Alejandro SANS
Sé que es un chiste muy de nicho, pero es tan bueno y me ha hecho tanta gracia, que tenía que compartirlo. 😂😂😂deejoe, Jason Self, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
"Free as in Sausage Making: Thoughts on Freedom within the Debian Project" by Sam Hartman
Debian Project at 2019-09-16T06:39:10Z
"Free as in Sausage Making: Thoughts on Freedom within the Debian Project" by Sam Hartman https://hartmans.livejournal.com/99077.html
Tails, the Debian Live-based system aimed at preserving your privacy and anonymity, celebrates their 10th anniversary. Congratulations!
Debian Project at 2019-12-21T23:27:14Z
Tails, the Debian Live-based system aimed at preserving your privacy and anonymity, celebrates their 10th anniversary. Congratulations! https://tails.boum.org/news/celebrating_10_years/
nukem, Krugor, deejoe, B. Ross Ashley likes this.
Krugor shared this.
Conservancy Applauds Linux Community's Promotion of Principled Copyleft Enforcement
Software Freedom Conservancy at 2017-10-16T13:46:05Z
URL: https://sfconservancy.org/news/2017/oct/16/linux-kernel-enforcement-statement/
Conservancy Applauds Linux Community's Promotion of Principled Copyleft Enforcement
October 16, 2017
Software Freedom Conservancy congratulates the Linux community for taking steps today to promote principled, community-minded copyleft enforcement by publishing the Linux Kernel Enforcement Statement. The Statement includes an additional permission under Linux's license, the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 (GPLv2). The additional permission, to which copyright holders may voluntarily opt-in, changes the license of their copyrights to allow reliance on the copyright license termination provisions from the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3) for some cases 1.
Conservancy also commends the Linux community's Statement for reaffirming that legal action should be last resort for resolving a GPL violation, and for inviting noncompliant companies who work their way back into compliance to become active participants in the community. By bringing clarity to GPLv2 enforcement efforts, companies can adopt software with the assurance that these parties will work in a reasonable, community-centric way to resolve compliance issues.
Conservancy believes that free and open source software communities can use copyleft licenses to establish a healthy framework for collaboration and cooperation. We also believe that, when seeking compliance with such licenses, it is in the community and in the public's interest to bring people and companies into the community rather than to alienate them or seek monetary gain. That's the fundamental premise of our Principles of Community-Oriented GPL Enforcement: yesterday's violator can be tomorrow's valued contributor.
We co-authored and published the Principles with the FSF in 2015 to engage the broader free and open source software community in a dialogue about how to best achieve community-minded copyleft compliance. We believe that GPLv3's termination provisions better reflect the collaborative and friendly process of GPL enforcement that Conservancy, FSF, and gpl-violations.org have historically employed. Accordingly, we've encouraged copyright holders in GPLv2-licensed projects to forgive violators who cure violations in a timely manner in accordance with GPLv3§8, despite the stricter terms found in GPLv2§4. We are glad to see the Linux community express their formal alignment with this position.
Some Linux sub-projects — such as Netfilter — have wholly endorsed and adopted the Principles, and we continue to encourage the entire Linux community to adopt all of the Principles fully. We want to continue the conversation about how to best promote, encourage, and enforce compliance, and we invite members from the Linux community to join our ongoing forum for public discussion on the principles-discuss mailing list. Conservancy has suggested to all Linux copyright holders participating in our GPL Compliance Project for Linux Developers) that they sign this new Linux Kernel Enforcement Statement to grant the additional permission.
In addition to coordinating a coalition of copyright holders, Conservancy itself is a copyright holder in Linux, as developers have also assigned Linux copyrights to our organization. As a copyright holder in Linux, Software Freedom Conservancy signs onto the Linux Kernel Enforcement Statement. We plan to continue our work enforcing GPLv2 for our own copyrights (and those of our coalition), and will always afford violators — as we have since our inception — the 60- and 30-day periods for violation cure in GPLv3, even though Linux's default GPLv2 termination is much stricter and always permanent. We will continue to do this, even in defensive actions.
1. The additional permission in the Statement does not apply when a company is defending itself from any legal claim, even one unrelated to GPL.
deejoe, Yutaka Niibe, der.hans likes this.
Sumana Harihareswara [on Mastodon] at 2017-10-05T10:57:06Z
omg last night at @PostlightStudio I got to meet Ellen Ullman whose work I've been reading since 2003 https://web.archive.org/web/20030620175939/http://www.codysbooks.com/recommended/staffPicks.jsp
Actually it's been 20 years since I read parts of "Close to the Machine" in Salon https://www.salon.com/writer/ellen_ullman/
So last night I got to sputter at her, and rapture at length to folks from her publisher about how she captures interiority
So last night I got to sputter at her, and rapture at length to folks from her publisher about how she captures interiority
Ullman's influence is in my !!Con article https://recompilermag.com/issues/extras/toward-a-bangbangcon-aesthetic/ and my vid https://brainwane.dreamwidth.org/2015/05/23/pipeline-vid.html and the play https://www.harihareswara.net/sumana/2017/10/02/0clacke@libranet.de ❌, deejoe likes this.
