Tom Marble tmarble@identi.ca
Minneapolis, United States
Consultant specializing in: Clojure, Debian GNU/Linux, cybersecurity, performance analysis, and FLOSS hw/sw/legal policy.
Debian is now welcoming applicants for Outreachy and GSoC Summer 2015
Debian Project at 2015-03-11T20:42:02Z
Debian is now welcoming applicants for Outreachy and GSoC Summer 2015 http://blog.olasd.eu/2015/03/debian-welcomes-applicants-for-outreachy-and-gsoc-summer-2015/
Jakukyo Friel, j1mc, Tom Marble likes this.
Douglas Perkins, Douglas Perkins, Douglas Perkins, Douglas Perkins and 3 others shared this.
code written accidentially
I wrote this line of code:
enumFromThen a b = a : enumFromThen b ((b
(ANum 2))AMinus
a)Then I typed this into ghci:
map (fmtArith mempty) [ANum 2,ANum 4..]
Out spewed an infinite list of shell arithmetic expressions, written only in terms of the provided 2 and 4, which when evaluated by a shell, will yield the even numbers 2,4,8,...
Here's the expression that generates the number 22. They get a lot longer. The expression for 42 is 212 kilobytes long.
$(((((((((((((((((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4) * 2) - ((4 * 2) - 2)) * 2) - ((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4)) * 2) - ((((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4) * 2) - ((4 * 2) - 2))) * 2) - ((((((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4) * 2) - ((4 * 2) - 2)) * 2) - ((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4))) * 2) - ((((((((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4) * 2) - ((4 * 2) - 2)) * 2) - ((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4)) * 2) - ((((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4) * 2) - ((4 * 2) - 2)))) * 2) - ((((((((((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4) * 2) - ((4 * 2) - 2)) * 2) - ((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4)) * 2) - ((((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4) * 2) - ((4 * 2) - 2))) * 2) - ((((((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4) * 2) - ((4 * 2) - 2)) * 2) - ((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4)))) * 2) - ((((((((((((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4) * 2) - ((4 * 2) - 2)) * 2) - ((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4)) * 2) - ((((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4) * 2) - ((4 * 2) - 2))) * 2) - ((((((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4) * 2) - ((4 * 2) - 2)) * 2) - ((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4))) * 2) - ((((((((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4) * 2) - ((4 * 2) - 2)) * 2) - ((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4)) * 2) - ((((((4 * 2) - 2) * 2) - 4) * 2) - ((4 * 2) - 2))))))
Ever since I first fired it up and typed [1..] into it, I've always loved generating infinite values in ghci and watching it happily print them out as they stream into being, but this is my favorite one ever.
sazius, Tom Marble, lostson likes this.
is there some sort of practical application for this? even if it is just benchmarking?
Also under absurd math, I need to refind the article that suggested that on certain architectures exp(log(x)+log(y)) is faster than x*y.
Efraim Flashner at 10 years ago
Michael Banck likes this.
This would be a stepping stone to making Arith an instance of Integral. However, to write that instance, I need to somehow implement "integer division truncated toward negative infinity" (ie, -5 / 3 => -2) in shell arithmetic expressions.
Which seems difficult because shell math only supports integers, and it always truncates toward 0 when dividing.
Stefano Zacchiroli at 2014-10-20T13:34:08Z
these trollish days, «$FOO betrays the UNIX philosophy» is usually more than enough to make me stop reading any argument whatsoever | #vaguereferencesChristopher Allan Webber, sazius, Jakukyo Friel, Lars Wirzenius and 4 others likes this.
Lars Wirzenius, Efraim Flashner, Efraim Flashner, Efraim Flashner and 2 others shared this.
Stefano Zacchiroli at 2014-10-17T09:23:29Z
5 days to go to have a 3rd slot for #Debian Outreach Program for Women,donate at http://debian.ch/opw2014/ #OPWTom Marble likes this.
I've just supported Debian Outreach Program for Women
Laura Arjona Reina at 2014-10-16T18:09:46Z
I just donated to the !Debian @fossOPW campaign, there's a fundraising match, donations count double! http://debian.ch/opw2014/ #womenintech
Christopher Allan Webber, Tom Marble likes this.
Stefano Zacchiroli at 2014-10-16T17:28:22Z
The #Debian Outreach Program for Women (#OPW) needs your support http://debian.ch/opw2014/johns, Tom Marble likes this.
Debian OPW fundraising campaign
Debian Project at 2014-10-16T17:33:47Z
Adam Sjøgren, Scorpio20, Lars Wirzenius, Alberto Moshpirit and 3 others likes this.
juancuyo, SombreKnave, SombreKnave, Lars Wirzenius and 6 others shared this.
