Lo que sí me gustaría señalar es un hecho que parece que ignora mucha gente: la Linux Foundation no es una fundación sin ánimo de lucro tal y como nosotros lo entendemos, sino una asociación mercantil (una asociación de empresas). Desde el punto de vista de las leyes fiscales estadounidenses, la diferencia es entre una "charity" (501.c.3), y una "trade organization" (501.c.6), también llamada "trade industry group" y parte de lo que se llaman "business leagues". Muchas organizaciones de software libre están inscritas como charities en EE.UU. y las donaciones que se hacen a ellas se pueden desgravar de los impuestos (bueno, de sus impuestos al menos). La Linux Foundation no es parte de ellas. La Linux Foundation es un conglomerados de grandes corporaciones que soportan Linux, desde IBM hasta Intel, pasando por muchas que os sorprendería (sí, sí, ¡Oracle!, ¡Cisco!, ¡Adobe!. ¡SONY!) y que financian la fundación, y a través de ella el desarrollo de Linux. Por ejemplo, LF es la empleadora de algunos programadores del kernel, como el propio Linus Torvalds. Esto se hizo así para que ninguna empresa tuviera demasiado poder en el desarrollo de Linux porque tuviera contratado a Linus o a otros desarrolladores clave. A través de la LF, las grandes empresas pagan a "pachas" a estas personas de forma que no tengan que responder a los intereses de una sóla de ellas, lo que levantaría no pocas suspicacias entre competidores (por ejemplo Intel, AMD y ARM). La LF además gestiona y defiende la marca registrada "Linux" (la marca es técnicamente de Linus pero en la práctica es la LF la que se encarga de todo).
Con todo esto no estoy diciendo que la Linux Foundation sean "malos", eso queda para la opinión de cada uno. Pero por favor, si alguien hace donaciones a este tipo de organizaciones para formentar el software libre, que sea perfectamente consciente a quién está enviando el dinero en cada caso. No digo que sea dinero tirado a la basura (tal vez te alinees más con los intereses de estas empresas que con otras organizaciones) pero es importante saber quién es quién para no llevarse más tarde sorpresas y decepciones.
jcantero out
Eugenio M. Vigo, Colegota, Carlos Augusto ARES, GNUstav Huarcaya and 4 others likes this.
Colegota, GNUstav Huarcaya, Iñaki Arenaza, CUENTA NO ACTIVA and 1 others shared this.
GNU Linux-libre 4.2 is now available in my APT repository - https://jxself.org/linux-libre/ Enjoy!
Carlos Augusto ARES, Yutaka Niibe likes this.
Jason Self at 2015-08-15T22:42:21Z
Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Timo Kankare, Yutaka Niibe and 4 others likes this.
Stephen Sekula, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), AJ Jordan shared this.
Jason Self at 2015-08-10T17:58:48Z
Yutaka Niibe, Carlos Augusto ARES, Douglas Perkins, a(n) person and 4 others likes this.
Olivier Mehani, Olivier Mehani, Douglas Perkins, Douglas Perkins and 1 others shared this.
Jason Self at 2015-06-30T23:10:15Z
Bob Call, lnxwalt@microca.st, X11R5, Carlos Augusto ARES and 2 others likes this.
I think a lot of people treat computing devices like disposable goods. A great example is a toaster: it's been years since I had a toaster that I could easily repair. Most of them are made of plastic and they just don't make spare parts for them. I'm a geek who repairs old stuff a lot, but I wouldn't consider repairing a toaster anymore, even though I did 20 years ago. (There's that guy who built a toaster from scratch to prove a point; I didn't like his conclusions much, but the general point of disconnection from our goods was a good one).
Thus, people seek computing devices the same way. They don't know how to repair them even if they have one that could be repaired. So, from their eyes, an Apple product doesn't look that different from GNU/Linux: except that the Apple is more shiny.
I see a similar culture in dog ownership too, oddly enough. Very few people will spend the time to go to shelters and adopt a perfectly good dog. My wife had a specific breed she wanted to adopt, etc. and we had to look for a while, but we got two (non senior) dogs that were already well trained and well behaved. Yet people still go to breeders for dogs because they want a puppy, even though you can also adopt puppies at many shelters.
I find it all really sad, but the problem for tech devices is getting worse. I thought the new-phone-ever-18-months culture would collapse during the economic downturn, but slave labor building the things plus price wars among data carriers means mobile devices are just modern toasters.
I start to cry sometimes to think about the fact that ironically, because I didn't pay attention to the toaster problem myself, it's likely someday soon I won't be able to find a toaster that doesn't have proprietary software on it. I'm pretty sure I'm actually going to die in a world where more of the software people use every day is proprietary than it was during my lifetime. That's what the Internet of things means.
