Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. andyc@identi.ca
Now resident at PumpDog
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'.
Rui Seabra at 2013-07-13T08:41:42Z
Well, after fixing all these weird bugs that people notice, identi.ca has now become an effectively effortless blog tool :)
Why µ-blog or blog when one can µ-blog AND blog on the same platform?
Thanks @evan & allChristopher Allan Webber, dper@identi.ca, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. likes this.
4slam, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Karsten Gerloff shared this.
@ruiseabra For now, i can't say i'm pretty satisfied with the current incarnation of identi.ca. I suppose other ideas like groups and the naming of people is still missing. I propose that the new identi.ca is neither µ-blogging, nor blogging strictu senso, but something in between. What about middle-blogging ? Or mid-blogging ? 8-)Rui Seabra at 2013-07-13T09:24:55Z
I'm betting most haven't seen the "To" field is empty and are only posting to followers.
Can you please pay attention to that? Otherwise, it's feeling pretty lonely out here on the public timeline :)Hilton Garcia Fernandes, axel668 (inactive), Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'., Doug Whitfield Sports Account likes this.
Susan Pinochet, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, axel668 (inactive), axel668 (inactive) shared this.
Show all 8 repliesThis issue is an open bug, in fact. We would like to be able to make our posts public (or whatever, but not just "followers") by default.dper@identi.ca at 2013-07-13T14:46:11Z
Rui Seabra likes this.
unless you made a parser for the hosefire json, is impossible to read a public timeline of non-following anywayEvan Prodromou at 2013-07-12T17:37:03Z
I am really glad to see how much traffic there is on identi.ca right now. Great to see lively discussions going on.Maj, j1mc, Dennis Zeit, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. and 5 others likes this.
Hashem Nasarat, Stefano Zacchiroli, CUENTA NO ACTIVA shared this.
Show all 8 repliesand mine from Tags and Groups. I am not only interested in people, but also in topics.Arthur Schiwon at 2013-07-13T08:46:43Z
Kevin Renfrow, axel668 (inactive), Susan Pinochet, McScx and 1 others likes this.
End of an era
*wipes salty tear*ddevine@identi.ca, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'., Dylan Thiedeke, null and 1 others likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-11T22:11:38Z
One thing I almost forgot to mention: pump.io is supposed to be part of a network of software. There are a lot of things you probably want to have, and they're not here.
I feel like a few hackers have jumped in with both feet on this recently, and I admit that I've had a lot of fun building sites like ih8.it and openfarmgame.
If you're at all interested in coding for social networks, you should scratch the itch and give it a try.Stephen Sekula, axel668 (inactive), James Bryce Clark, Dennis Zeit and 13 others likes this.
axel668 (inactive), Cyber Killer, Randy Noseworthy, l30bravo and 11 others shared this.
Show all 5 repliesTwo levels of comments would be good... I think I weighed in on this issue at some point. Regarding RSS/Atom feeds you could write a service to provide these, I think.I'm not a developer. Using an API is too hard for me (so it's useless, at least without a dedicated lib for my favorite language)), RSS is way better cause it's simple. I also have many people reading my dents without having an account here. They use RSS readers for this. RSS is needed like hell!Cyber Killer at 2013-07-14T06:51:09Z
Christopher Roberts likes this.
Please NO mult- level comments, it's confusing and usually leads to an endless tree of comments in comments of comments, because everyone presses the comment button on the last comment and never on the post. It's a big feature of Pump.io to have just one level of comments and sharing comments if you share a note. Please don't change this.axel668 (inactive) at 2013-07-14T07:47:17Z
David Nelson, Stephen Sekula likes this.
mcnalu at 2013-07-10T16:41:25+00:00
This is likely to be my last dent on status.net identi.ca and I am looking forward to the transition to pump.io and in particular to longerBruce Cowan, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'., Mikael likes this.
a(n) person shared this.
... sundays?Mikael at 2013-07-10T16:45:57+00:00
mcnalu, ghostdancer likes this.
@mcnalu longer and pump in the same phrase , not nice :-)Nigel Green at 2013-07-10T11:29:37+00:00
@andyc I'm fine with last week, it's this morning that I increasingly have trouble rememberingDeceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. likes this.
Nigel Green at 2013-07-10T11:26:37+00:00
@andyc If Zeno's paradox kicks in the transfer will never finish...Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. likes this.
rpcutts at 2013-07-10T08:08:04+00:00
@andyc I'm typing as fast as I can... getting a bit of rsi at this point.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. likes this.
Keep going mate. Just the last 753,972 dents to go.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2013-07-10T08:42:44+00:00
- @andyc if I was you I'd stay with the ale & footy.. ;)
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. likes this.
Satipera at 2013-07-08T15:41:30+00:00
@Schestowitz Normal quality is not good enough. You sound like radio Luxembourg at 22.00 in the 1970's. I am on your side.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. likes this.
I really am getting fed up with all these #tinap tribute podcasts.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2013-07-08T15:43:01+00:00
Dvd Mrsdn at 2013-07-05T19:35:31+00:00
Better late than never, I suppose: http://dmarsd.tonidoid.com/url1c2gtm #undertones #cover #acousticDeceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'., mcnalu likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-04T03:07:14+00:00
You would not believe how many people pronounce it that way. What's the point of even doing an URL hack, people!?Maj, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Tupulpo, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. and 1 others likes this.
"It's-a me, pump.io!"Ryan Finnie at 2013-07-04T04:32:40+00:00
Genie Alliance, Genie Chamberlain, Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
Integrated Development Environment New Technology Institute for Contemporary Arts, is what I thought it was.Mike Linksvayer at 2013-07-04T04:59:07+00:00
Doug Whitfield Sports Account likes this.
@evan You definitely should advertise "intended" pronounciation :-) E.g. I know how to pronounce "Alistair Cockburn" because he told this...James Robertson at 2013-07-03T14:24:54+00:00
Reminds of me that time I was carrying a full chemical toilet with someone and he let it topple over on the road. The smell was intense.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. likes this.
Or, at Glastonbury, the smell was in tents.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2013-07-03T14:25:53+00:00
Dvd Mrsdn likes this.
I bet you were popular.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2013-07-03T14:26:14+00:00
James Robertson at 2013-07-03T12:33:35+00:00
muddyDeceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. likes this.
Dvd Mrsdn at 2013-07-02T14:58:27+00:00
I don't know about anyone else, but I could do with a dose of @reality.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. likes this.
- So Google+ is 2 now. Means we've got another 3 years before they shut it down..
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. likes this.
James Robertson at 2013-06-28T10:00:23+00:00
I'm looking at womens' knickers.Genie Chamberlain, Dvd Mrsdn, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. likes this.
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. shared this.