuhan and one of the concepts that really stuck with me was "electric circuitry, [is] an extension of the central nervous system" (he said circuity because it was 1964 when he wrote it). When you think about it, it really is true. I think people today communicate through a keyboard or touchpad just as much as they do with their own voices.
Another thing that becomes apparent when considered is that the environment (platform, OS, etc.) people choose to communicate through also influences communication much like which home town a person is from will influence their sayings, how they go about doing things, etc. etc. I think the old "I'm a mac"/ "I'm a pc" adverts illustrated this beautifully. Deeper than just characterizations though, I find mac users are 'trained" (subtly herded through their gui, community forums, etc., etc. acting like sheepdogs nudging them along) to think of their computers as a waiter/waitress that will serve them applications that will 'just work' and windows users to think of their computers as administrative assistants that have the contacts to get stuff done or find them entertainment. While it appears these users have complete control, they are simply choosing from what they've been given permission by someone else (and sometimes that includes hidden rootkits, tracking software, etc.). I think many GNU/Linux users have the realisation that we people can and should be self directed, in control our own computing experiences as much as possible, and dependent only on our peers (I think this is the influence we receive from running GNU/Linux).
Years ago, Richard Stallman (who wrote the GNU manifesto that started the Free software movement) wanted to get a printer working, but he ended up starting a social movement that balks at the idea of people being forced to give over control of their computing experience and, by extension, their communication. That's why I like Free software and that's why I run GNU/Linux.Yutaka Niibe, Luna del Siglo, Christopher M. Hobbs (inactive), Jason Self and 27 others likes this.
Yutaka Niibe, Luna del Siglo, Deleted user, Christopher M. Hobbs (inactive) and 15 others shared this.
Show all 5 repliesHave you e-mailed anybody at Free Software Foundation to propse this yet? I am still trying to work my way through this English-language presentation in Germany and perhaps what you propose should leaven it somewhat.
Stephen Michael Kellat at 2013-08-14T04:12:58Z
tioeze likes this.
The worst thing is - after all these years, we are all still struggling with printers.
Andy C at 2013-08-14T07:55:13Z
Joar Wandborg, Gerard Ryan, Stephen Michael Kellat, Aeva Ntsc and 11 others likes this.
@ SMK I didn't know that existed, followed and thanks for showing it to me :) I didn't know who to email so I just left a suggestion here http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:Free_Software_Foundation/Ideas#Suggestions_yet_to_be_sortedaether at 2013-08-14T19:36:11Z
tioeze likes this.
Rafael A. Isturiz L. at 2013-05-18T23:27:38+00:00
Migrando de Wheezy a Jessie solo me preguntó por la configuración de mpd... Increible lo fácil que es !debian actualmente #NoHayExcusaCArlos Tineo, peer_gynt, Luna del Siglo, dbillyx likes this.
l30bravo, l30bravo, dbillyx, dbillyx and 2 others shared this.
@risturiz que procedimiento seguiste?Nuria Barrios at 2013-04-07T21:36:37+00:00
Esto de poder borrar lo mensajes es una gozada, se mezclan dos de mis hobbies, escribir chorradas y deshacerme de cosasLuna del Siglo likes this.
Luna del Siglo, Luna del Siglo shared this.
Nuria Barrios at 2013-02-20T20:09:17+00:00
En un estado cuántico de espesura y disperión máximos. Creo que necesito sonotone mental -.-.Luna del Siglo likes this.
Luna del Siglo, Luna del Siglo shared this.
Claudio F Filho at 2013-01-02T01:47:19+00:00
"Ubuntu is an ancient African word that means 'I do not know how to install !Debian' ! " http://ur1.ca/c8uoo #funOndřej Michálek, fluzzard, Joseph, Luna del Siglo and 13 others likes this.
Leo B., Willem Colijn, Willem Colijn, Rhianne Boyle and 49 others shared this.
Show all 11 replies@zack: ubuntu and linuxmint, IMHO, are distros for new users.Claudio F Filho at 2013-01-03T00:09:23+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
@redi44, you can use testing or unstable, according your profile. See more in my infografic of !Debian: http://va.mu/TcXc@metztli I know how to install Gentoo and have done so many times ... but it never felt simple or easy. :-)Just like Debian is ancient African for "I do not know how to configure !Gentoo"? :PDj_Dexter at 2012-03-18T02:04:55+00:00
Luna del Siglo likes this.