Bradley M. Kuhn at 2015-07-01T00:27:38Z
uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs, jrobb, Douglas Perkins, Michael Mehrazar likes this.
It's a vicious cycle of locking-in consumers, making a lot of money off that lock-in, then using that money on a mix of R&D, user interface design, exclusive contracts, and advertisements. All of which keeps the vast majority of consumers unaware or apathetic of their lack of control.
I recall telling someone once that something is wrong with having to reboot to upgrade your media player. The response was that was how it has always been. my response to that was that doesn't mean it's right, just that it's always been broken...
David "Judah's Shadow" Blue at 2015-07-05T14:28:52Z
Olivier Mehani, Efraim Flashner, lnxwalt@microca.st likes this.
Jason Self at 2015-06-24T02:28:05Z
Carlos Augusto ARES, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Yutaka Niibe, mray INACTIVE and 3 others likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), pipolandi, pipolandi and 1 others shared this.
Free as in Freedom at 2015-06-04T16:10:57Z
On, Free as in Freedom, Episode 0x56, Bradley and Karen discuss the VMware lawsuit that Software Freedom Conservancy is funding. The audio is available in both ogg and mp3 formats.
Drew Fustini, der.hans, Carlos Augusto ARES, Charles Stanhope and 4 others likes this.
Richard Fontana, Free Software Foundation, Defective by Design, Defective by Design and 5 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2015-05-22T17:50:16Z
testbeta, Yutaka Niibe, l30bravo, Krugor and 10 others likes this.
Yutaka Niibe, Kete Foy, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Douglas Perkins and 7 others shared this.
jrobertson at 2015-05-22T18:07:47Z
Douglas Perkins, Yutaka Niibe likes this.
victorhck at 2015-04-27T15:39:49Z
Si te gusta, usas, difundes y apoyas el software libre, ahora tienes unas cuantas imágenes, como la que muestra este artículo en la cabecera, que puedes utilizar para que todo el mundo lo sepa.
Bob Call, Carlos Augusto ARES, Matthew, RiveraValdez and 10 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, a(n) person, a(n) person and 6 others shared this.
Jason Self at 2015-03-11T16:57:58Z
Infieles Agraviado, Carlos Augusto ARES, Charles Stanhope likes this.
Jason Self at 2015-03-09T21:12:11Z
RiveraValdez, Carlos Augusto ARES, veleiro, Kete Foy likes this.
soloojos shared this.
How about mentioning what IceCat is? E.g. “a program to freeze kittens”…
Debacle at 2015-03-09T22:37:06Z
j1mc, Kete Foy, Christopher Allan Webber, Jason Self likes this.
"support for new operating systems"?
"New" as in, OSs that have not yet been written? I don't quite follow that...
hermesgabriel (antigua cuenta) Me mudé a hermesgabriel@mipump.es at 2014-11-06T19:04:40Z
Un equipo de investigadores españoles ha logrado imitar en ratones el mecanismo que permite a determinados animales, como peces y salamandras, regenerar sus miembros tras serles amputarlos. En concreto, han conseguido regenerar el corazón dañado de ratones adultos, una técnica que permitiría recuperar por completo el corazón de un paciente tras un infarto: "Hemos actuado en ratones a imagen y semejanza de como lo hace el pez. El resultado ha sido espectacular: el corazón del ratón se ha regenerado también"
Alejandro García, Carlos Augusto ARES likes this.
juancuyo, Carlos Augusto ARES, UBProgresistas, UBProgresistas and 3 others shared this.
Tranqui, no pasa nada xD
Ahora esta muuucho mejor!
Voy a ponerle a Dianara una proteccion para evitar estos lapsus =)
>> JanKusanagi:
“Tranqui, no pasa nada xD
Ahora esta muuucho mejor!
Voy a ponerle a Dianara una proteccion para evitar estos lapsus =)”
no hay mal que por bien no venga
hermesgabriel (antigua cuenta) Me mudé a hermesgabriel@mipump.es at 2014-11-06T19:29:55Z
hermesgabriel (antigua cuenta) Me mudé a hermesgabriel@mipump.es at 2014-08-20T01:19:50Z
#Libernix: Creación y retoque con software libre http://libernix.blogspot.com/2014/08/creacion-y-retoque-con-software-libre.html #gimp
Carlos Augusto ARES likes this.
JanKusanagi at 2014-07-29T13:20:18Z
Las malditas religiones si que son herejias ¬¬
PuppetMast3r, Diego Cordoba, Carlos Augusto ARES likes this.