- I've been out of the pump.io game for a while. Is there a way to subscribe to GNU social instances from here?
deejoe likes this.
Susan Pinochet at 2014-06-20T20:04:20Z
I am delighted to announce that my partner of 25 years and I, went to Washington, D.C.and got legally married today. It won't mean much in South Carolina, where we now live, but equality is a work in progress. Right now we are the happiest two women on the planet.deejoe, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Francesca Ciceri, Dana and 9 others likes this.
Show all 9 repliesThanks, y'all. We are enjoying it.Susan Pinochet at 2014-06-20T23:20:23Z
Susan Pinochet likes this.
Wooooooooooo! Welcome to the club!Evan Prodromou at 2014-06-21T00:38:31Z
Susan Pinochet likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) at 2015-03-14T01:11:05Z
Are there any active preservopedias at the moment? Whatever the proper term is. Clones with an inclusionist agenda.deejoe likes this.
X11R5 shared this.
Lars Wirzenius at 2015-03-01T09:53:25Z
My decision, years and years ago, to put the hostname in the shell prompt just saved me from rebooting the wrong machine. Twice.
I'm a bit of a minimalist, but this prompt bloat was definitely worth it.deejoe, lnxwalt@microca.st, lostson, Douglas Perkins and 1 others likes this.
Screwtape at 2013-08-30T09:49:55Z
I have to confess, now I'm really curious to know *what* mutt does alright. ;)deejoe likes this.
Ryan Weal at 19 hours ago via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Yeah, the lack of context can be a bit of a killer. Links to the inReplyTo object (https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/issues/544) should also appear on shares.Lol, Icedove has an idiot-proofing feature. If you use the word attach it prompts you with "did you forget to attach something?" ... no we're talking about Drupal nodes, but thanks.
That said, what it also does alright is letting you use your favourite editor.
The only drawback might be to leave in a single window(i.e., terminal), so you cannot open a specific email and keep it without blocking the rest of its accessible activities. But you can still fire another instance (:Olivier Mehani at 2013-08-30T12:06:41Z
Screwtape likes this.
j1mc, deejoe, Michael Gratton, Ⓧⓞⓟⓗⓔⓡ and 16 others likes this.
Space Hobo, Christopher Allan Webber, axel, axel and 2 others shared this.
No estoy conforme con este cambio. Andaba bien Identi.ca Pump.io no tiene buscador, ni tengo mis grupossssss.juancuyo at 2013-07-26T22:06:40Z
RiveraValdez likes this.
Evan pumps your friends and family in and out and in and out, back and forth forever.Space Hobo at 2013-07-27T02:30:52Z
Christopher Allan Webber, Evan Prodromou, aether, Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.
joshix at 2011-03-01T19:49:14+00:00
@brews "Customization" is just another word for "we can't afford good designers."Bruce Cowan, deejoe likes this.
Jason Riedy at 2010-05-24T20:51:28+00:00
But I don't want to make yet another account just to report stupid bugs. You have my email address. That's enough.deejoe likes this.
sten at 2010-04-23T22:47:38+00:00
so, is Arizona going to change its state motto to "Papiere, Bitte"?deejoe likes this.
Richard Stallman Political Notes at 2010-01-29T16:23:28+00:00
Murray Hill, Inc. http://ur1.ca/l0cudeejoe likes this.
Bradley M. Kuhn at 2009-11-05T14:25:09+00:00
Clearing out log email reminded me: My brother once shoulder-surfed my email & asked:"Who is Cron Daemon? Dad gets email from that guy, too"Osama Khalid, Romain Gauthier, clacke@libranet.de ❌, Gervais Mulongoy and 9 others likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2009-07-09T15:19:53+00:00
So, Pixar is now at 10 full-length modern films. Not a single one has a female as a primary hero. This bothers me.deejoe likes this.
Sarven Capadisli at 2009-04-04T22:58:59+00:00
How come self-proclaimed open web advocates don't advocate !omb !identica ? Why are you still on #twitter ?A. Mitchell, Chris Acheson, JP Russell, deejoe and 4 others likes this.
@csarven assuming they're not hypocritical, stupid, or evil, what are _we_ doing wrong? How can we do better community evangelism?@csarven ...because most of them are unintelligent, uniformed, unquestioning hypocrites.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2009-04-06T08:03:37+00:00