Hey, I snapped that pic! :)
Christopher Allan Webber, Tom Marble likes this.
Not a Barbie girl :)
Laura Arjona Reina at 2014-04-02T20:18:41Z
It seems that Girls Can be Anything When They Grow Up – Until They Start Playing with Barbie (/via @Fanta @Michael )
mmm interesting.
At home we were three girls, but we never had a Barbie. Other kind of dolls, yes, but not that one. One Barbie would be the cause of fighting among us for sure, and three Barbies were too expensive for our family in that time. Probably my parents didn't like the stereotypes that that doll introduced, anyway.
I didn't like dolls in general, my big sister liked to comb their hair and so, but I only liked to take out their arms and legs and head and put them again. Maybe they were my first tinkering activities XD
I remember me being jealous of my friends who had Barbie, though. Do you know what I liked about that doll? It was the only one that was able to bend the knees, elbows, and waist.
When I was 9, for first communion, a handheld came as present (I believe it was Eagle N Chicken) so I totally lost my (few) interest about dolls and began to tinker on that.
A bit later, an MSX (home computer yeah) and MSX magazines with pages and pages of Basic code, and a small book that explained (and drawed) very well "what is an algorithm", with an example of a robot making a cooking recipe :)
I'm so thankful to my parents for their choices of toys for us... But I still don't know how to comb my or other's hair!
etalas, Nadie, Fanta, Bernhard E. Reiter and 11 others likes this.
Michael (majeSTYX), Bernhard E. Reiter, Mònica, wehlutyk and 4 others shared this.
Show all 5 repliesSomeone bought our daughter a Barbie and to our relief she doesn't play with it at all. Infact she told us we can get rid of it as she never plays with it. #ProudDad :)
Luke at 11 years ago
Laura Arjona Reina at 2013-12-13T14:06:22Z
First chapters of Producing OSS by Karl Fogel are also very nice (well, the whole book is nice, but for people not interested in project management, first chapters are ok for everybody).
The best compilation/bibliography that I know is here
Tom Marble likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2013-11-26T07:32:51Z
CC 4.0 licenses are out, perfect time to upgrade to CC0 http://gondwanaland.com/mlog/2013/11/25/upgrade-to-0/enyst, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Tom Marble, Douglas Perkins and 1 others likes this.
Stefano Zacchiroli, Stefano Zacchiroli, Hugo Roy shared this.
Show all 6 repliesGreat points, Mike. My new strategy has been to shift folks one point towards CC0, every 6 - 12 months. Ideally I could make someone go from C > SA > BY > 0 in under a few years.
It is helped by the fact that nearly all of my clients really enjoy the spikes of attention the more open licenses afford. ^_^
Mike Linksvayer likes this.
Although there may be some valid criticism of the CC-BY-SA implementation of copyleft, it irks me to see permissive licenses described as "more open".@clacke but my support for CC0 is equivocal. it isn't perfect! :)Mike Linksvayer at 11 years ago
enyst likes this.
"my support for CC0 is equivocal. it isn't perfect!" + 1.
Many good points in your post, and I have some thoughts about the future of CC (licenses) too. I will be too lazy not writing up a post to follow up yours.Tyng-Ruey Chuang at 11 years ago
Mike Linksvayer likes this.
- Sitting here looking at https://micahflee.com/2013/11/canonical-shouldnt-abuse-trademark-law-to-silence-critics-of-its-priva... and also at a grep `Ubuntu -r .` in certain source trees with 3000+ hits.
Remember *nix, Canonical?netgeek, Tom Marble, Mike Linksvayer, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Artopal, Stefano Zacchiroli, mray INACTIVE shared this.
Show all 9 replies@joeyh, while your joke-patch is funny, I hope you realize that kowtowing to Canonical, Ltd. on this gives them what they want.
Also, they presumably have Canonical trademarked too -- which is getting to my point about their cooption of common words.
@bkuhn It's giving them what they asked for in a sense, but not what they want... @joeyh is turning canonical's actions into worse PR for them, and I think that's a "I regret getting what I asked for" moment.@bkuhn, If Canonical is trademarked, then "Mark Shuttleworth's Debian Derivative" seems like a good alias name for Debian Derivative by Canonical that cannot be named.rsd at 11 years ago
Jeremy Allison at 2012-01-01T04:24:49+00:00
Amazing Cory Doctorow talk on "The coming war on general computation" : http://ur1.ca/74x2l. Thanks to Andreas Schneider for the link !Tom Marble likes this.
Tom Marble, Tom Marble shared this.